Entry 279 - Conveying One's Message


As a storyteller, tone is extremely important because I use it often within my stories to make people laugh. I know there are certain tones I use that will be better than others in order to get more people to laugh. I also know coherency, annunciation, and body language are also all incredibly important to paint a memory that they can quite literally hop into and imagine themselves as if they are currently there.

Similarly, when we have conversations, we can convey our message in many different ways and how they take it can be influenced by their perspective, but we can also influence perspective by how we speak. If you want to come off as a threat, you can utilize tone to do so just like you can utilize body movements and the volume of your speech as well.

Similarly, if you want to convey love to someone, you can also utilize tone and so forth to do so. If we speak robotically to someone, we might get our message across but what would that convey? We might say tone isn’t important and choose to use whatever we feel is best based on what we think is best for me, but not what we feel is best for them, and what good will that do? Yes we conveyed our message but did they even receive it? Or did we potentially make them uncomfortable or defensive with our body language, tone, or volume?

You might focus on just conveying the message, while some people are focused on conveying their message in such a way that will benefit the other person. And that goes to my next point. I truly believe love is the answer to our deepest wounds.

With our words, tone, volume, body language and so forth, we can either add to someone’s wounds or add love. Why would we not take every opportunity to give love in whatever way possible?

Love is an extremely powerful force in the universe that harnesses the ability to heal, forgive, transform and much more on whoever it is applied to. Therefore, the goal of my every encounter is to convey love with whatever message I am giving at the moment.

Therefore to me, tone becomes highly important, not necessarily for what it is in itself, but more so in its ability to transfer love or its failure to transfer love.

If someone doesn’t think tone is important, then they won’t consider it in conversations with other people. We tend to put focus and attention on what we deem as “important.” 

However, if someone sees that transmitting love to that which they speak to is the most important thing, then they will strive in every way possible to send love to that person through their hand gestures, words, tone and so forth.

It’s then not simply about conveying the message clearly and coherently, but healing this person by sending them the love they so deeply desire and which has the potential to heal. It becomes less about one person, and more about us. 

If they are trying to convey a message but use tones, volume etc in such a way that makes the other person defensive, then they are much more likely to not accept that person’s message. So if conveying a message is your primary purpose in conversations, then you should consider tone because without considering how others feel, there’s a good chance they also won’t consider your message.


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