Thought Dump Part 29.5 / Classical Physics / The Universe is Expanding / The Benefit of Studying Math and Physics / Black Hole Conjecture


Classical physics and how it is used can be represented by a coin that can either be heads or tails and then the quantum physics can be represented by the result of the infinite amount of possibilities of how many heads and how many tails you can have which can go on forever.

Not only that, but the coin would have a heads and tails on both sides, maybe another coin with only one or the other, and then coins with other varying possibilities of choices within the spectrum of the choice at hand. So the two are represented in the following experiment as one that is discrete and measurable and the other as potentially infinite and measureless.


At this point I’ve spent enough time studying religions to see the associations, the dissimilarities, the similarities, etc to know the bullshit within them so that I no longer continually fall into the trap of believing a certain limited idea that they teach to be true, is actually true.

It's a liberating place to be in. There will definitely be times where I find myself believing limiting thoughts, but the time for me to remove them from my psyche is a lot quicker than how long it used to take.

August 8th

Since we know it’s a fact that the universe is constantly expanding beyond its supposed limits, we know that it is not static.

However, the religion of Christianity (not Jesus) needs limits in order to survive as an entity. In order for it to continue to exist, it needs to convince you to stay within those limits, or else it knows it will lose its hold over you.

So what Christianity did was morph from Jesus’ expansive and radical message of unconditional love, radical acceptance and true forgiveness that reaches beyond dogma and morphed his words into a religion scarred with dogma. People who were welcomed with loving arms to Jesus’ messages now were barred down with death threats from Christianity for believing in the Christian faith wrongly.

So many of these leaders in the Christian church purported that unless you followed the limited and pre-approved dogmatic beliefs of the church, you were wrong. Then depending on what century you were born in, your failure to comply to the Vicar of Christ's true beliefs of Jesus was either punishable by excommunication or potentially by death. That is how I know that type of Christianity is not truly from a limitless and expansive Creator, because it needs limits to control and uses fear, dogma, and creeds to do it.


If people increase their empathy to the point where they are able to put themselves in the shoes of those who lived alongside the Jews and had their whole nation destroyed by the Jews or the Jews who had their people destroyed by other nations and other religious people, they will see past the visage of "murdering nations in this context is okay."

It's not the Creator that incites violence. It's humans who project those desires of their heart onto their God as an excuse to do the most barbaric acts of manic rage that incite violence.

I guarantee you that whatever nation where there were people who fought murderous wars in the name of their God, there were those who stood behind and refused to slaughter innocent people for any reason whatsoever. These were the mystics, the esoterics the true healers of those times. They came from the Jews, the Amalekites, the Canaanites, Babylonians, and more. They knew that true unity was not allegiance to blood ties, but rather to the one Spirit that unites us all.


If people took the time to study mathematics and physics as much as they did religion, then they would be able to rule out irrational doctrines and belief systems that literally do not make sense such as the flat earth conspiracy, the fake moon landing conspiracy and more.

People believing in those conspiracies are reflecting that they haven’t studied to be able to determine what belief systems and conspiracies are irrational, and which ones are rational.

Not only that, but I think it should be required that every person take multiple sociology courses, religious courses, and anthropology courses to equip them to see the associations, similarities and dis-similarities between each one.

August 9th

Christianity has the potentiality to be very dangerous to society if taken literal. For example, if someone reads revelation and multiple Christian denominations are putting a ton of energy and attention into a very sad way for the world to go towards ,then they will quite literally manifest that in some way or another.

That’s why I think it’s crucial to not put energy towards the religion of Christianity that supports doomsday ideas so that we do not collectively manifest an extreme doomsday reality as mentioned in revelation in the back of the Bible. That would just be ridiculous knowing that we have the potentiality to manifest anything and then we just end up bringing into our lives the absolute worst outcome.

I just had perhaps a realization as to why on this planet, for this particular experience in this particular incarnation, there is a supposed “lag” between thought and manifestation, between desire and experience.

What I mean is if you have the desire to be a buff body builder, you don’t just think it and then instantly become it. Our world operates through the path of linear time. Your desire has to be followed through with long, arduous moments of hard work in the gym. Then little by little you see progress add up. It follows the path of linear time and is obtained oftentimes through hard work.

So maybe perhaps before this incarnation, we did enjoy having whatever we wanted, exploring wherever we wanted to go to the capacity we could handle, and then we desired to be challenged again. We desired to have time seemingly expand between thought and action, and to experience the reward of the struggle between the two.

Maybe we think we don’t like the challenge, but deep down, that’s the whole reason why we came to earth. ;)

August 9th

What if the black hole is the brain and the universe is the body and it’s just continual abstractions going outward into infinity? What if as above, so below, points us back to the idea that the blueprint of the body is the blueprint of the universe?

Scientists say that with a black hole, if an actual wallet were to fall into it, then as it falls in, the actual matter may be stringified (stretched) but that the information of what the wallet is lives digitally encoded on the edges of the black hole.

Doesn't the brain store encoded information? Doesn't our body respond to that encoded information depending on what is stored there either causing us to constrict (squish) or expand (stringify)? Aren't we able to add and delete encoded information? Isn't each person but a portal to infinity?



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