Entry 382 - 382.93

Entry 382 - 11/13/20 

A Discourse On Triggers

Most people are going to have some sort of word that triggers stress, anxiety, or fear in their heart. This has nothing to do with you, but it does have something to do with their past that they have not reconciled and dealt with. Even though you are not responsible for their unhealed wounds from the past or the negative emotions not yet detached from meaningless words, you can help them not to get triggered if you are aware of the depth and sensitivity of someone’s trigger.

For example, say someone was in an abusive relationship, and every time someone says the word ‘carnival’ in a sentence, they instantly remember all the negative emotions from a memory they had with their abusive significant other at a carnival. Then, since the brain can’t tell the difference between past emotions and the present, they quite literally re-experience the painful, negative emotions in the present moment, causing themselves to suffer from a past experience that no longer exists. They might express those painful emotions through uncontrollable tears, panic attacks, and more.

They resurrect old wounds that have never been healed, and so the negative emotions linger in the memory and are now being expressed presently, even though, again, that experience no longer exists as they have broken up with the person and moved on, and you aren’t even at a carnival at the moment. It was simply the word that triggered the unhealed wound that carried the negative emotions never properly dealt with.

I want you to recognize that it is not your fault that they haven’t healed from it. It also isn’t your fault if you aren’t aware of someone’s triggers or how deep they go. Sometimes you may assume they are triggered by a certain word, but then you might realize from their emotional outbreak that it’s even more surface-level than you first imagined. Again, don’t be hard on yourself, because realistically, we are not all aware of every single person’s triggers to the extent that they even are, and so there may be times when a word you say exposes the unhealed wound and you didn’t know they were that sensitive to a word.

At that moment, it’s best to provide the person with love and support. Maybe hug them, reassure them that the memory is in the past and is no longer their reality. If they are worried about the future, remind them that the future has not happened yet and all we have is now. Remind them that we can choose to suffer from looking at the past and being anxious about the future, but that does absolutely no help to our mental state.

This is why I constantly stress meditation because it is the art of being present, being aware of what is happening right now, at this very moment. It re-trains your brain to stop living rent-free in the past that no longer exists, and in the future where there are so many unpredictable possibilities, and simply decide to reside in the peaceful, present moment. The entrance into eternal stillness of the now. The free-flowing garden of presence that we all have access to at any moment if we just open ourselves up to it.

Being present is the key to break free from triggers of all types, and when we are ready, we can make the courageous decision to go to the source of our triggers and dissolve the illogical and insane fear that stems from each of them. Having the realization that you are more than your body, that in the end all will be embraced in divine love, and refusing to breathe life into illusions such as fear and anxiety, will cause them to dissolve as quickly as they illusively appeared. We are more than our emotions, but we can choose to be forced into submission by negative ones if we choose not to deal with them and let them linger in our minds as unpaid and unwanted guests.

At the end of the day, it’s our choice to observe our triggers, bring awareness to them, find the source to which they latch on, dissolve the illusive source, and free that memory from all negative emotions, thus freeing ourselves from being captive to negativity when a word reminds us of a memory. By transforming a negatively emotionally charged memory into a neutral memory, we free ourselves from that trigger and can rest in more peace, knowing that we are less likely to fall slaves to any type of negativity and more likely to find peace in the present moment.

Entry 382.1 - November 23rd, 2020

What if healing is simply healing our perception of what "is"?

Instead of resisting or imposing our desires on reality through thought, we accept the present moment fully. This moment is the very experience we sent ourselves to have, an experience we secretly desired.

What if acceptance of "what is" opens the door to bliss and a peace that surpasses understanding?

Perhaps the goal is to move beyond stale thoughts and embrace the Now. No stale breadcrumbs from yesterday, just the fresh, present moment—exactly as it is, exactly as it should be.

Entry 382.2 - November 30th

"The aspect of God that could create was the aspect of myself as the Creator."

God is the I Am, so how could He be anything but what is? To deny or limit Him, to say He is not present in a flower or a snowflake, is to claim He isn’t everything.

Entry 382.3 - December 10th, 2020

The church didn’t kill the Gnostics solely for being heretics. Their messages undermined the church’s control over the masses.

The Gnostic message empowered people, but priests needed that power to keep people coming back. Without fear, there is no control. Teaching people they lack something is the first step to maintaining power over them.

Entry 382.4 - December 18th: Comfort in Death

Today marks a significant milestone in my life: I’m not only unafraid of death but find comfort in it.

The idea of a beautiful, quantum, interdimensional reality where I reunite with other consciousnesses excites me. It feels like a cosmic embrace—a big, galactic hug as all the fragmented parts of me come together. In that moment, things will make more sense. Fear will vanish, like an empty bag of ashes, as I propel forward in my evolutionary journey back to Source. What could be better than that?

Entry 382.5

I speak mostly in terms of energy, vibration, and frequency because these concepts are irrefutable. Where religion builds doctrines on top of these foundational truths without scientific evidence, arguments inevitably arise. These discussions then become about perception, which varies from person to person based on their reality.

Entry 382.5

Every human psyche contains both masculine and feminine energies. Eventually, we realize we are multidimensional, infinite, and balanced within. Yet, in this 3D experience of binaries and duality, we explore, learn, and grow. We incarnate as male, female, and androgynous beings. In some lives, we may suppress our feminine energy, while in others, as women, we may suppress our masculine side. Although our spirit is balanced, we desire our masculine and feminine energies to express harmoniously in our brain as well.

Entry 382.6

Don’t worry about them. Don’t take it to heart. It has nothing to do with you. We see what they’re doing, and it’s a reflection of their own pain. Their imbalance of masculine and feminine energy, their inability to relate to themselves, prevents them from connecting deeply. They haven’t touched the depths of their soul, so they can’t relate deeply to others.

Don’t worry, beloved. You’re doing everything you’re supposed to. You’re exploring the depths of your being, finding treasures, beauty, light, and darkness. You’re doing exactly what you’re meant to do by being yourself. We love you.

Entry 382.7

When you idolize something, it becomes perfect to you—whether it’s the Bible, a religion, or a belief system.

Entry 382.8

If the ego had a doctrine, it would be the doctrine of hell. No one who follows the ego is without fear of death. Yet, if death were seen as the end of pain, would it still be feared?

Nothing from the past can reach you here. In this holy instant, you are absolved, free, and holy without condemnation. From this place of holiness, you move forward without fear, unchanged by time.

Entry 382.9

The path of least resistance:

Your religion is four times removed from reality.
Words are thrice removed from reality.
Quantum physics, based on valid mathematical principles, is reality.

Entry 382.91- Sims just Simming 

What if people deemed to have mental illnesses in this life are simply extra-modified to spice up their own simulation and others' experiences?

Entry 382.92

What is a label? What does it do?
It defines. But what does define mean? It creates separation.
If separation is an illusion and all is energy, then any belief rooted in separation is also an illusion.
If only Jesus is one with God, then separation would be true, and we would all be doomed.


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