Entry 1,081 - Entry 1,090

Entry 1,081 - Aug 25th 2021

If there is a version of you that is not a Christian in another universe and then there is a version that is a Christian, which one of you is God going to send to hell? If you are both of them, then the whole heaven and hell belief system doesn't make sense with that other line of thought.

Entry 1,082

When I say someone is perfect, I mean they are similar to how the universe is perfect. It would be nonsensical to say the universe is complete when it is constantly expanding at an accelerating rate. So when I refer to the universe being perfect or to a person being perfect, what I mean is, by their very expansion, they are perfect in my eyes because they will continually expand beyond anything that I could ever wrap my human mind around. They continue to expand beyond any limit we temporarily try to trap ourselves in. Their infinity is mesmerizing. Their eternal immortality is shocking. That’s what I mean when I say someone is perfect.

Entry 1,083 - Aug 30th

Being a solo traveler in France feels like I’m in a movie scene minus the movie, the directors, the actors, and the scene.

It feels so strange being a foreigner to others in a foreign land. Then at the same time, I feel like these experiences are shaping me in ways beyond anything I could experience in a country I am familiar with.

Cheers to the experiences. For every day I’m learning so much about the world and, ironically, more about myself. 🙂🌍💫

Entry 1,084

A very shocking discovery is when I found out that the invention/perception of the existence of the devil falling from heaven in Christianity did not actually originate from Judaism, but from other neighboring pagan religions. That shocked me and undid some big cognitive dissonance within me. If you don’t believe me, just research it for yourself. Never just take someone's word. Start digging into history and make these connections for yourself.

Entry 1,085

Had a super expansive experience on the treadmill and saw myself taking all the knowledge of all my other experiences into my body as thunderous lightning.

Entry 1,086 - Sept 1st

I met someone on the train in Switzerland today.

We talked like old friends as if we knew it were that way.

She laughed just like another did when I told a joke.

Almost made me remember all the old jokes.

Then as she left, I told her my name.

Not sure what good that would do since I’d probably never see her again.

But she still looked back at me and smiled.

And told me good luck on my travels.

Then she hopped off the train and onto the gravel.

Maybe that’s what missing a memory feels like.

Until you confront it, you keep reliving it with similar people in new sights.

Because, I met someone on the train today.

Entry 1,087 - Sept 3rd

Sometimes love makes you act in weird ways.

You push the one you love the most the farthest away.

Not because they did anything wrong.

But because they’re doing everything right.

I can’t risk falling.

I can’t risk trusting.

When I love, I don’t love partial, and that scares me.

I can’t do it unless I give my whole being completely.

It’s the greatest blessing but the scariest truth.

To know you’d still love someone so deeply even when they cheated on you.

So this is why I don’t want to love again.

Because my heart can only take so much pain.

Sometimes I wish love was something you flew into,

Not something you fall from like an unsolved crime.

But perhaps that’s the name of the game.

A rose comes with thorns.

A game comes with pain.

No love will leave me unscathed or just the same.

So therefore, for the sake of a non-lethal love and because of the vulnerability of my core,

I choose to fly alone the course.

Entry 1,088 - Sept 11th

Going to a new country is like entering a new probable universe but on a smaller scale. Weirdly, while traveling, I felt weirdly in America and Europe at the same time. I guess similar to how one feels linear time as simultaneous time as one meditates.

If I moved my consciousness slightly out of its center, I'd be walking the streets in America as a "past" or "future" version of me. If I stayed centered in the present, I'd be in Europe.

Linear time becomes a little funny the more you play with it. The sides of the past and future start bending in a circle of possibilities, while you remain in the center of it.

Entry 1,089 - Sept 13th

You can hide behind words.

But energy doesn’t lie.

You can tell me what I want to hear.

But it won’t be enough to get you by.

Once you read energy.

You notice things you didn’t before.

You understand a bluff and also the power of a potent core.

All gradations of varying vibrations.

Meant to experience life in varying connotations.

Perception is relative to an individual’s awareness.

And therefore I don’t need your words, just your frequency in all its fairness.

To know if we are meant to be or if your gradation is for another soul, someone who is not me.

But regardless, I sense the eternity of a soul that completely lives.

The realm of infinity that openly receives and gives.

I cannot fully comprehend you, nor could you for me.

But what I do know is when two similar signatures desire to sync energy.

There’s a powerful connection beyond our daily synchronicities.

When I find that soul, I won’t resist.

I’ll allow the bond of love to grow and persist.

Perhaps my individualized self will learn through yours.

What it means to unite a crystal core.

Entry 1,090 - Potential Stages of Realization

The Religious Route
  • My religion is the only correct religion.
  • You hate or get triggered by other religions that don't believe how you do.
  • You hate or get triggered by atheists or agnostics for their lack of a belief in a religion.
  • You study other religions.
  • You compare and contrast and realize all religions have similarities and dissimilarities.
  • You realize the differences are when a religion tries to create exclusivity such as: we worship the correct god, you don’t. Our morals are correct, yours are wrong. Our scripture is from God, yours is corrupt.
  • You expand beyond the boundaries of your first religion.
  • You experience other religions.
  • You expand beyond the boundaries of the other religions you've studied.
  • You experience no religion.
  • You experience yourself.

The Atheist Route
  • You hate/despise religion, or you simply don't believe in it because there is not enough verifiable evidence for it to garner enough of your attention.
  • Religion triggers you, or you ignore it completely.
  • Religion doesn't trigger you as much as before.
  • You start to have compassion for those who are imprisoned in fear by their religion.
  • You also see how others can use religion for good.
  • You realize, shockingly, how many people seem to need religion in order to give them a "valid" reason to be a good person. Also, that it would probably be very dangerous if they weren't religious because they externally need to be motivated with an outward reward like heaven to be a good person, and without that reward, they would hurt others.
  • You start to have a more balanced view of religion by seeing, just like anything else, it has its pros and cons, but it's still not for you.
  • You see religion as an extension of cultures, traditions, and societies; just as potentially toxic as any group of people, but adding an invisible group of entities to the mix.
  • You enjoy yourself.
  • You make a podcast about it.


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