Entry 287 - Love is, Hate is not.


Love is intelligence, while hatred is stupidity.

Love is sanity because it speaks forth our true innocent nature as Sons of God, and hatred is insanity because the person believes the illusion of division is real when it’s not.

Love is order and hatred is disorder. Love is unity, hatred is division. Love is invulnerable to illusions, hatred relies on illusions. Love is equal, hatred is unequal. Love is we are all brothers and sisters. Hatred is I am better than you. 

Love is true peace, hatred is chaotic destruction. Love heals, hatred opens wounds. Love inspires, hatred conspires. Love mends together, hatred separates. Love is oneness, hatred is duality. Love says I am the answer to every source of every problem, hatred says I will answer pain by giving pain because I have a right to.

Love releases karma through forgiveness, hatred creates more karma through grudges. Love is the way we find our true nature, hatred is the way we get lost in false nature. True love has no conditions, hatred holds many. Love is our meaning, hatred is meaningless. Love creates a beautiful awareness in the now, hatred needs the past and future to sustain the hate in one’s heart.

Love is, hatred is not. Follow the truth, not the illusion and be set free.


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