Journal Discourse Part 70

Propaganda is when any country, group, institution, etc. makes a long laundry list of deceiving complaints by criticizing their citizens for an influx of greenhouse gases when they are the ones that chose to experiment with nuclear weapons and atomic bombs, causing even more intense greenhouse gases. By them passing the blame to their citizens for being the predominant problem by driving innocently to work in their cars, they are exhibiting top tier gaslighting behavior. 


Healthy skepticism is questioning the claims of blame when the people in power are those who are making the most disastrous moves over those with less power.


November 1st 2022

My Prediction For The Future

The Anti-Christ, which is just a Christian way of saying a person who is incredibly anti-humanity, pro-murder and pro-oppression, will rise up and attempt to reign over the world. He will never be fully successful, and his own devices will be turned on him from within. His victory is written in with his preeminent downfall. Both will be fleeting. Both will be fast.

Since Christendom (the religion of Christianity) has murdered millions, if not billions, of people over the centuries in the name of God, they will finally reap their punishments in full. Those who still swear allegiance to the religion will also partake of its punishment for the church's evil behavior disguised as good unless they refuse to no longer serve and submit to that religion. The religion will continue to convince people that if they follow the priests and the pastors of the church, they are following the true Creator, but it is a grand illusion used to keep the religion fortified and strong. The religion will serve the Anti-Christ and then the Anti-Christ will then destroy the religion.

Similar to how Hitler worked with the Pope and advanced his goals of genocide, the Anti-Christ will work with Christianity, mainly the branches that hold the most political and economic power, and he will attempt to advance his goals that way. Then, when Christianity no longer serves a purpose for the Anti-Christ, he will have the Church leaders that served him assassinated. The Anti-Christ will punish the Christian church for all the evil it did throughout the centuries. Hence, the evil has full permission to destroy evil. For all the times the Christian church has colonized, murdered, stole land, oppressed women, used the holy books as a reason to treat humans as property, beaten them, enslaved them, they will receive full punishment for their actions.

The other major religions that follow the harmful patterns and ideologies of Christianity will also be punished for their genocide, colonization, and oppression of women. Then Christianity and the other major religions with harmful patterns and ideologies alongside Christianity will fall down and crumble. These types of religions will then become the minority in the world, and the other religions and groups that do not adhere to religious beliefs that are more connected to oneness, sharing land instead of killing to get the land, lending a hand, treating others equally regardless of race or gender, will rise up as the leaders and protectors of the Earth and all which inhabit the Earth. This is not a maybe. This will happen. What comes up must come down. The law of the universe is balance, and any religions that rose to the top through bloodshed, murder, and oppression will now face the consequences of their actions.

Christians who submit to the religion of Christianity will think that they are being persecuted because they believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. However, that is what the Church has programmed them to believe. The Church will have successfully convinced these Christians that their allegiance to Christianity is allegiance to God, and they will see themselves dying as martyrs when they're actually dying for the Apostate Church. It is important for these Christians to know ahead a time that many people believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and still do not submit and serve the Christian religion.

The powerful Christian branches will merge so easily with the Anti-Christ to help him take over the world. The ones that don't will dissolve away like wisps of smoke. The Christian branches that merge will believe that he is doing so to make Christianity the one world religion, and because they believe they are serving God by making it the one world religion, they will happily join forces to become more powerful.

Therefore, these Christians will support that goal by any means necessary, just as they have done in the past. If that means murdering people, they will allow the Anti-Christ to do so because this is what they did for centuries. But their own desire to rule the world with one religion as in the past, will be their imminent downfall for good. For centuries, Christian churches stated they were commanded by God to murder everyone to regain specific land, to keep slaves, and other oppressive acts during Biblical times and also after Biblical times. After the Biblical times, they justified their horrendous actions on the thousands of Bible verses which were pro-murder and pro-harm as permission to break the laws of the Ten Commandments.

They blamed it on God saying it was what these people deserved for not following their God. Little do they know, this last bloody attempt from the religion of Christendom will be their downfall, that is IF they take the bait. There is a small chance that a majority will choose to surrender, ask for forgiveness, and to not help the Anti-Christ. But based on their programmings from their leaders, it is a very slim chance. If they do the latter, the Anti-Christ’s downfall could be much faster because instead of the Pope and other Church leaders in power using the common folk's many resources for the Anti-Christ’s victory, they will use their resources to support the underground movement of resistance.


Once you reach a certain level of spiritual experience and you feel oneness more consistently, then even a sexual orgasm is no different from riding Magic Mountain at Disneyland, or watching a movie, or laughing. No outward sensual pleasure relates to the inner feeling of bliss one experiences when it happens.

That’s why the religions that try to make their followers resist their addictions make it actually harder for their people. Instead, they should be encouraging these people to go even faster down the road of realizing their oneness with all.

Tapping into the divinity of this present moment is the essence of oneness. Once that is done, all addictions will fall out and no longer bind you.

For if you are one with all, what is there to resist?

What can bind that which knows it is infinite?


November 4th 2022

Telling someone to give up their desires to become enlightened is like telling a kid not to have fun at the playground. Life is a playground not a jail cell, jeez.

These people are missing the whole point. It isn’t the desire that causes issues. It’s someone's unhealthy relationship with themselves and others which cause issues, but that still doesn’t mean they need to throw the baby out with the bath water just because they have issues with that.

News flash! Everyone has issues! XD

November 5th 2022

This might seem weird, but I see orgasms like I see heat warmers. It serves a particular function and I only use it to achieve that purpose, but i’m not a slave to its function. For example, when my feet are cold then I’ll orgasm because I know it’ll send heat down to my feet faster than taking a warm shower.

Orgasms have as much value to me as food would. To me, it’s an experience. It’s something that serves a function for when my body can benefit from it.


November 8th

In my opinion, when someone thought they received an answer that the Book of Mormon was true, it was because they were finally vibrating at the same frequency of the follower's of that religion and received that frequency as their inner confirmation for it to be true. This can be applied for any and all religions.

I think after Jesus went to India, he was already influenced by those religions and many Jews were not ready to hear what he was saying from the view of what he learned while in India.

He said Judaism didn’t understand that we are one with the divine, and so they claim that he was trying to say that he was God, when Jesus was trying to show that everyone was one with God.

I also think they were confused because they didn’t understand the cultural context of what Jesus was saying from what he learned in India about the guru relationship.


November 9th

Phones are the closest thing we have to magic wands.

They’re an exterior object that allows us to manipulate energy using electricity in the form of technology.

As they are programmable, they can either create or destroy others through thoughts, words and actions.

It's a combination of manipulation of hardware and software.


I don’t need religion, I need to listen.

I don’t need religion to tell me not to be addicted to sense pleasures. Telling someone to not be addicted doesn’t change anyone.

I need to listen.

I don’t need religion to tell me to love God and my neighbor.

I need to listen.

I don’t need religion to tell me what is the true words and what are the false words.

I need to listen.

All words are symbols of expression. They are not real. They can point to illusions or reality, but they themselves are symbols and nothing more than that. The vibrations behind them are what is real.

When I listen, I am present. When I’m present, I am aware.

Awareness is the key to freedom because freedom is our reality.

When we tap into the present moment, we tap into our freedom.

When I am listening, I don’t need to be reminded to not be addicted to sense pleasures because those addictions melt away.

When I am listening, I don’t need to religion to tell me to love God and my neighbor because my awareness of love as everyone’s essence is remembered in my listening.

I don’t need to rely on religion telling me which words are true or false because in my listening, I remember words are simply symbols and my awareness goes deeper than symbols that proceed from the mouth or written on a page.


The truly intelligent human being will appreciate the less intelligent and see that they are just as important as the intelligent. For they both serve their own purpose unique to their own contribution to creating a world of duality for all to play within.


November 10th

The problem with the non-doer ship doctrine is that is it contradicts the idea that we are each responsible for our own actions. And if you don’t believe you are the one doing it, then how are you to take responsibility for it?

This belief is similar to the other ones where people use them to escape responsibility. We are both the one playing and being played by ourselves. To believe in a belief that believes we aren’t is to become lopsided in our understanding of reality.

The character is no less than the one playing the character, in the sense that awareness is played both within matter and beyond matter. Awareness is not a force of nature against free will. It is the driving force to it, and our expression of it is our unique experience.


I think the reason why I don’t vibe well with the Ananda religion and their belief to do everything the master says without thinking about it or rebelling against is because I’ve been a complacent puppet for the Christian religion for most of my life, and I have no desire to continue on that habitual type of predictive programming any longer.

The reality is, each religion has a level of complacency that they expect you to adhere to. In the Ananda religion, they expect you to become a dependent devotee of Yogananda before you receive Kriya yoga. There’s over 10 months of classes before being able to receive it, but most of these classes seem more like channels of information with the intention to break down your independent will in order to make you a willing follower of their master.

The issue is that I am still recovering from blindly following leaders of the Christian religion, so it does me no good to make this my main path and willingly following this deceased but divine man named Yogananda and to enter a dependent state of submission to his will and his attunement. How does one develop any sense of independence if they are constantly relying on someone outside of them to give them energy, attunement for their vibrations, and to tell them what to do? I’m not a kid any longer. I’m an adult, so why are religions so bent on trying to keep us behaving like kids rather than letting us pull up our own fucking pants and walk our own path?

Then, when it seems fit, we can ask for advice, but never would we feel the urge to accept blindly the guidance of a guru without first thinking about it. Never would we accept their advice without first testing it. We wouldn’t fall into a trap of complacency, but rather walk boldly along our own path, appreciating the help as we go along, but not dependent on it.

Plus, you learn faster if you know why a lesson came, versus someone telling you to do something and not understanding why. That's the equivalent of someone giving you the answer to a 20-minute calculus problem, rather than you going through the necessary work to learn how to do it yourself. In my opinion, evolutionary progression is much faster when one works through it by themselves rather than drawing constant energy from someone else. Especially when these gurus tell them what to do "to evolve" when they don't understand why. Is that really evolving?


November 10th

Embracing your darkness doesn’t mean you hurt other people…

It means you fully love and accept all your flaws alongside your strengths, instead of running away from them. This frees you from residual pain of living in the past and helps keep you present.

This opens you to the power of balance. You accept both your divinity (symbolized by light) and your humanity (symbolized by darkness).


Don’t be afraid of yourself. You are so much more than the dark and the light.


Religion is an extension of man because it is the instrument used for good and bad.

No religion has been proven to only be good and thus, proves religion is a human construct.


If you have a relationship with someone, it’s because you perceive both of you as separate.

If you say that you have a relationship with God, you are still perceiving a separation between you and God.

Until you see that the observer and observed are one, that separation will impact you in every part of your life.

Realizing your oneness with God is dissolving the separation you once believed existed between you and God.


Twice in the 4th chapter of Deuteronomy (verses 35 and 39 respectively), the Torah says:

"You were shown to know that the L-rd is G‑d, there is none else beside Him.

Know today, and take unto your heart, that the L-rd is G‑d, in the heavens above and the earth below, there is none else."

If all there is God, then there is none else but God. So why are we so focused on the illusion of separation?


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