Surface Level vs Root Level Shadow Work

 I had an epiphany with shadow work when I was reading the Year of Forgiveness, a channelled book from Jesus by Tina Spaulding and it was this: When we do our shadow work, we must move beyond dealing with it in a surface level way, and instead go to the roots to find what is keeping all of them alive in our minds. So we will explore the intention to uproot all negativity, insecurities, fears, worries at its source, not at the stems. First I will use an example before going into the seemingly hypothetical of the mind.

Let’s say you have a car and every time you drive down a certain street you get a flat tire. Then, in order to fix it, you don’t go to the root of the problem, but rather you go to the surface level of the issue and fix it there. So there are going to be layers in this scenario and depending on what layer is addressed, there will be multiple other problems that stem if it is not addressed from the root level. 

For example, say once you get a flat tire you go directly to the auto shop and get it patched. However, the next day, you go down that same road and you get a flat tire again. So then you handle the problem once again at the surface level, and you go to the auto shop and patch it once more. However, by not solving the problem deeper, you are also causing other issues to happen that need to be addressed. For example, you are now late to work two days in a row, your rims are scraped badly because of the wear and tear of driving on a flat tire and so you must get new rims which costs you more money out of pocket. Then you don’t have enough money to pay the monthly bills and so you have to put it on your credit card. Now you have an outstanding credit card debt and you have to be very careful with how you spend your money. If you keep on this trajectory of only dealing with the problem at the surface level, because  eventually you will overwhelm yourself and hit rock bottom. 

So then the next step would be don’t go down that road, which saves you from potentially getting a flat tire. However, there is an even better way to solve it so that it not only benefits you, but everyone else who is on that road. You could call the mayor’s office, or the people in charge of the construction, and report nails being a problem on that street in which they were doing construction. By going to the root of the problem to help all, not just yourself, you allow not only you to not have a flat tire, but others, so that they also don’t end up in overwhelming debt from nails. 

Now let’s take this example and apply it to shadow work. You have triggers, insecurities, traumas, and negatively charged emotions that you are trying to break free from. If you go to the surface level of each trigger, it could take so much longer than simply going to the root of the problem. Also you won’t have to worry about repeating the solution over and over because it is not a surface level solution, it completely uprooted the source of your triggers, insecurities, traumas, etc so that they have no roots left. Only going to the surface is like cutting the weeds on the top part but leaving the roots so that they just grow back and cause pain in the future. So, that’s why I highly recommend brain training exercises such as A Course In Miracles Workbook, Conversations with God Guide Book, and the Book of Secrets by Osho which is a list of tantric meditation techniques that you can start applying today to completely uproot the source of your fears, insecurities, traumas, and negatively charged emotions. 

This will rapidly excel the healing process by guiding you slowly but surely as to where the roots of all your triggers and all your insecurities and as to why you cling to negative emotions for memories that no longer exist, and it will help you to drop them all at once, instead of one before the other with little improvement. Going to the root is smart, effective and worth it. The ego will try to resist because it knows you are leading it slowly to it’s death in the sense of no longer identifying with it’s insanity of separation, but ultimately it will lead to your complete freedom and realization of your all encompassing oneness with all. This is the journey you were meant to take. This is the path prepared for you. I promise it’s worth it. 


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