Entry 1,061 - Entry 1,080

Entry 1,061 - August 19th, 2021

Let’s create a religion together to show how religions tend to form. Let’s say one day someone is on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean and, as they're walking on the sand, all of a sudden what they believe to be "the voice of God" beams from somewhere beyond that person. It says its name is Blob and has no beginning nor ending and that it has come to them because they have been extremely righteous in the eyes of Blob.

Let's call this man Aaron. Aaron is ecstatic because he has always wanted to meet the Creator of the Universe and he finally feels like he is doing so. The Blob says, "I know your deepest desires, and if you agree to follow me, I will give you all of them." Aaron says, "You mean you will give me generations and generations of children from my special sperm?!" The Blob responds, "Oh, not just generations, but countries of children sprouting from your special sperm!!!" Aaron then says, "What else will you give me if I follow you and keep your commandments?" The Blob thinks hard and responds, "I'll protect you and your family from all other evil Blobs."

Aaron responds, "Well, that's good enough for me. I'm in! What do I have to do?" The Blob wears a wry smile and says, "Find me multiple living animals and slash their lives before my eyes so that the blood will make a covenant between us. Oh, and if you fail to give me blood in the future, I will kill you." Aaron squeamishly finds some birds and does as he is told because he truly believes this is the Creator and has wanted his heart's desires fulfilled for the longest time. This contract between the divine Blob and Aaron's children continues for generations and generations, and thus the religion of one man has become the religion of thousands.

Entry 1,062

You might be able to verify someone existed, but that doesn’t mean you can verify that their beliefs are true if they are not backed up with credible evidence.

Entry 1,063 - August 20th

What I want is to prove using math and physics that one’s inner reality is just as valid as one's outer reality. I want to figure out a way to prove that using scientific research data and mapping people's dreams to see if we can find consistencies within each person's inner and outer reality.

I wanna map thousands of people's dreams and then have them paint what they saw to see if they saw the same thing as others.

Entry 1,064

So I’m reading The Unknown Reality Part 1 again, and I am learning and expanding on old words I read. Apparently, when you are between important decisions and each of those decisions carries a lot of energy, that is most likely when a probable self will split off and extend forward into a probable universe to let that energy flow.

Another thing that I read that was interesting is that sometimes someone’s energy is more in another probable reality than it is in your current reality. In other words, sometimes people are living their best lives in another probable reality, and they might be consciously or unconsciously aware of it.

Entry 1,065

The problem with certain denominations of Christianity is that they perceive reality from a one-dimensional perspective. What I mean by that is the story sees things as such: This happened in the past, this prophet says this will happen in the future, then the writers fill in the blanks. None of it can be actually proven, and yet people bank their whole lives on the stories told in these writings that have become deified by those who read them.

To make matters worse, people assume that even the contradicting, nonsensical stories in the Bible are infallible, perfect, holy, and straight from the gigantic lips of God. They not only deify the scriptures, but they also personify the Creator. They do all this to feel some sort of connection to their timeline without realizing that they themselves are limiting themselves by seeing things as linear when linear time and space is not only relative but also an illusion according to physics.

There is not one timeline but rather an infinite amount of potential timelines to choose from. There is not one story but an infinite amount of potential stories that could have been told. It is when we fool ourselves into believing these limits are real that we forget that we are not only the co-creators of these stories but also the creators of this limited version of the Creator we illusively imprison with our concepts. We create the stories in our religions, and we created the gods we are so afraid of. When will we wake up and realize that it was us who created it all?

Entry 1,066 - August 21st

The body, as mentioned, is an electromagnetic pattern poised in a web of probabilities experienced as corporeal at any intersection point in space and time.

Entry 1,067

There are so many Christians that will come for you if you don’t interpret the Bible how their denomination interprets it. They will call you a false prophet. They will call you the antichrist.

They will completely turn off and discount anything you say if it doesn't align with their beliefs, so there is a point where I feel like it is pointless to talk about differing beliefs with someone who is so identified with their beliefs that if you pick apart one, it feels like, to them, that you are attacking them.

That’s why I feel like it is so much more beneficial to tackle multidimensional reality from a whole different perspective so they don’t get defensive and "turn off" from listening to you.

Entry 1,068

If only people realized that they are completely responsible for the probable universe they are part of and that at any point in time, if they wanted to, they could shift to a better probable universe, and if they didn't want to, then they don’t have to.

Ultimately, whatever parallel universe they are currently a part of, it is because of their thought process, beliefs, and ideas that co-create the world they see. They are quite literally manifesting the current universe that they are in, and they will stay there until they shift to a better one or to a more disastrous one.

Entry 1,069

Jesus was not trying to tear down organizations of beliefs or societies because if he were truly enlightened, then he would understand at a root level that we have come to earth to experience ourselves as life in all its phases.

I believe his goal with the Jews, in particular, was to reform Judaism in order to make it more egalitarian, fair, and loving and to help love and light to shine brighter. Similarly, I’m not here to destroy Christianity with my words.

That would be counterproductive to those who rely on Christianity to give them a purpose to live and to be a good person. I’m here to encourage a reform of the religion, and until that happens, I hope to help people find release from any unnecessary fear-based doctrines found within certain Christian denominations.

Personally, I do not want to be the one to reform Christianity. Someone else can do that. I’m here to help people expand their consciousness, whether that be beyond themselves and/or beyond the limits of their religion.

Entry 1,070

It is almost always the people who don’t know themselves that judge the people who do know themselves. I speak from personal experience: When I did not know myself, I did the most judging.

Entry 1,071

The more you study the history of religion from multiple perspectives, the more you start to see patterns among nations and their gods. You also start to see similarities that they have tried really hard to bury and ignore to keep themselves distinct and unique.

Entry 1,072 - August 22nd

So in the case of shifting to a better probable universe: If that were hypothetically possible, perhaps what that means is your awareness shifts from the “old” parallel universe to the “new” parallel universe, but you still retain the memories of the old and the new within your memory bank.

Perhaps it isn’t your complete body that shifts, but merely your awareness into that probable self's body that shifts.

The reason why I think it isn't our total body that shifts to another universe but rather our awareness that shifts is because we would want to keep some coherent consistencies in order to have some sort of followable storyline.

I believe many parallel universes have many similarities the closer they are energetically aligned, but there are bound to be minor differences based on the frequency one is inhabiting.

Entry 1,073

It’s not about how much you meditate or how much you don’t meditate. How much you pray or how much you don’t pray. How much you are in silence or how much you aren't in silence. It’s about you. What you do or don’t do doesn’t matter. All that matters is you.

Religion will try to capitalize off of either your actions or lack of action in order to give you reasons why you should pay for their programs, why you should go to their church, why you should sign up for their spiritual retreat. But in the end, the only thing that matters is you. You don’t need to become enlightened because you already are. It’s just a matter of remembering who you’ve always been.

Entry 1,074

The reason why I don’t mesh well with the doctrine-heavy part of religions is because when they say, “This is our boundary. You need to do this. You need to believe this. You need to follow our way of life,” I say, "Screw you and your boundaries. There’s no way I’m submitting to an organization of thought that would mean nothing unless I endowed it with meaning.”

So there’s no point in going to church if I’m supposed to pretend to submit when I refuse to submit to limited boundaries that oftentimes unknowingly sprout unnecessary cognitive dissonance, which has been shown to be extremely harmful to many.

Plus, if God is limitless and we should be more like God, then why would I willingly submit to a limited religion?

Entry 1,075

Many versions of religion craftily trap very intelligent people within its boundaries by utilizing an unnecessary overdose of cognitive dissonance to the point where the individual is so confused under the system of belief disguised as fact that they willingly submit to it rather than question the illogical paradigms set up by that religion.

Their religious people will say, “The Bible is infallible,” meaning perfect, without mistake, and then you'll open the Bible and find out there are literally tens of thousands of clear contradictions. So cognitive dissonance is realizing that and then pushing it under a rug because that is necessary in order to “have faith” and be seen as a good standing Christian within that particular denomination.

If you don’t question the Bible’s infallibility, then you aren’t labeled as a “doubting Thomas” and instead you’re a “faithful servant of God” ready to be trained as a leader for that church. Then the part of you that desires to be seen, especially as a leader with authority, submits even if it means pushing one's valid questions under a rug of confusion.

They spin faith of their religion on top of its head and disguise it as faith in God rather than what it is. The ways in which many denominations of Christianity limit God is when they say that you can only believe in God in this exclusive way that they deem as correct. You have to stay within the lines. If you move beyond their boundaries, you are in hot water.

Entry 1,076

Cognitive dissonance is reading the definition of eternal and realizing that it means no beginning nor ending but then applying it to a certain place at a certain time and treating it like a ray segment. This is clearly illogical, but it is absolutely necessary for that denomination of Christianity so that they can utilize fear to keep you a faithful servant of their group.

Entry 1,077 - August 23rd 2021

We don’t truly know time if we only think of it in terms of time as linear. Even if we can peer into its simultaneous existence of the past, present, and future all happening in the present moment, we still might only know a portion of it, similar to how we may know a portion of gravity or a portion of the universe.

Time does not simply go forward or backward; it expands similar to the process when you drop a rock into water. As you drop it, “circles of water” will expand outward along the surface of the water until they are no longer recognizable by the human eye.

Similarly, time expands outwardly and inwardly for infinity, beyond what we can perceive in our limited capacities. So time not only expands backwards and forwards simultaneously, but it also expands inwardly and outwardly simultaneously and infinitely.

Just like there are multiple dimensions of reality within our universe, there are multiple dimensions that constitute the perception of time experienced by an individual.

Similarly, I would argue that units of consciousness, the unperceivable essence of electromagnetic energy, would be made known indirectly by their effect on perceivable aspects of the universe, such as an atom. These units of consciousness that are undetectable by any of our current instruments also act as minute black and white holes that can warp space and time.

Though we may not be aware of their current impact on our physical system, they allow electromagnetic energy to flow into our system in such a way that impacts all things in our physical system at some level.

Similar to how a planet in our galaxy impacts the gravity at that particular space in time, these units of consciousness impact our space in time in a way that is most beneficial for our physical system.

Entry 1,078

If you only try one web browser, then you won’t be able to relate it or compare it to any other web browser because you aren't aware of any other web browsers' functionality. You won’t be able to compare its features, functionalities, bookmark settings, load times, etc., because you will have only experienced one.

But once you do, you start to realize there are a lot of commonalities between browsers. For example, both might have bookmark capabilities. They both have a search engine attached to it. They both provide a place for you to keep your passwords conveniently located. Then you will also start to notice dissimilarities. Maybe you realize the account settings are sorted differently. Maybe instead of access to certain themes, you don’t have those theme options anymore.

Maybe one can handle suspicious threats and detect viruses much more efficiently than the other one. This all comes about through experiencing both. If someone only had experience of one, they would not be able to do such an in-depth compare and contrast since they wouldn’t know what to compare and contrast from only experiencing one.

Similarly with religion, if you grew up in a religion and you never truly explored other religions, your ability to compare and contrast similarities and dissimilarities will be impaired based on your lack of knowledge or experience. Many people have heard of the Firefox browser, but just because they have heard something about it and haven’t actually used it means their experience with it is limited.

This applies also with religion. It is one thing to hear some things about another religion's doctrines, history, stories, gods, etc., but it is a whole other thing to step into that world in order to try to understand them, relate to them, experience it, and learn from it from their perspective.

Until then, religious exclusivity and superiority will be something that person unconsciously perpetuates until they inclusively experience and learn from religions outside of their bubble of comfort.

Entry 1,079

The way conspiracy theories convince the ignorant to drop logic for a strange belief is by causing them to distrust proven, peer-reviewed documents, peer-reviewed statistics, and peer-reviewed data and in turn, filling them with misinformation that sounds genuine but in actuality is complete horseshit.

An example of this is the strange conspiracy theory that if some rich celebrity wears red shoes, they drink the blood of innocent victims. Even though there is absolutely no credible evidence to prove that correlation, people will believe it if someone says it enough on the internet.

Overgeneralization is the steppingstone to creating cognitive dissonance. Many use misinformation to create outlandish conspiracy theories to feel important and connected. A Christian who believes that all of Hollywood are devil worshipers will seek desperately to find others who hold that belief in relation to themselves so that they don't feel alone. When they find it, they crave more people to support their position that is not credible or rational, and so the group of conspiracy theorists rooted in a fear-based and unverifiable claim grows.

Entry 1,080

I mean this in the best way possible…. If people just got educated medically like doctors do, then they probably wouldn’t be so afraid of life-saving vaccines.

There are plenty of great videos from doctors, the CDC, and other verified medical experts explaining how vaccines work, the data and what we have found, and what is safest for each person.

However, watching Karen on YouTube share how she had a vision, while casting out a demon from her cat, that the vaccine is the mark of the beast is probably not going to help reduce your fear on the subject.


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