Entry 914 - Entry 930

Entry 914 - September 30th, 2021

The belief that karma requires someone to be reincarnated because they made mistakes is, in my opinion, BS. With that limited definition, technically no one would make it out because everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes are an integral part of our journey in duality. There is no perfect journey, only journeys riddled with beneficial and harmful decisions. There is no single right way—there are multiple ways. Labeling parts of our choices as mistakes or not mistakes is based on our current relative perspective.

Not everyone will agree on what constitutes a mistake or a sin. The idea that there is a morally objective way to determine reincarnation is also bogus. How ironic is it that Einstein proves general and special relativity is the reality of our universe, yet we claim morality—which has been proven relative throughout centuries—is actually absolute.

Karma doesn't choose for you or force you to experience one thing over another; you choose how long you want to stay and how long you will go. Karma is a belief within a religion, just as eternal hell is a belief within another religion. You choose your lessons, your blessings, and everything in between. Call your choices from God or the devil, but eventually, you will realize your free will was real and was also a result of who you are.

Entry 915 - October 1st, 2021

If you want to learn to trust yourself, then travel solo. This forces you to learn to trust yourself, even if you think you cannot.

So many religions teach us to be codependent to keep us coming back, but the de-conditioning process can take longer if we aren’t forced into situations where we break free from prior habitual reactions instigated and reinforced by religion. However, if that is what we want to experience, we will take that longer route to understand what it is like going through that journey.

In religion from our past, they might have said, "You need to say this specific prayer to get out of bad decisions," or "You need to tithe this much money to get out of purgatory." They would have their list of "musts." However, when you break free from that mold, you also have to break free from prior programmed ways of living in the world that they imposed upon you—with your permission for them to do so.

Entry 916 - October 2nd, 2021

"When I speak of atoms and molecules having consciousness, I mean that they possess a consciousness of themselves as identities. I do not mean that they experience life in the same way as we do, but that they are aware of their own temporary separateness, and aware of the ways in which that separateness cooperates to form other organizations." – Seth Speaks

My footnote: Atoms and molecules obviously don't have the same physical senses that we do, but that doesn't mean they are any less than us. Just because atoms may be extremely small doesn't mean their existence is less valuable than ours. It's merely a different type of existence.

"In other terms, the world comes to know itself, to discover itself, for the Planner left room for divine surprise, and the plan was nowhere foreordained; nor is there anywhere within it anything that corresponds to your survival-of-the-fittest theories. This particular house exists. Yet you may open the door on any given day to a probable world from your immediate standpoint, and never know the difference. This happens all the time, and I mean all the time. This requires intense focus on how you are living life." – Seth Speaks

Entry 917 - October 3rd, 2021

Isn’t it interesting how many leaders within Christianity oftentimes make people feel “guilty” for critically thinking and questioning the doctrines of that belief system?

I remember the time someone gave a sermon on doubting Thomas and somehow linked asking hard questions with one’s “faith in Christ.” People who asked hard questions were then seen by some as those with “weak faith,” rather than as people who were smart for checking to make sure the doctrines being taught weren’t irrational or harmful to believe in.

Entry 918 - October 4th, 2021

Oftentimes, we don’t even realize it, but we give advice relative to our own personal lives.

Entry 919 - October 4th, 2021 (continued)

To truly judge someone correctly, you must know them as they truly are. Since only God is capable of that direct, unveiled knowledge—because God is not enveloped in the illusions we are entrapped in—your judgment will be horribly inaccurate.

I speak in Christian terms to prove a point to those who judge negatively. If you want to come somewhat closer to understanding someone, but again, not fully because you don't know them fully, you would need to choose an incarnation where you are transgender yourself (your body and brain do not match up).

Before you think that is impossible, remember the Jews believed people could come back to earth, as illustrated in the Bible when many assumed Jesus was Elijah reincarnated into a new body.

Then, experiencing what it is like as a transgender person could help you release religious and inadequate judgments about yourself and other transgender folks—if you can get to that level of acceptance, that is.

Though not all transphobes are transgender, some of the biggest transphobes are deeply affected by their own internalized transphobia. Instead of dealing with their internalized transphobia by seeking therapy, learning about it, and accepting themselves, they perpetuate hate on social media, encourage acts of harm, and spread fear in those living their truth or in those who also don't understand what it means to be trans.

Entry 920 - October 5th, 2021

What I notice is that people within spirituality who are still heavily identified with belief systems—specific to spirituality or new-age-related religions—either let go of fear-based identifications by moving beyond their limits, or they feel betrayed by their old identifications and adopt new fear-based beliefs that they then become identified with.

For example, when I left "mainstream Christianity" (a religion formed out of misinterpreting Jesus' words), I embraced some of spirituality's fear-based or limiting beliefs for a while before realizing how quickly I had fallen into another fear trap.

Over time, however, I let go of my identification with those beliefs as I did within mainstream Christianity. Now, I can appreciate the good and release the ugly because I am not limited by any of them.

Entry 921 - October 6th, 2021

Yes, at a macro level, we are all one in the sense that we are all energy. However, I think it’s counterproductive to take responsibility for other people’s lives, actions, ideas, etc., just because "we are all one."

Entry 922 - October 7th, 2021

What if we stopped seeing our illnesses and painful experiences as our worst “probable realities” and instead saw them as our bravest probable realities to venture into?

In these hardest probabilities, we experience the most exponential and intense growth afforded in this physical reality.

The type of growth that could not be experienced by living a mundane life with small irritations and challenges barely moving us from our positions of rest.

The type of growth that teaches us how to move mountains, heal our bodies from the worst pain, and cleanse ourselves from the deepest trauma.

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be taken through the worst storm to become the strongest version of myself than walk through "Candy Land," where challenges barely move me a few steps back.

Maybe that’s why my time abroad has been anything but easy.

Entry 923 - October 8th, 2021

When you embrace your multidimensional self, you don’t ever run out of time.

Time runs out of you.

You’re eternal. Time is temporary and relative.

Entry 924 - October 9th, 2021

I think when David Hawkins says his book calibrates to 980, similar to how he says Hindu scripture calibrates to a high number, I don’t think the super-consciousness of life is saying, "This point is the end-all-be-all truth."

Truth follows multiple lines of progression, and we’re constantly shifting our old beliefs for new beliefs within those lines of experience.

Similarly, we are sifting out current beliefs for new beliefs to expand ourselves. Maybe the super-consciousness of ourselves says to us, when we are on that line of progression toward a more refined and powerful self, "Yes, you’re heading in the right direction."

But once again, it’s not the end-all-be-all truth. For example, understanding that the observer and the observed are the same, as shown experimentally and verifiably in quantum physics, is a beneficial direction for understanding ourselves and the universe. But it’s not the end-all. There is still so much more to explore within that observation.

Entry 925 - October 10th, 2021

Certain Western religions, such as Christianity, may say the sinful nature is the evil part of you.

Certain Eastern religions, such as some sects within Hinduism, may say the ego is the evil part of you.

Notice the association? Many religions need to convince you that some part of you is evil so that you will give them your time, energy, and commitment in “denying" and "killing" that "evil" part of you (sinful nature, ego, etc.).

But Jesus taught a gospel that we were whole, are whole, and will be whole. Every part of us is divine and eternal. Nothing in us, of us, or around us ever wasn’t perfect in itself (by "perfect," I mean eternally expansive life).

It's our perspective that needs to change, and in doing so, our reality will shift with it.

In demonstrating this, Jesus not only pointed to his divine nature but to ours as well. He used words they already knew and expanded their meanings to fit a more inclusive and beneficial comprehension for growth, such as the word "sin" or "children."

He interpreted sin as a change of mind to change one's reality—not as some ugly, evil part of us that will require punishment for mistakes. He reinterpreted "children" as inclusive and welcoming rather than exclusive and closed to invitation.

When people called him blasphemous for saying he was the son of God, he said back to them, "Doesn’t your own scripture say ye are gods?"

When he said, "Repent of your sins," it was not in reference to mistakes, but to their idea of what sin was.

Entry 926 - October 19th, 2021

As above, so below.

Like a cake, there are layers of reality, layers of abstraction.

Just like atoms blink in and out of our universe, every day your body is blinking in and out of our universe.

According to this fact about quanta, which you are completely composed of: you are dead one second and alive another.

The consistency of your experience of matter only persists because you, as consciousness, allow it to be so.

When you die, your body may return to unmanifest energy, but your consciousness continues to expand depending on your choice.

So why are you afraid of something you overcome every minute through your mere existence?

Entry 927 - October 20th, 2021

It’s hard to argue with an open-minded person because, to them, you and they are both right. It’s not about the argument but rather the perspective that counts.

In the USA, it might seem barbaric to eat dogs and cats, but in other countries, that is completely normal.

In a small country, it might be normal to cut off someone’s arm for stealing, but in another country, that would seem completely barbaric.

In one moment in time, it might have been acceptable to stone a woman to death for sleeping with a man before she was married while letting the man live. But in another moment in time, it would make no sense to let the man off the hook because of his gender while killing someone over virginity in general.

Entry 928 - October 21st, 2021

Every relationship should be seen as an opportunity, not an obligation.

Entry 929 - October 22nd, 2021

The work of the soul: to wake ourselves up.

The work of God: to wake everyone up.

"I truly want what you truly want.

My joy is in your freedom, not your compliance." – Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

Entry 930 - October 23rd, 2021

It's like you were trying to tell me something with your eyes. It's like you knew the word but couldn’t truly verbalize it. It's like you knew the truth, but keeping it inside felt safer than sharing it.

And I knew too...

They say 90% of communication is nonverbal. We talk all day with our bodies, but when push comes to shove, we're silent with our words.

Maybe because it hurts to say it. Maybe because once we say it, there are expectations. Maybe because when we say it, we're afraid of the unknown. Maybe because when we say it, it'll change everything.

What about love scares us so much? Maybe the possibility that it’ll never be reciprocated the way we thought it would.


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