Entry 277 - Toxic Identification


Sin is oftentimes unconsciously identified with failure within Christianity.

That is highly toxic because instead of encouraging people to fail knowing it’s part of success, people are afraid to fail because they associate failure with sin.

A dualistic perspective dipped in fear oftentimes fosters the belief that sin is failure rather than as a mistake. This can be toxic because it can fuel the belief that one is better than the other, which makes people afraid of failure instead of embracing the lessons we learn from it when it comes.

A unity perspective celebrates both failure and success because they both brought the person to their current evolution.

The unity perspective only sees not trying as true inherent failure because it stops the natural eb and flow of evolution which is our purpose in life. 

People who never try, go out, explore, experience, but choose to stay in their small little safe bubble are those who are not learning from their failures and growing (how they were designed to be) but are sitting quite literally in the middle of existential failure.

It’s as if you were sitting in a bubble, with predictable interactions within the bubble. If you get out of the bubble, you can learn new lessons, but by sitting in the bubble, you stop your growth. 

Lessons are when you learn from a situation. We learn from both positive and negative events. Both our successes and failures. Both are a natural part of our evolution. We must stop seeing failure as the enemy of God and embrace it as a lesson to help us evolve into who we are meant to be. 


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