Entry 1,454 - Entry 1,470

Entry 1,454 - September 29th, 2022

The reasons why I think many Christians criticize those outside of their church walls who are clairvoyant (knowing information beyond the physical senses) as people who are “talking to demons” or “demon-possessed” are, firstly, because their pastors and priests condition them to think that way, and secondly, because they have not yet realized that the evolutionary growth in empathy and oneness leads to shared communication beyond the physical senses. 

It might help to open these Christians up to seeing how empathy can grow beyond the senses by using a common example that they can grasp. The one I like to use is if they’re in a relationship, the empathetic, loving connection between them and their partner grows and becomes stronger over time. Sometimes, your spouse might not even say a word, but the other spouse can still pick up their unsaid feelings.

And to add to this example, the spouse doesn't need to be in the same room to pick up their feelings. Feelings can be conveyed beyond the space-time continuum. It's just a matter of how connected someone is to the emotional vitality of themselves and others that gives them access to breakthrough information beyond the outer senses.

Just like there are varying levels of awareness, there are varying levels of empathy. Those who have spent time tuning into their own emotional system to intuitively understand themselves will be able to more easily tune into others as well. I believe it’s a natural byproduct of some amount of self-realization to be able to receive information beyond the physical senses.

This is why emotional intelligence is so important. If someone doesn’t understand their own emotions, how are they going to understand the emotions of others? If they are afraid of their own emotions, how will they have the courage to hear and be there for others when they express their emotions? Now imagine these people who are low on emotional intelligence signing laws, making rules, and making decisions on behalf of a state, or even the whole country. The stakes are raised drastically, as are the consequences of each person who does not understand basic empathy.

When I give a clairvoyant reading for someone, I don’t ask a demon for the information. The belief in demons is a Christian doctrine that stems predominantly from pagan religions. Their definition of demon is also different from mine. What they label as a demon, I label as self-trauma. 

If no one consents to a demon inhabiting their body, then how are they possessed against their free will? That would mean humans don’t have free will granted to them because they are possessed against their will. So again, that doctrine has many holes and nonsensical points that they should try to patch up first before using it as an excuse to criticize others.

When I do a reading, I simply attempt to increase the empathetic connection between me and the person who consensually wants a reading. I don’t invoke a random spirit. I merely imagine a visual where our personal empathetic energies are temporarily meeting for the reading. This is done all the time, all throughout the day, by everyone and their personal connections—oftentimes unbeknownst to the people involved.

The more you think about someone, visualize someone, or imagine someone, the more you create an emotional connection to that person, whether good or bad. That connection then establishes a free flow of emotions between each person. If you are more emotionally in tune with yourself, you’ll have a higher chance of picking up the thread of emotional communication that goes beyond the physical senses.

If you are not in tune with your emotions and severely lack empathy, then you are less likely to pick up the subtle emotional communication that goes beyond the physical senses. Just like you are not calling a demon when you establish this connection by thinking, visualizing, or imagining a person, nor am I when I do a reading. There is no one who knows themselves better than the person who is being read, so how would it even make any logical sense to ask a third-party entity about the person you are reading? It doesn’t.

A doctrine of demons was further popularized by C.S. Lewis' book The Screwtape Letters, causing many Christians to believe that since demons "can never die," all they do every day is watch over us and gather information to bring us to eternal damnation. But that belief also elevates demons to a state of divinity by giving them eternal characteristics, which were originally only prescribed to God, further causing confusion within their already confusing doctrines around demons.

My personal belief is that everyone is clairvoyant, though some are better at tuning into their inner senses than others. Nonetheless, everyone has the capacity to increase their emotional intelligence, thus enabling them to pick up the subtle emotional communication between all that goes beyond the physical senses.

Entry 1,455 - October 1st, 2022

Those Pentecostal churches where they lay their hands on someone and then that person starts shaking—that is, more often than not, them bringing up living trauma in their body that cries out daily to be seen, heard, felt, and expressed. These Christians believe that if they are touched by the man with the Holy Spirit through his hands, he will release demons from their body.

I think it's much easier to see tension in our body as trauma rather than as an immortal and death-defying demon. These strange demon doctrines circulating in certain Christian denominations definitely do more damage than help in these communities, and one can tell based on how this parched and dry doctrine negatively impacts their psyche when they believe anyone can be possessed against their will.

I personally think there's no need to use confusing religious labels that rely on invisible doctrines to create an invisible reality that no one can perceive with their senses. Why freak yourself out with charged religious labels like "demon" if you don't have to? Why not call it trauma and go from there? Why would anyone want to make it more complicated than it needs to be?

Trauma is the buildup of unresolved conflict, unresolved emotions, unresolved suffering, that begins to channel energy through the ego to stay alive. Any chance it has to express itself, it will do so in order to feel seen and heard. Trauma will try in every way possible to work with the ego to be activated so that the trauma can be seen and heard.

If you truly believe in free will, then it would make literally no sense that you were non-consensually possessed by an outward entity defined by Christianity to be a demon. That would infringe on your rights to your free will. This is because if you truly don’t have free will, and you are merely pushed and pulled solely by outward forces that can invade you whenever they want, then you are never truly free.

You are only a byproduct of that which temporarily exists, and your existence is but a blink in the eyes of life. I sure do hope you believe in free will; otherwise, that bleak belief in your overall reality of ceasing to exist with autonomy is truly depressing, to say the least.

Entry 1,456 - October 2nd, 2022

Acting Synopsis

When Kristin Linklater says, "Breathing can be organized to support differing demands," I thought of all the possible ways one, as a potential character, could breathe. If we don’t have a basic awareness of our current breathing patterns, how could we develop the awareness necessary for how a character breathes? I think it’s great that we are coming into the realization of our breathing patterns—of how our breath reflects in how we walk, how we talk, and how we interact with the physical environment around us.

This foundational awareness of breath will be the portal towards awareness of the characters we will embody in plays. While reading the commentary, I was shocked to read that we all have a basic universal breath that tends to be around 4 seconds. I would assume that air intake and outtake would depend on the depth of our personal air capacity within our lungs, and that depth would be contingent on either stress or the lack thereof, but also on how big one’s lungs are.

The part where Kristin talks about the difference between a big breath and a sigh of relief was also very interesting. It reminded me of the difference I felt when taking a controlled big breath versus being genuinely relaxed in my body and feeling the connection between thinking and feeling all throughout my body. Allowing myself to walk around the room feeling that deep connection constantly has been huge. Lastly, the relinquishing of control by allowing the aid of gravity to take us was also pivotal for me. It helped me realize how much I try to control my body against my body’s natural impulses in that moment. I look forward to doing more of these exercises in class.

Entry 1,457 - October 3rd, 2022

People who evolve fast get used to challenging their beliefs constantly. They get used to the uncomfortable feeling of having one’s foundational perspective challenged.

Entry 1,458 - October 4th, 2022

The faster one forgives, the faster one can let go.

Entry 1,459 - October 5th, 2022

Misery arises when one attempts to find eternal happiness in that which only provides temporary happiness.

This mismatch could be within a career, within a goal, or even within objects that attract our temporary desire. All that temporary forms of matter can give you is borrowed time for short-term, temporary happiness. Its value does not go beyond form.

Eternal value transcends the form and formless. It is the oneness that is found within all and within nothing. Eternal value is linked to our eternal happiness.

If we can find eternal happiness regardless of form or formlessness, regardless of activity or non-activity, regardless of being rich or poor, regardless of getting what we want or not getting what we want, then we partake of heaven right here, right now. No object or thought of separation can consistently reinforce misery into the life of someone who has realized oneness in their life.

They no longer confuse temporary happiness for eternal happiness and find joy regardless of outward or inward circumstances. They find joy in simply being. This joy never runs out because it is connected to the part of us that reflects the oneness of our Source. To want nothing is to know you already have everything by virtue of being one with all.

Entry 1,460 - October 4th, 2022

If one goes into meditation but cannot sustain a more relaxed brainwave state, then their mind will start to drift off, and soon enough, they will fall asleep.

It is best to practice meditation upright so that one can learn to sustain more relaxed brainwave states without the added temptation of falling asleep when the body is lying down.

The habit of the body, programmed by the subconscious, is to fall asleep when the body is in a position of lying down. Until one is able to stay aware and override the subconscious desire to fall asleep, it is best to meditate in a sitting position.

Entry 1,461 - October 5th, 2022

The more enlightened one becomes, the less they are likely to see themselves as superior to others, and the more likely they are to see all as their divine teachers.

The more enlightened ones come as an example of true humility. They see the divinity in everything and the equality of love that is the power of all.

The more enlightened one becomes, the less likely they are to trigger themselves or others to react from a place of trauma, and the more likely they are to have the desire to help others release trauma by showing them their own innate power connected to the All.

The more enlightened one becomes, the less likely they are to take things personally and the more they see that people act from a place of familiarity. They react from past habitual patterns of reaction—based on previous family members' reactions, or what they learn from their friends or TV. Because the more enlightened ones realize this, they are less likely to take it personally when others react from an unconscious place.

The more enlightened one becomes, the less likely they are to attempt to prove themselves better and the more likely they are to have the desire to uplift anyone who sees themselves as less.

The role of an enlightened one is to be none other than an example, not a domineering, overbearing force to be seen as better. They see equality in themselves with everything and everyone. Even when people project the idea that an enlightened one is better than them, the enlightened one sees that person with the same view of divinity as they see themselves.

The enlightened one desires to uplift equanimity and equality in all of creation without disbanding the unique gift of individuality expressed throughout creation. They have less of a desire to control and more of a desire to free. They realize freedom is a reality of our being that we remember, not a state of reality that we must achieve outwardly.

The more enlightened ones of society exhibit their truth unapologetically and unashamedly, with the sole desire to love without expecting anything in return because they realize their oneness with everything is their reception and connection to all Love.

Entry 1,462 - October 7th, 2022

Part of the play is providing the means for people to experience their passions. For example, if someone spends seven precious years of their life learning the art of medicine to become a doctor, but then no one buys their products, that career cannot become a viable way for them to support themselves. They would then have to find another career where people are still spending money so they can pay off their medical student loan debt.

Another example: just as someone might take DayQuil and NyQuil when suffering from a nasty cold or flu, there are other medications that deal with all sorts of things. The medication itself is not always a means to an end, but a sort of mediator until the body can function properly on its own. Then there are some medications that quite literally are life-saving in themselves.

Many trans people have been saved by medication allowing for a more thorough transition through the reversal of primary and secondary sex characteristics via hormone replacement therapy. If they didn’t have access to this medication, many could—and have—become unalived through suicide because the chronic stress of having the mismatch between brain and body can become unbearable. Another example is a diabetic who needs insulin to survive.

This doesn’t mean there aren’t circumstances where medication may not be needed anymore, but knowing when it is or isn’t necessary varies from person to person. Could you fight off the flu without taking Advil or NyQuil to lessen the symptoms? Sure, but the downside of not having medication is that it sucks to go through the flu without it.

Entry 1,463 - October 5th, 2022

Convince me otherwise: Religion is glorified psychology with biased morality.

Entry 1,464 - October 6th, 2022

Trees have so much unconditional love to offer us, and I believe they often communicate that love to us in ways we miss entirely.

Each tree has a vibratory pattern it emits. It’s like subtle music that your inner senses can detect if you tune in.

They play music through these vibrations. Meditation enhances your ability to tap into it.

Entry 1,465 - October 6th, 2022

Affirmation of the day: I’m invulnerable to other people’s trauma.

Entry 1,466 - October 7th, 2022

The orgasm in my neck.
All energy is technically sexual energy.

Entry 1,467 - Law of One Quotes:

Questioner: Can you expand a little bit on what you mean by “complete fusion nature?”

Ra: I am Ra. The entire creation is of the One Creator. Thus the division of sexual activity into simply that of the bodily complex is an artificial division, all things thusly being seen as sexual equally, the mind, the body, and the spirit; all of which are part of the polarity of the entity. Thus sexual fusion may be seen with or without what you may call sexual intercourse to be the complete melding of the mind, the body, and the spirit in what feels to be a constant orgasm, shall we say, of joy and delight each in the other’s beingness.

Questioner: I have a question from the instrument that I will read. “You have suggested several times that sexual energy transfers aid the instrument’s vital energy and this contact. It seems that this is not true for all people; that the sexual circuitry and the spiritual circuitry are not the same. Is this instrument an anomaly, or is the positive effect of sexual activity on spiritual energy normal for all third-density beings?”

Ra: I am Ra. This instrument, though not anomalous, is somewhat less distorted towards the separation of mind, body, and spirit than many of your third-density entities. The energies of sexual transfer would, if run through the undeveloped spiritual electrical or magnetic complex which you call circuitry, effectually blow out that particular circuit. Contrarily, the full spiritual energies run through bodily complex circuitry will also adversely affect the undeveloped circuit of the bodily complex. Some there are, such as this instrument, who have not in the particular incarnation chosen at any time to express sexual energy through the bodily circuitry. Thus from the beginning of such an entity’s experience the body and spirit express together in any sexual action.

 Entry 1,468 - October 8th, 2022

Using Western medicine isn’t bad.

Use it until you know how to heal yourself or change yourself in that particular respect.

I use ibuprofen and muscle relaxers for my lower back pain until I can get to the bottom of why there is so much tension stored in that area.

It isn’t bad to ask for help from Western medicine, and the religious and spiritual groups that only criticize Western medicine are not weighing the pros and cons.

Entry 1,469 - October 11th, 2022

Religion has been used as a scapegoat for injustices for centuries; that's why I don’t submit to it.

Entry 1,470 - October 12th, 2022

As mentioned in The Law of One by I Am Ra, the negatively oriented path is the path of negativity, symbolized by the electron in our universe. The positively oriented path is the path of positivity, symbolized by the positron in our universe. One way to discern the path—or the particular polarization—towards which one is heading is by observing their increase in emotional connection to others or their decrease or apathy in emotional connection to others.

The negatively oriented path requires people to increase in empathy for themselves and decrease in empathy for others in order to turn off the misery it generates by choosing the service-to-self path, also considered the selfish path. If they don’t, they will be extremely miserable due to the suffering they incur on others, which makes it harder to stay on that path. This imbalance of empathy between oneself and others causes an imbalance of emotional regulation and many issues within one’s life as they operate from a place of more selfishness and less selflessness.

The positively oriented path requires people to increase in empathy for themselves and for others, leading to a more balanced and harmonious life. These people are learning to see all as one and find it within themselves to balance emotional support for themselves and others, as well as other factors that contribute to a more harmonious and coherent lifestyle. If a positively oriented person cannot fix the balance and leans either more towards service to self or more towards service to others, they may suffer depending on their level of consciousness.

Once one reaches a certain level of consciousness, there is no difference between service to others and service to self because they realize at a soul level—not just an intellectual level—that all is one.


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