Entry 1,471 - Entry 1,493
Entry 1,471 - October 14th, 2022
A certain spiritual teacher had a video on YouTube called “Spiritual Detoxing.” This spiritual teacher did a great job of exchanging the belief of "My body is stupid, and so it gets sick" to "When I am sick, I’ll see it as a message that my body is trying to spiritually detox something." But he also said something along the lines of: if you feel your emotions, such as anger, then your body will not properly detoxify from that emotion.
In my opinion, this belief is toxic because it views emotions as something that the body needs to detox from. Emotions are not inherently bad; it is the unresolved trauma that utilizes emotions that can be toxic. When we either repress our emotions or get attached to the trauma as part of who we are—or as something about another person involved—that’s when it can be harmful for us. It’s an addiction to the trauma. It is the addiction to the story of the victim and the perpetrator. It is the addiction to seeing things in a one-sided, narrow-minded way.
I believe emotions are the “devices” that reveal the trauma stored in our bodies, but I do not believe they are the problem themselves. They are like the guide leading the followers out of the dark, scary cave into the beautiful, warm orchard with a garden in the middle. Emotions are the leaders of our healing because, when we tap into the divine message that they hold, we are tapping into divine knowledge about ourselves.
Assuming that our divine guides, also known as emotions, are the problem creates problems in itself. Respecting the message they give for our healing is the most efficient way for us to progress evolutionarily. I also believe it is better for someone to feel their emotions through their senses than to think they are overcoming their emotions by suppression, thus reinforcing the still unresolved trauma in the body.
Entry 1,472 - October 14th, 2022
Once you reach a certain level of awareness, I believe one no longer “needs” to set time aside to meditate because they can stay in a semi-meditative state where they are not pushed around by outside forces or inward stress and anxiety. There are levels of semi-meditative states just like there are levels of how deep you can go within meditation. Albert Einstein was said to have been in a semi-meditative state when intuitively exploring physics theories. They said Einstein's brainwaves were predominantly in alpha, which helped him naturally explore the vastness and depth of each theory he investigated.
Others can hold deeper meditative states where they feel alive but also as if they are dead, living in a memory. I think for all of us, there are times when time seems to speed up or slow down. This is an experience where we are altering our reality based on our perspective. For myself, I notice there are times when I’m very much attached to the linear timeline related to the storyline of “Kyglo’s life,” or times when I feel like I’m literally dead, living through a memory of my past, peering into my life from a perspective beyond my current body. At its most intense moments, it feels as if I’m so dead that I have to remind myself that I am still physically confined in the paradigms of life, and therefore not truly dead.
But at other times, I notice there is no gap between me “viewing” my experience from the perspective of my Oversoul and the perspective of the limited and localized “Kyglo,” who is seemingly stuck in space and time. Notable moments when I am viewing my present experience through the perspective of my Oversoul occur when I can view the moment through my third eye, altered from the actual events being played out in real time.
For example, one time I was in my acting class, watching as my acting coach was speaking. While I was aware of her speaking from the perspective of my current incarnation as “Kyglo,” I was also aware from the perspective of my Oversoul through a unique image in my third eye. The image showed everyone frozen in time, and a light shone on my acting coach. All around her was blacked out, as if she were sitting on a black stage. From the perspective of my Oversoul, I saw myself peering into this moment as if it was a distant memory, coming back to relive it and receive the benefits that still lay unseized.
Entry 1,473 - October 14th, 2022
The Oversoul is the fuller version of us, aware on all dimensions in the universe, existing before or after death, inside and outside of this current incarnation as well as other passive ones connected to our local awareness. Imagine a kid playing a video game. The kid, while playing the game, is technically inside and outside of any game he chooses to play.
The kid can choose to play any game, and even though he temporarily takes on the personality and characteristics of the player within the game, the kid is still so much more than that character within the video game. Most of the players within the video games stay in their respective dimensions or “universe,” but the Oversoul not only has access to that video game’s dimensions and universe, but also to each of the characters the kid (Oversoul) chooses to play as.
The kid can physically interact with his physical universe as well as the many video game multiverses (depending on how stretched out mommy’s wallet is for buying games). Even if the character in the game were to die, the kid would still exist. Even if a new character were created within the game, the kid would still be the kid. The kid may play as the character incarnated in the game, but the kid can also play outside and beyond the video game character that exists within that selected game.
This incarnation is similar to being in a particular video game with very specific laws, societies, themes, and so forth. This isn’t Harry Potter’s world where wizards are zapping other wizards with green magic energy. This isn’t Narnia where animals blatantly talk once you go through an old wooden wardrobe. No, this is the universe where we battle largely based on belief systems, land, resources, and more resources. Since you didn’t incarnate in any other universe, this is the one you are experiencing right now and will continue to experience until you take the grand exit called “death” and go onto your next adventure.
But the cool news is, the more you become aware, present, and meditate, the more you will be in connection with yourself as the Oversoul, which exists inside and beyond this particular video game hosted on planet Earth that a small fraction of yourself is seemingly confined within.
Taking time out of your day for mindfulness training, raising your awareness, and exploring who you are—not who people say you are—will lead you to experience greater freedom, more optimism, and more openness. You will know that you are so much more than what you see in the mirror. You will be excited by the realization that there are so many other “games” out there to explore.
Maybe after this “game,” you will want to experience what it’s like incarnating into a “game” similar to Harry Potter, Narnia, or Divergent. The possibilities are endless, and the best part is you get to decide because free will is not only a part of your contract—it is a part of your essence!
So next time you feel like there’s not enough time to explore this world or the universe, just remember that you can make time and find new spaces to explore, because you are more.
Entry 1,474 - October 16th, 2022
Wise Words from Ramono
"You’re here to not only point at it and be aware of it, but to help them repair it.
People who don’t know how to feel don’t know how to heal.
Though it’s not your responsibility for how people feel, this lesson is standing up against others who are ostracizing someone based on their own trauma that has been triggered."
Entry 1,475 - October 17th, 2022
How can you trust some man who said, “God came to me in a bush,” and then says, “and He commanded me to kill this nation of people”—but then you can’t trust someone else who says, “Live in peace with all men. Don’t try to convert people. Let them live in peace and be who they are, loving them just as they are.”
Entry 1,476 - October 17th, 2022
When someone primarily has cognitive empathy rather than actual empathy, they can understand emotions intellectually, but they either choose not to or cannot (due to past trauma, the fear of feeling, or something else) actually feel those emotions.
Intellectually understanding something is not the same thing as feeling and realizing something with the heart, especially when it comes to emotions. The problems oftentimes associated with this arise because the person is trying to understand something that wasn’t meant to be intellectually grasped. Rather, it was meant to be intuitively felt with the heart.
It’s similar to someone trying to use the exterior of a phone as a pen for their homework assignment. It just doesn’t make sense, and it doesn’t work. Sure, you might be able to make it work eventually by gluing the tip of an ink pen to the bottom of the phone and then writing it out, but it not only makes things more difficult—the phone literally wasn’t designed to be a pen. It was designed to be a phone.
Similarly, when people try to process their emotions through their intellect rather than through their heart, it’s like they’re trying to glue a piece of understanding onto empathy and then make it work. Sometimes it may seem like it works, but most of the time it won’t, because the intellect was not meant to be used for empathy.
If I try to solve math problems by using water, it could technically work, but there’s a more efficient way to do so. Instead of using droplets of water to count, you could use a calculator. Maybe for small math problems like 2 droplets of water plus 2 droplets of water makes 4, it could work. But I doubt you’d be able to finish solving a more complex math problem, like calculus, in under 20 minutes. It’s just not feasible.
Similarly, with cognitive empathy, you may be able to understand surface-level or simple emotions intellectually, but it can only take you so far.
Entry 1,477 - October 17th, 2022
The squirrel knows its divinity, so why do we question ours?
The only answer would be because we forgot. So then, the only solution would be to remember.
Entry 1,478 - October 20th, 2022
If you’re really tapped into your power, you’ll know you don’t need to curse anyone for the evil they do, because their own evil is their curse. This helps me cope with the evil things dictators have done to other countries in the name of greed.
Entry 1,479 - October 22nd, 2022
If those who follow and submit to the Christian religion actually researched the history of that religion, I firmly believe they would then only become followers of Jesus Christ.
Ignorance is the deepest form of control by those who lead in positions of power.
Religion is both political and metaphysical.
Relationships with the divine are purely metaphysical.
Entry 1,480 - October 24th, 2022
If you are a biological child of your parents, then you inherit their ancestry. If you inherit their ancestry, you also inherit their ancestral karma—ancestral karma being the conditioned responses, good habits, bad habits, belief systems, etc., from your parents until you break, heal, forgive, and release it from yourself.
Similarly, if someone is a child of Christendom (the religion of Christianity), whether they’re from the main branches (Orthodox and Catholic) or a child branch (Protestantism), they inherit its ancestry. They inherit its traditions, rituals, belief systems, good habits, bad habits, and so forth. Since they've decided to create that connection and meld themselves with it, it is now their responsibility to heal it and heal from it.
If they sever themselves from their parents, they still have their DNA. They still have their programming given to them as a child. They still have their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and habits that have not been severed until they are consciously severed. That is similar to being a child of Christendom. There are multifarious amounts of beliefs, ideas, habits, and programming that they have inherited, and it is now their responsibility to heal it and heal from it. If they wish to sever from being a child under Christendom’s jurisdiction, they can, but that still doesn’t mean they bypass the healing process.
There are those who stay a child within Christendom, serving it faithfully, religiously, and intensely, with the hope of rising up the ranks to be able to make notable positive changes within its system. Look at Lauren Daigle. She has risen as a huge voice within Christianity. Her songs are desperate cries for love, not hate. For peace, not judgment. What she has decided to do is try to change Christianity from within. She wears the burdens of the bloody religion on her back with the hope of leading it into a new direction, forgiving Christendom’s genocide, evils, wars, and more.
Then there are those who rebel against serving Christendom and say, “Enough is enough.” They will no longer support a system of religion that continues to abuse, enslave, and oppress women, and dehumanize people in the name of a loving God. They refuse to support a system that has centuries of actions stained with innocent blood in the name of a merciful God—actions stained with forced genocide, colonization, and labor. They no longer want anything to do with this human-created, god-endowed, six-headed predatory snake and say, “Enough is enough.”
They release themselves from that karma and affirm that Jesus didn’t come to create a religion of oppression, but rather, he came to free humanity from all systems of oppression, adding Christendom to that list.
Entry 1,481 - October 25th, 2022
When I meditate, I have more time because I have a better relationship with time.
Entry 1,482 - October 26th, 2022
Isn’t it interesting how John had to write Revelations in symbolism so he wouldn’t die by the hands of the religious Jews, and Nostradamus had to write in symbols, quatrains, and so forth so that he wouldn’t be put to death by the Christian church?
Entry 1,483 - October 26th, 2022
I’m chasing enlightenment for little Ky. The little Ky that was afraid to die. The little Ky that felt unsure of who he was or where he was going. The little Ky who wanted to find himself and find God (oneness with all).
So, therefore, I died before I die. I killed the ego of disguises to find the real me. I then let it rebirth into a new ego, but now I refuse to give it power to trick me into thinking it is me when it is not.
Entry 1,484 - October 28th, 2022
If atheists follow scientists, then they are not far off from the foundation of religion because if there is any truth in religion, it is based on the scientific truths of universal reality.
Einstein posits that all arose from the unified quantum field, and in order for that to have happened, all needs to be one.
Any truth in religion points to everything being one with everything, and that separation is a temporary phenomenon.
So, if we leave the labels at the door and focus on what we know, atheists, agnostics, spiritualists, and religionists do have something in common.
Though the labels may be different, and though the level of intensity in the belief behind the principles may vary, "We all are one" is a scientific and universal phenomenon.
Obviously, there will be all types of people with all types of labels who disagree and agree with that statement. But if it’s true, even those who temporarily disagree will eventually agree.
Entry 1,485 - October 28th, 2022
The belief in the devil, as believed by Christians, came from a pagan religion, and that is a fact. Remember, there are tons of variations of Paganism. While Pagans are not dogmatic about the devil and not all Pagans believe in it, a majority of Christians are extremely dogmatic about the devil existing.
On top of that, the Christian belief about the devil is not an accepted Jewish belief nor an accepted belief by all Pagans. The more you research, the more you know.
Entry 1,486 - October 30th, 2022
Every time one meditates, it’s a portal into a better universe.
Entry 1,487 - October 31st, 2022
Making sense of Christian labels by reapplying them with universally understood labels (Part 1):
The temptation of evil can be summarized as a temptation to make the same mistakes without any progress towards a better way of thinking, saying, or doing.
It is the halting of one’s evolution and becoming a slave to bad habits.
Evil is nothing other than unresolved trauma. Bad habits stem from bad motives. Bad motives stem from bad mistakes. Bad mistakes stem from unresolved trauma.
If that is what evil is, then no one is truly evil. They are victims of unresolved trauma.
Entry 1,488 - November 1st, 2022
The problem is that when someone doesn’t integrate the dark and the light, they become afraid of the darkness.
Integration is a part of healing. The more healing, the more wholeness. If someone only integrates the light, they will be lopsided in perspective.
How does one expect to understand themselves when they shun one part of themselves and refuse to learn from it, even though they are both dark and light encapsulated in a body? If they don’t understand half of themselves, then once again, they are lopsided in perspective, and their healing is lopsided.
Not only that, but they don’t understand other people’s darkness. They make up these doctrines and dogmas, scaring people into resisting the darkness. They share their beliefs about how they need to resist evil, not knowing that they’re actually making it harder on themselves by resisting a piece of themselves rather than understanding it and having compassion for its existence.
Resistance creates persistence. Love and acceptance for both parts of one’s duality help evolve them into their realization that both parts are aspects of the one. Both parts play a divine role in experiencing oneself in unique ways.
Integrating darkness doesn’t mean someone acts evil. It means they take the time to hear its cry for attention. They take the time to understand it, have compassion for it, love it, and forgive it. It’s the same process they go through for the light. The light is not inherently good. Many people do the evilest things in the name of good. They commit full genocide of nations in the name of God and call that good. BOTH sides need to be seen, heard, forgiven, and realized for integration.
Entry 1,489 - November 2nd, 2022
No one has to be “anti the world” to rise above it. One can unify themselves and unify spirituality with the world. Those who are afraid of the world are afraid of themselves. Those who despise materialism must, at some level, despise themselves because the world is as one with us as our bodies are one with the Earth. The two go hand in hand whether they like it or not.
If someone’s spirituality is disconnected from the experience of life in any form, then they still feel a disconnection from themselves. It is not necessary to shun family for a path. It is not necessary to shun making great money to find God. It is not necessary to shun sex to find God. To think like this is to think in terms of exclusion, and exclusion is a form of separation.
One who embraces all as divine experiences, all as part of the one, is more along the path than the man obsessed and addicted to the ashram, who looks forward to placing the ashram above his family, friends, and money.
One who sees spirituality, religion, and belief systems as superior to other forms of life on Earth and its experiences is still attached to a form of inequality.
Entry 1,490 - October 20th, 2022
The reason why I believe those who are deeply scared of the COVID vaccines have their thought process rooted in paranoia is because, even with all the scientific data agreed on by countries worldwide, you still can’t convince them that it’s the most life-saving thing for those truly weak (immunocompromised, at-risk groups, etc.). We also can’t convince them that we can help these at-risk groups if they are more intensely scared of the vaccine than the virus.
Many of those deathly afraid of the COVID vaccine think, “Herd mentality? That’s ridiculous. If the survival rate is so high, then why should I get vaccinated?” However, they are completely missing the point that the immunocompromised WILL most likely die if they get exposed to it.
They falsely assume it’s just like the flu, which shows they have not done their research (no, Fox News is not research). We also get vaccinated so that the virus stops mutating into new variants. This will help us all get out of the pandemic faster. If only people did their research and learned to deal with their fear and paranoia around vaccines, we would see definite progression.
While traveling, I’ve gotten sick with a cold, and I currently have the flu, but I never got COVID thanks to the vaccine. People need to stop assuming paranoid thoughts rooted in religious doomsday beliefs (thanks to Christianity and other religious/spiritualists that think the government is trying to kill us) and actually get their heads out of their asses and think with their brains. I’m annoyed. I know they are afraid, but watching Fox News and not getting educated is only making it worse.
Believing Revelation in the Bible is literally going to happen and that everything ends in a doomsday hellhole before Christ comes back is making it worse. Especially assuming that everything (news, government, education, TV) becomes corrupt except the Christian church because of Revelation in the Bible also does not help with their paranoia.
Just think logically. Religion is only helpful if it helps free you from fear, not if it makes you even more afraid than before.
Entry 1,491 - November 2nd, 2022
I do not have to die. I can take my body to the next level of reality if I truly believe I can. I can conquer death.
Truth is relative to someone’s level of consciousness.
Truth is relative to the beholder.
Truth is everything because we created everything.
If God was bound by law, then He is limited. If He binds us by law, then He is limiting us.
God says, “I am the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega.” So if God is Everything, then Everything is God. Why shall I fear what is not? Why shall I fear a limit that does not truly exist?
If God was bound by law, then He is limited by being bound. If He binds us by law, then God is limiting us.
Entry 1,492 - October 20th, 2021
“The Way” Jesus taught was extraordinarily different from “The Way” Paul of Tarsus taught. First of all, Paul never actually met Jesus in the flesh. His vision was by himself, and therefore, with no witnesses, we can only assume:
A: He saw Jesus and interpreted His message correctly.
B: He saw Jesus but misinterpreted Jesus’ message. Instead of simply listening to Jesus’ message of, “Stop persecuting my people,” he did so, BUT THEN went on to create a very organized and established religion all over the area.
C: He didn’t see Jesus and was simply delusional.
D: It was a foreign negative entity pretending to be Jesus that had the desire to establish a new organized religion that would help them get what they want. They found an influential Jewish man who would blindly follow with passion, spreading the edict convincingly to the public so the greatest number of people would join this new religion.
What we do know for sure is Jesus’ message versus Paul’s message are not always the same, and I’ll go into detail as to why:
When people accused Jesus of calling Himself God, Jesus showed how their own scripture says they are God. When they tried to deify Him, He would show their own divinity, as in how we are all one with God.
Paul, on the other hand, deified Jesus and then wrote about how everyone was sinful and needed Jesus to die on the cross in order to be saved.
When Jesus healed people, He wasn’t about making a show. He actually told people to be quiet about it and go about their business. He didn’t go around and establish His own new religious churches; He attended and taught within Jewish synagogues to His people. He wasn’t focused on dividing the community into two distinct religions but rather on uniting them and taking them beyond any potentially limiting or dogmatic doctrines within Judaism.
Meanwhile, Paul of Tarsus not only made Jesus’ teachings very public, but he also established new Christian churches that were separate and distinct from the Jewish synagogues. I understand that it was not conducive for him to stay at the Jewish synagogues, but it also wasn’t conducive for him to establish public churches that deviated from the oneness Jesus was clear on sharing.
There was a reason why Jesus had His 12 disciples and why He didn’t have thousands of them. He wanted to teach a few close friends these very high concepts so they wouldn’t be twisted out of their original form to be used for harm. He was more focused on a few getting it really right than thousands barely latching on. He wanted to impact the system from within with very qualified disciples rather than break the religion in half by creating a new religion that one day would have its followers murder the Jews in the name of their religion.
Paul, on the other hand, had a different perspective than Jesus. Since he wrote in such a way that conveyed that everyone is born as wretched sinners in need of a savior, his goal was for the public to be saved, regardless of whether they were spiritually mature or not. His goal was to convince them to believe his story… to convince them to believe in Jesus’ divinity and to continue to not believe in their own divinity.
He was bent on sharing this particular one-dimensional belief until as many people as possible would believe in it. Now don’t get me wrong, I think he genuinely believed it. But even people with great intentions can misinterpret ghost personages without ever testing to see if they truly are who they say they are or truly understanding the message they were trying to convey.
How many foreign negative entities would benefit from a new organized religion that would do their bidding? How many foreign negative entities would seek a susceptible person who does not question where this “supposed vision” is truly coming from?
If it weren’t for Paul and people’s natural inclination to deify others to feel safe under their codependency, we wouldn’t have Christianity today. Not even the Jews deified the Messiah! Yes, maybe many of the fundamental Jews saw everyone as less than divine and apart from God, but they also used to be a conglomeration of pagans before Abraham made a covenantal blood vow with an entity claiming to be God. They are way less dogmatic than Christians are, and there’s a reason why Christians tend to be much more dogmatic: Paul.
Not only that, but the Christian Bible contains a majority of Paul’s supposed writings that we cannot even validate were actually written by him! So, in short, are you practicing the Christian religion established by Paul, or are you following the mystical teachings of Jesus?
Entry 1,493 - November 9th, 2021
Being a giver, you learn to receive.
The universe becomes so glorious to me.
The minute you have, you find a way to give,
And soon after that, you continue to live.
Until eventually, the universe surprises you
With a gift beyond your greatest thought,
Which makes you sit in a state of shock,
Realizing the desire to give is the greatest gift
And how blessed it is to live.
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