
Showing posts from October, 2022

Entry 1,335 - Entry 1,353

Entry 1,335 At this heightened level of intensity, this started happening yesterday… I don’t know exactly what has happened to elicit this deep drop into an extreme amount of euphoria, but now it happens when I meditate. Perhaps it is less about what has happened and more so about what has not happened? Perhaps my connection with the present moment is deeper through remaining in it unfettered? That is what I’m leaning more towards as a possibility. I’ve been meditating almost every day for about three and a half years, and now when I meditate, I feel like my whole body is vibrating euphorically and harmoniously. It feels almost like I am in such deep connection with the present moment that I have no body. That my body is a gestalt of subtle vibrations that somehow culminate into “Kyglo.” I’ve been in more meditations than I can count where I’m constantly looking at the timer on my phone, waiting for it to strike zero, but now something has changed drastically. Now, I could quite litera...

Entry 1,312 - Entry 1,334

Entry 1,312 - June 27th 2022 Insta Post Finished my 10-day silent Vipassana retreat in North Fork, CA, and I’m convinced that the kingdom of heaven is truly within us, as Jesus said it was. No matter what happens outside of us, if we can sustain a mindset of heaven, then no one or nothing can bring us down to feel miserable. This is empowering and encouraging to know that we have the choice to feel heaven or hell in the midst of life’s many moments. At this retreat, they emphasized how the root level of misery can start as a sensation on the body, either pleasant or unpleasant, and it’s most effective to deal with the problem there. When we are not balanced, we experience craving for pleasant sensations and aversion towards unpleasant sensations. Craving turns into clinging, clinging turns into attachment, and attachment deepens the misery felt from the further imbalance. Aversion turns into hatred, and hatred can turn into harming oneself or others, which further deepens the misery fe...

Entry 1,297 - Entry 1,311

Here’s your corrected blog with the proper numbering and titles added for all entries: Entry 1,297 - June 9th 2022 You are loving awareness becoming aware of itself. So the limitless experiences limits in order to experience itself as that which transcends all limits. We are not separate because of sin. We are separate to dance from within. How much more satisfying is it to dance with someone than to dance alone? Both are valid experiences, but one presents a challenge. When you have a partner, you have to learn how to cater to their differences... to their different movements as they dance. They might move backward, causing you to move forward. There’s a particular challenge in learning the steps. There’s a challenge in following the tune of the music. It’s exciting to play games, and it can be even more exciting to play with others. Entry 1,298 When I meditate, I rest in the essence of who I am. It’s like recharging my physical vessel with the radiant light of eternal life. Entry 1,2...

Entry 1,281 - Entry 1,296

Entry 1,281 - June 3rd 2022 I don’t believe in the unverifiable claim where one is possessed against their free will by an entity as defined by the religion Christendom. Instead, I believe in the credible evidence to back up the claim that most people experiencing altered states of personas, which supposedly cause bad behavior, stem from varying mental disorders and/or tension from unresolved trauma stored deep in their bodies. Though I'm not completely discounting the possibility for another entity to inhabit the physical vessel of another, I'm focusing on how it would not be against that person's free will to choose for it to be so. If we are multi-dimensional souls that chose with our free will to live within this physical body, then is it possible that some people also choose for an entity to inhabit their physical vessel for some time? I would say it's possible, but it would not be the mainstream reason as to why most people behave how they do. I think the mainstre...

Entry 1,280 - More on the Oversoul

Entry 1,280 Oversoul is the fuller version of you that is aware on all dimensions within the universe. It is the you that exists before and after death, inside and outside of this current incarnation and other passive ones tied to your local awareness. If that's hard to grasp, try to imagine a kid playing a video game. When the kid plays the video game, he is technically inside and outside of any game he chooses to play. The kid can choose to play any video game, and even though he temporarily takes on the personality and characteristics of the player within the game, the kid is still so much more than that character within the video game. Most of the players within the video games stay in their respective dimensions of their “universe,” but the Oversoul not only has access to that video game’s dimensions and universe, but also to each of the characters the kid (Oversoul) chooses to play. The kid can physically interact with his physical universe as well as the many video game univ...

Entry 1,279 - Religion's Deeply Focused on the Past and Future

Entry 1,279 - June 6th 2022 Religion, alongside traditions and culture, is the epitome of living through and in the past, and oftentimes even in and through the future as well. Not everyone, but many within religion are obsessed with their particular religion’s traditions, beliefs, doctrines, labels, jargon, definitions, etc., and that unhealthy obsession creates misery, which then parasitically extends into every part of that person's life. Those stuck within illusory boundaries that they consensually bound themselves to are the ones who are most likely to obsess over their religion using the language that they believe is most blessed and most holy. They exclaim their religion’s rituals and ordinances are the most effective in bringing them closest to God. They obsess over their religion’s written words and history, which are thoroughly picked apart each week by their leaders, who subliminally control them through suggestion, until there’s nothing new and noteworthy to pick apart....