Entry 1,025 - Entry 1,060

Entry 1,025 - August 4th, 2021

The belief in the separation between inorganic and organic material is an illusion, similar to how certain Western and/or Eastern religious belief systems believe in an eternal separation within and/or without. There is no true distinction between organic and inorganic material; only the belief in separation creates one in which we believe.

Entry 1,026 - August 9th, 2021

Just like how every cell in the body doesn’t see outside the body until it dies because it doesn't have the outer faculties to do so, those of us on Earth, encapsulated in Earth-suits that we have borrowed from Mother Earth, do not see outside of the galaxy until either we are dead, or until we come up with the inventions to propel us to new distances, or until we develop the conscious faculties inwardly to be able to peer into these areas not yet attainable by human invention.

Entry 1,027

What if the black hole is the brain and the universe is the body, and life can be experienced both absolutely and relatively through continual abstractions outwardly into infinity?

They say that if a wallet were to fall in a black hole, the wallet could be re-created solely by the digital encoding which exists on the top outer part of the black hole.

This reminds me of how our brains can encode and re-create a cell, and that same cell can be found within our bodies. As above, so below.

Entry 1,028

It is not free will if we are forced to choose a probable reality that we do not want. If someone else gets to choose it for you, then you don’t have free will.

Entry 1,029

Black holes are like brains. They have information stored similar to binary bits at the surface, and then they extend inwardly to infinity.

Inside the brain, one can re-create what was destroyed over time (cells which inhabit the body).

Inside a black hole, it can re-create a perfect image of someone that fell into it, even if it was destroyed over time (us humans, who inhabit the galaxy).

Entry 1,030 - August 9th, 2021

Some spiritual people might not like this, but… it’s not the ego that limits us. It’s us through our ideas that limit ourselves.

Taking full responsibility means accepting full acceptance of the expansion or constriction of oneself by oneself.

Playing the blame game, even with our ego, shows that we are still playing the victim.

Entry 1,031

Being a compliant and submissive follower of a sect within a religion that hates to be questioned often tends to be those who are also on autopilot with trauma, triggers, and beliefs from many generations of their family members.

Entry 1,032 - August 10th, 2021

The people who fall prey to conspiracy theories, which are proven irrational, are oftentimes people who are not well-versed in physics or mathematics. Or they tend to be those who do not take the time to at least learn from those who are well-versed in those disciplines.

Entry 1,033

When Jesus healed, he would say, "Your faith has healed you." He always pointed back within their own connection to faith for the power of healing.

A potential problem with believing that someone else healed you is that there is the temptation to become codependent on that person for future healings because you will think that you need that person in order to heal yourself.

This can turn into begging someone outside of you to heal you rather than learning through experience how to heal oneself and teaching others.

I firmly believe Jesus wanted people to become like him and heal themselves fully and to teach others how to heal others. I don't think his goal was to have a bunch of people unhealthily codependent on him healing them and never fully learning the principles and foundations of healing and miracles.

If I ever do contribute to the healing of others, I don’t heal people directly. I show people that they can heal themselves, similar to what Jesus was trying to teach through example. I am merely a catalyst to their own progression of healing. I come into people’s lives when they are ready to heal themselves.

I try to point back to the truth that they are capable of healing themselves without needing anything outside of themselves to do so. I am simply the messenger, a catalyst of that message that they are the true healers of themselves.

Entry 1,034 - August 10th, 2021

I notice right now I have an overactive ego when it comes to survival.

Entry 1,035

Whether you think it’s Jesus, Krishna, or Buddha who is healing you, at the end of the day, you still have to make the choice to either be healed or not to be healed. So technically, you are still fully responsible for the outcome.

Or maybe you still believe that you are partially responsible for your healing because you chose to be healed, so let’s start there and recognize that you at least have a lot more say in what happens to you than you might have thought you had in the past.

Entry 1,036 - August 11th, 2021

Religions seem strange to me because you can’t validate the beliefs by seeing them physically. The only way for someone to validate someone’s religious beliefs is through their morals and their actions within that group.

In other groups, like tennis, you can measure one’s progress through outward performance. But imagine being part of a community where people measure your performance based on your beliefs and actions and how compliant they are with the group’s beliefs and actions?

Otherwise, there’s no difference between a religion and just living your daily life because all you can do is talk about the beliefs and then try to show moralistic ideas of those beliefs through action. I notice I really have no desire to go back and confine myself to a community that expects you to conform your beliefs and actions to their beliefs and actions they prefer.

Entry 1,037

The reason why the whole masturbation argument with conservative religious people is irrational is because all throughout the day, different things can release bursts of oxytocin.

So once you get to a point where you realize you can get that burst of oxytocin simply by hanging out with someone, from laughing with your friends, from cuddling, then you realize how irrational it is to demonize masturbation when you realize all of life is different forms of gratification or releasing oxytocin.

You then realize it’s a chemical release from being happy, and then you stop demonizing that chemical release because a religious person told you to. Obviously, everything in moderation is understandable, but demonizing chemical releases of the body from different stimuli in moderation does more harm than help.

Entry 1,038

All things being relative is based on our multi-dimensional existence. It is known that there are more dimensions than we can be aware of, and because of that, there’s a possibility that there is more inter-correlation and relations that we cannot fully perceive with our physical senses, which are limited.

Jews are most likely following the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob because their lineage of history, culture, and traditions stem from those people. Europeans who are Christian most likely wear that label because they have family members who are Christian, as that is relative to their lineage. Religion, culture, society, and traditions are all intersectional. Belief is the breadcrumbs of a deeper reality.

Entry 1,039

I notice there are many who prescribe to a particular religion's belief system, and when you ask if they are religious, they reply, "Oh, I'm not religious." They try to make it different from other religions because they need to create some distinction to make it seem like it’s better.

Entry 1,040

People oftentimes treat their belief systems like science. If you want something to be more than philosophy, you need to have evidence to back up your statements, preferably peer-reviewed, so that it is backed up with some sort of credibility. If it cannot be proven, then it is still just a belief for philosophers and even for scientists.

Entry 1,041 - August 12th, 2021

In order for there to be an infinite amount of possibilities, you need to be infinite.

Entry 1,042

When someone elevates you, a true master takes multiple opportunities to elevate them back.

Jesus was a prime example of that. When people said, "You healed me," he said, "YOUR faith has healed you."

When they would say to Jesus, "Blasphemy! You call yourself God," Jesus would respond, "Doesn't your own scripture say ye are gods?"

When Jesus called himself the son of man, he called other people the son of man. When Jesus called himself the son of God, he called other people the son of God.

The true sign of an ascended master is someone who elevates others when they are elevated.

Entry 1,043

I like to pull people outside of the scope of religion to an area that they do not know, nor an area where their religion has touched, and then ask them questions and watch as their deeper self answers it.

This, I believe, will help them expand by seeing that they can inquire into these higher questions their religion has not even yet dared to answer.

Entry 1,044

When you are still, all your movement is in time, so you move faster in time.

When you are moving, your movement is in space and time, so you are moving slower in time.

This is a scientific fact backed up by experimentation, not just my opinion.

What Einstein touched on was profound because it is the basis behind space-time and time-space experience.

Daily living and moving operate with the physical outer senses.

Then, when we meditate, we are operating in time-space, and we can move extremely fast with our inner senses, which are not limited by our physical, limited body.

Entry 1,045

I want to love people in the way that they need to be loved.

I want to love them so deeply that it goes beyond what they thought possible.

I want to love so well that it opens doors within their being that they didn’t even know existed.

Entry 1,046 - August 13th

You know how a game has a place where all the memory is stored to make the game…?

What if the black hole is where all the memory is stored for us???

And we are the holograms based off of that memory because black holes have the potential to warp anything that comes into their horizon…

Similarly, if someone has the ability to change the memory in the hard drive of a computer, then they can manipulate anything within it. What if that is what a black hole is!!!

And maybe the sun is like the RAM (random access memory).

What if this whole universe is an extremely sophisticated, eternally expansive quantum computer?!?

Entry 1,047

The coolest part is when you tap into your power, you can literally use anything as an instrument to transfer power to someone else to help them tap into their power for themselves.

Entry 1,048 - August 14th

History is historically subjective because it is primarily based on a point of view, which is inherently subjective in nature.

In history, facts are proven with evidence, but then the interpretation about those facts is the subjective belief about those events.

For example: The American colonists spilled the tea over the boat—that is a fact.

Belief about the fact: The colonists spilled the tea because they thought it was unfair to be taxed that much.

Another belief: The King thought it was irresponsible for the colonists to spill the tea over the boat.

Facts and beliefs oftentimes get interwoven and confused when they are both considered facts. Facts have evidence that can be backed up, and beliefs are interpretations about those facts.

Religions oftentimes try to pass their belief systems as true by saying their “religious texts are facts,” when in reality, there are more beliefs than there are solid facts that can be shown with evidence.

So then the question is, if that’s pretty much the same with each religion, how can you prove your religion’s beliefs are right if it contains pretty much the same history but different beliefs about it? (Judaism, Islam, Christianity, etc.) So if you know the difference between a fact and a belief, you can see the discrepancy, and there’s no need to worry.

Entry 1,049

Dr. Hawkins’ kinesiology testing is still subjective and not a completely trustworthy diagnosis of someone's current level of spiritual mastery because of this: Since there’s an infinite number of probable universes, depending on his personal universe, he is going to come into contact with whatever person is on that universe, which could differ from other probable versions existing in other probable universes.

Not only that, but the tests are still subjective because they are relative to the people doing the tests within that particular universe, which are connected to the one being tested in some way, shape, or form.

So if you’re reading people and it’s lower, look into your own mind and consider why. Because if there’s an infinite number of probable universes and your universe has proclaimed their "spiritual level is this number," that particular number is still somehow relative to the person doing the test.

There are potentially "probable universes" where the tester and person being tested have different "levels of spiritual mastery," which obviously skews the results differently. Therefore, in my opinion, rating people spiritually can do more harm than help. The last thing we need is people rating other people spiritually through muscle testing and then judging them based on their personal findings.

Entry 1,050 - August 15th

How are you supposed to make associations if you haven’t experienced more than one in order to be able to create a connection to the first one? To me, the epitome of existence is experience.

Entry 1,051 - August 16th

The reason why I think masturbation is important to do before ever entering a relationship sexually is, first, you find out what you like and what you don’t like. Secondly, you learn that there’s a difference between doing something to get gratifying pleasure in an addictive way and doing it to connect deeply to the divine.

Ultimately, it should be to experience divine union, but if one doesn't understand that and uses it for gratification of one's own attachments, they don't understand themselves, nor will they understand their partner. One is easy and a quick rush; the other is more challenging and is a much deeper experience.

This way, you are much more conscientious of the two when entering into a relationship and desire to never exploit your partner’s body for pleasure, but rather to treat it genuinely as a holy portal to the Divine that you both enter into mutually. The latter goes beyond temporary pleasure and allows the two to meet in the infinite power joined together in a holy act of union.

Entry 1,052

Many times within the silence, many times within the cessation of action, one realizes the oneness with silence and action. One remembers there is no distinction or separation between the two and rather sees both as experiences of our being.

Entry 1,053 - August 18th

I don’t even need to masturbate in order to have an orgasm because I can experience an orgasm simply through meditation. So is that bad? Where do we draw the line for what is a sin and what is not a sin?

If you still get the same rush, but one is with your hand on one part of the body and one is with your hands resting on your legs as you meditate, then technically they should either both be a sin or both be okay. So then why is one deemed evil and the other deemed okay? I think it is ridiculous that religious people demonize the chemical reaction process of feeling a good sensation on the body in moderation.

Entry 1,054

You will externalize salvation until you are no longer dependent or displaying dependent tendencies. The minute you start to realize everything you need is within you, including a solid relationship with All That Is—or whatever you want to call it, the Creator—you will continue to display dependency tendencies, which will require you to be reliant on things outside of yourself. Not only that, but you will continue to see yourself as less, as not whole, as not good enough, hence why you need to look outside of yourself for saving.

Entry 1,055

If Christianity weren’t mainstream, then people would look at Christians the way Christians look at people who believe in myths such as the Greek gods. Mainstream acceptance of belief systems is what deems anything as "normal" by the masses of that belief system.

Entry 1,056

If there is a God, then I don’t believe it is only outside of us. It would be All That Is.

Entry 1,057

If the two choices that you are stuck between are, one, worshiping God day and night for the rest of your life or, two, burning in hell, it doesn't sound like you really have free will. Having free will would mean you wouldn't be forced to choose between two options.

If you are forced to choose to be a slave to God or a slave to the devil, then that sounds more like you are a robot with no free will.

Entry 1,058 - August 19th

I noticed that we act impatient, frustrated, or angry when we forget who we are. It’s not bad to feel these emotions, but to unload them on other people and make them feel bad when they might not be able to handle your emotions—or even their own—is not the best way to act. We can have these emotions and deal with them internally without having to project and hurt others.

Entry 1,059

I think the reason why it’s so easy for conservative Christians to make up these ridiculous and negative claims about celebrities such as Beyoncé is because they’re used to believing in things without actual credible evidence.

For example, they'll take something from her performance that could literally mean one million different things and condemn her as a satanist who eats babies for fun.

Entry 1,060

Many people try to convince others that God exists, but what do they mean by that? If they mean that the universe exists, then yes, of course it does.

But if they are referring to something beyond the universe but confined by their beliefs, then are they not making some sort of graven image out of their concept and applying it to something beyond what we know?

I can create a concept in my head, worship it, and give it life, but that doesn’t mean it exists. This is, unfortunately, the reality: people create their ideas of God and call those ideas 'God.' They have their own particular concepts of God, of what God does and what God doesn’t.

Then they write their God into history and say what stories are from Him, what stories are not from Him, what He doesn’t like, and what He likes, who are His favorites, and who are His enemies.

They write up a history of God that they can understand and then endow it as a supreme reality for all. Do you see the creativity in religion? People not only create their religion, but they also create their gods.


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