
Showing posts from August, 2021

To Whom it May Concern

Let me make this very clear to those who think I’m transitioning because they think it’s a man’s world and I’m jealous (real quick lmao). I’m not transitioning because I want to be a man. I’m transitioning in order for my body to match my brain because in my brain, I have always felt that I AM a man. To them, I have this to say: Do you think I really would want to go through all this extra trouble of taking a testosterone shot each week in my ass, getting top surgery, growing a penis just because I’m jealous? You really think ever since I started telling you as a kid that I am a boy was really just me being jealous and a massive phase that will eventually end? 25 years strong is quite the phase, my guy. Do you really think I prefer using the men’s restroom which constantly has pee splattered everywhere and smells like a dung house over a women’s restroom? Do you really think I want to stop having girl slumber parties??? Do you really think I want to go through all this trouble to have

Thought Dump Part 21

 June 2nd I have failed if all that I write is turned into another limited bs and irrational religious doctrine. I have failed if people follow my journey of life, read my writings, listen to my videos and podcasts and turn it into another morality trap where people are considered ‘woke’ if they listen to my stuff and ‘non-woke’ if people don’t. I have failed if people use my writings to steal, kill and destroy because instead of dealing with their trauma from society, religion, family and others in a healthy way, they project it onto others thus causing more trauma for themselves and for others. I have failed if people years from now read my writings and see me as some deified being while they consider everyone else as just mortal humans destined for either reincarnation/hell or paradise/heaven. I have failed if people live only through my experiences and they are too afraid themselves to explore other nations, cultures, traditions, religions, science and mathematics to f

Thought Dump Part 20 - Sexual Repression / Dating a Trans Man / It's Okay To Say How You Feel

  April 8th 2021 How sexual repression works, especially if you grew up in a fundamental Christian denomination that pushed purity culture down your throat, is that your gender expression and any other sexuality that wasn’t approved by the church became repressed by yourself so that you would be seen as “moral.” So how I repressed my gender expression (heterosexual trans man) was that I convinced myself that maybe I’m just asexual and I want to be a buff girl and that’s it. It didn't solve anything, but telling myself a lie was better than ending up dead. -- April 10th Reasons you should date a Trans Man 1. We Have practically lived two lives of being perceived differently in one, so we’re very much likely to understand and sympathize with many of your struggles as a women. 2. We can sympathize with what it feels like to get the monthly period and how to treat you right while you're going through it. 3. We’re really good at picking up signals normally only women can

Thought Dump Part 19

  July 25th 2021 The sinful nature doctrine in the west or the ego doctrine in the east are both attempts at moralizing action and both can be potentially harmful to those who submit to those belief systems. One reason as to why they can be harmful is because the person can endow the belief with a certain amount of power to hurt the entity physically in their temporary vessel on earth. Not only that, but it can create a strong dichotomy, within someone's thought process as in how they see themselves, others and their relationship with God/Source/Creator/All That Is/I Am. Every aspect of yourself is a part of consciousness. No aspect of yourself does not carry some part of All That Is (I am now saying this instead of God because when I say God, many from the western religions visualize a sky daddy limited in varying respects). To say that some portion of yourself is “evil”, that some part of yourself is “limited”, that some part of yourself is “seeing things wrong”, is a

Thought Dump Part 18 - Let's Transcend Flimsy Belief Systems / Prophets in the OT / Destructive Mindsets

  There are a lot of things people say that cannot be backed up by science. I want to continue the work of Einstein, Bohr, Higgs and more physicists by exploring the known universe, finding out more about the universe and sharing it with the world. I want to transcend the flimsy, limited and outdated belief systems of this world that are not based in science or mathematics, but are rather based on legends, myths, and oral history passed down from centuries. I want to create the connections, associations and realizations between mind and matter using classical and quantum physics to help people unite rather than cause more division by belief systems such as Christianity and other religions. I want to carry on Albert Einstein’s work of self-discovery utilizing intuition, visualizations, science and mathematics. I want to ride a ball of light to find the speed induced. I want to create coherency and discover as much as possible. More than anything, I want to know. -- I was c

Thought Dump Part 17 - You Manifest Your Reality / I'm attracted to the Dangerously Free / Join the Pondering

 The Christians that say "See revelation, the last book of the Bible is happening! The world is on fire!" I want to say, "Well if it is, it's because you guys manifested it by focusing your energy and attention on that probable reality! If we truly live in an omniverse of an infinite amount of potentiality with a multidunious amount of probable parallel universes, then through your attention on that reality, you quite literally attracted that to you through your attention. According to quantum physics, the observer and the observed are one. -- When I thought someone's life was going down hill, I used to say it was because they weren’t obeying God’s laws. I saw things dualistically and static, right vs wrong. Now when I look back at those moments, I realize it wasn’t a matter of obeying or not obeying, as in a static law etched into existence directly by God's hand, but rather it was more likely due to that person's unhealed trauma that so ha