Entry 1,612 - Entry 1,618


Entry 1,612 - November 11th, 2022

If you have a relationship with someone, it’s because you perceive both of you as separate.

If you say that you have a relationship with God, you are still perceiving a separation between you and God.

Until you see that the observer and the observed are one, that separation will impact you in every part of your life.

Realizing your oneness with God is dissolving the separation you once believed existed between you and God.

Entry 1,613

Flaws I'm learning about myself:

I exhibit potentially self-sabotaging behavior if I am in denial that I am attracted to someone or if it doesn't work out. I habitually respond with, “Oh, I wasn’t even attracted.” That's my ego being insecure.

I am scared to make the first move.

Entry 1,614 - November 25th, 2023

I am passionate about the art of acting. I've taken acting classes before, but they were all part-time, and that wasn't enough to feed me. I'm looking for a higher level of intensity that can match my passion for acting, and these year-round MFA acting classes at UIUC seemed like a great fit.

Entry 1,615 - January 4th, 2023

Just like our brain is a hard drive that stores information, the Earth has its own hard drive that stores information called the geomagnetic force, and it can be universally accessed if one knows how to do so.

Similarly, just like Earth has its own hard drive that stores information, the Sun also stores information in light. Memory is transferred to “more reliable sets of storage” as it goes up the chain of the galaxy.

Entry 1,616 - January 5th, 2023

I don’t need religion, I need to listen.

I don’t need religion to tell me not to be addicted to sense pleasures. Telling someone not to be addicted doesn’t change anyone.

I need to listen.

I don’t need religion to tell me to love God and my neighbor.

I need to listen.

I don’t need religion to tell me which words are true and which are false.

I need to listen.

All words are symbols of expression. They are not real. They can point to illusions or reality, but they themselves are symbols and nothing more. The vibrations behind them are what is real.

When I listen, I am present. When I’m present, I am aware.

Awareness is the key to freedom because freedom is our reality.

When we tap into the present moment, we tap into our freedom.

When I am listening, I don’t need to be reminded not to be addicted to sense pleasures because those addictions melt away.

When I am listening, I don’t need religion to tell me to love God and my neighbor because my awareness of love as everyone’s essence is remembered in my listening.

I don’t need to rely on religion to tell me which words are true or false because in my listening, I remember words are simply symbols and that my awareness goes deeper than symbols that proceed from the mouth or are written on a page.

Entry 1,617 - January 6th, 2023

There exist billions of Christians, but why are a majority of them that we encounter judgmental, rude, and blending in? They claim to be “special” or “saved,” but unless they wore a cross or said, "Jesus," on average, their actions would be indistinguishable from everyone else’s actions.

I’ve come to the realization that even those who are “attuned to Jesus’ frequency,” or what I like to say, “borrowing his energy,” are no different than most people. Some Christians may argue, “Well, they’re not real Christians,” but that’s invalidating, which is rude and narrow-minded. When did these Christians ever assume that they could accurately judge someone else’s relationship within their religion?

I’ve realized that borrowing someone else’s frequency, their battery power for themselves, doesn’t fix their own frequency. It’s like if you were a triple-A battery and you said, “I’m borrowing a triple-D battery from Jesus to get through the day.” Okay, well, you’re still just a triple-A, and you’re going to continue to only be a triple-A battery until you take the time to upgrade your own battery so that it can handle a higher voltage.

Yes, you can keep “borrowing energy” from masters beyond the grave, but you’re then just living on borrowed energy. If someone keeps letting me borrow their car to go to work, school, or the grocery store, it’s really nice, but it doesn’t give me a strong urge to fix up my own broken car because I’m borrowing someone else’s. But when we take a step back and realize maybe we could benefit a lot from working on our own energy, our own evolution could be a lot faster and even deeper than before.

Maybe then we wouldn’t be so codependent on a master’s energy to get us through the day and instead work on ourselves so much that we realize that we can—and always have been able to—manufacture and generate that much energy entirely within ourselves! Perhaps for the people down deep in the drains of despair, it could be helpful for a little bit, but as we can see with Christianity, it’s not enough to change the world when Christians are borrowing Jesus’ energy without working on their own.

If it were actually that effective to change the state of the world by borrowing energy and not doing the work ourselves, then the world we live in would not look the way it does now. Reality speaks louder than words rooted in wants. People want it to work, but centuries later, Christianity has been a mass cause for extreme colonization, war, bloodshed, and mass conversions against people's will. If people really worked on their energy, this wouldn’t still be happening in Christianity.

So my takeaway is that we should be focusing on upgrading our personal batteries as much as possible. When you absolutely can’t do it, reach out to those around you. It is truly special to suffer and win with the ones God gave you in your present moment. And if for any reason you hit absolute rock bottom, then borrow energy, but don’t make it a habit to be codependent on a master’s energy to the point where you stop working on your own.

I see it as a last-resort attunement, not a daily codependent loop where you’re harvesting their energy for yourself in replacement of upgrading your own and becoming your own generator. I’d say, according to Hawkins’ calibrated consciousness scale, anyone in the 200s and below of consciousness might be very dependent on a master’s energy, but once they reach the 300s, it would really benefit them to work on increasing their own voltage and generating it from within.

It’s great to get help, but once you’re so codependent on another’s energy, your evolution halts because they’re doing the work for you.

Entry 1,618

I’d say at my current age, 27, I’m primarily in a state of latent activation. I call this the state where you plant the seed for most and harvest automatically for some.

At this state, I leave people with a piece of something to discover more within themselves, but it’s not total activation.

Although, in order for total activation to work, the person has to want it. People who don’t want to change and stay in their current state will not be totally activated either.

So, for example, when I pick people up with Lyft, most of the time, I know I won’t see a sudden change in people right away, but I have a knowing that what I leave with them will one day lead to a deeper activation when they are ready to explore it.

I’d say 1 in every 25 encounters, I will witness an instant activation where the person is inspired to do something right at that moment, such as quit alcohol. After simply sharing with this one guy that I don’t smoke or drink, he took his brand-new bottle of whiskey, threw it in the trash, and told me thank you. These moments shock me just as much as they probably shock anyone else.

But the point of power—or otherwise known as activation—is not in me but in the power of the present moment. Presence, being, Source, I Am, is extremely powerful, and if you hold space to channel that Presence, it will activate if the person is willing and ready.

Because of free will, the person must be willing, or else the opportunity will subside for another time when they are ready. So I simply try to remain a channel of presence by being present to help people either be activated now or later. I’m on the journey of how I can accentuate and amplify activation, so I’ll keep you updated.


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