Entry 841 - Entry 850

Topics: Classical Physics / The Universe is Expanding / The Benefit of Studying Math and Physics / Black Hole Conjecture

Entry 841

Classical physics and how it is used can be represented by a coin that can either be heads or tails. Quantum physics, on the other hand, can be represented by the infinite possibilities of how many heads and how many tails you can have, which can go on forever.

Not only that, but the coin could have a heads and tails on both sides, or maybe another coin with only one or the other, and then coins with other varying possibilities of choices within the spectrum of the choice at hand. So, the two are represented in the following experiment as one that is discrete and measurable and the other as potentially infinite and measureless.

Entry 842

At this point, I’ve spent enough time studying religions to see the associations, dissimilarities, similarities, etc., to know the bullshit within them so that I no longer continually fall into the trap of believing a certain limited idea that they teach to be true is actually true.

It's a liberating place to be in. There will definitely be times when I find myself believing limiting thoughts, but the time it takes for me to remove them from my psyche is a lot quicker than how long it used to take.

Entry 843 - August 8th

Since we know it’s a fact that the universe is constantly expanding beyond its supposed limits, we know that it is not static.

However, the religion of Christianity (not Jesus) needs limits in order to survive as an entity. In order for it to continue to exist, it needs to convince you to stay within those limits, or else it knows it will lose its hold over you.

So what Christianity did was morph from Jesus’ expansive and radical message of unconditional love, radical acceptance, and true forgiveness that reaches beyond dogma, and morphed his words into a religion scarred with dogma. People who were welcomed with loving arms to Jesus’ messages were now barred down with death threats from Christianity for believing in the Christian faith wrongly.

So many of these leaders in the Christian church purported that unless you followed the limited and pre-approved dogmatic beliefs of the church, you were wrong. Then, depending on what century you were born in, your failure to comply with the Vicar of Christ's true beliefs of Jesus was either punishable by excommunication or potentially by death. That is how I know that type of Christianity is not truly from a limitless and expansive Creator, because it needs limits to control and uses fear, dogma, and creeds to do it.

Entry 844

If people increase their empathy to the point where they are able to put themselves in the shoes of those who lived alongside the Jews and had their whole nation destroyed by the Jews, or the Jews who had their people destroyed by other nations and other religious people, they will see past the visage of "murdering nations in this context is okay."

It's not the Creator that incites violence. It's humans who project those desires of their hearts onto their God as an excuse to do the most barbaric acts of manic rage that incite violence.

I guarantee you that in every nation where people fought murderous wars in the name of their God, there were those who stood back and refused to slaughter innocent people for any reason whatsoever. These were the mystics, the esoterics, the true healers of those times. They came from the Jews, the Amalekites, the Canaanites, the Babylonians, and more. They knew that true unity was not allegiance to blood ties, but rather to the one Spirit that unites us all.

Entry 845

If people took the time to study mathematics and physics as much as they did religion, then they would be able to rule out irrational doctrines and belief systems that literally do not make sense, such as the flat earth conspiracy, the fake moon landing conspiracy, and more.

People believing in those conspiracies are reflecting that they haven’t studied enough to determine what belief systems and conspiracies are irrational and which ones are rational.

Not only that, but I think it should be required that every person take multiple sociology courses, religious courses, and anthropology courses to equip them to see the associations, similarities, and dissimilarities between each one.

Entry 846 - August 9th

Christianity has the potential to be very dangerous to society if taken literally. For example, if someone reads Revelation, and multiple Christian denominations are putting a ton of energy and attention into a very sad way for the world to go, then they will quite literally manifest that in some way or another.

That’s why I think it’s crucial not to put energy towards the religion of Christianity that supports doomsday ideas, so that we do not collectively manifest an extreme doomsday reality as mentioned in Revelation in the back of the Bible. That would just be ridiculous, knowing that we have the potential to manifest anything, and then we just end up bringing into our lives the absolute worst outcome.

Entry 847

I just had perhaps a realization as to why on this planet, for this particular experience in this particular incarnation, there is a supposed “lag” between thought and manifestation, between desire and experience.

What I mean is if you have the desire to be a buff bodybuilder, you don’t just think it and then instantly become it. Our world operates through the path of linear time. Your desire has to be followed through with long, arduous moments of hard work in the gym. Then, little by little, you see progress add up. It follows the path of linear time and is obtained oftentimes through hard work.

So maybe, before this incarnation, we did enjoy having whatever we wanted, exploring wherever we wanted to go to the capacity we could handle, and then we desired to be challenged again. We desired to have time seemingly expand between thought and action, and to experience the reward of the struggle between the two.

Maybe we think we don’t like the challenge, but deep down, that’s the whole reason why we came to earth. ;)

Entry 848 - August 9th

What if the black hole is the brain and the universe is the body, and it’s just continual abstractions going outward into infinity? What if "as above, so below" points us back to the idea that the blueprint of the body is the blueprint of the universe?

Scientists say that with a black hole, if an actual wallet were to fall into it, then as it falls in, the actual matter may be stringified (stretched), but the information of what the wallet is lives digitally encoded on the edges of the black hole.

Doesn't the brain store encoded information? Doesn't our body respond to that encoded information depending on what is stored there, either causing us to constrict (squish) or expand (stringify)? Aren't we able to add and delete encoded information? Isn't each person but a portal to infinity?

Entry 849 - Unwinding Christian Actions that Don't Make Sense

Published 11/23/21

I remember oftentimes in Christianity we would pray, as in beg God, to please allow the not-yet-Christians to become Christians. Or even better, we would pray for Christians who were meeting at other denominations to please come to our old and decaying denomination that we refused to admit was a denomination (The Local Churches established by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee).

However, if everyone truly has free will, then wouldn't we have thought, perhaps, that the Creator of the universe who gave us free will would honor our free will? If someone doesn't want to become a Christian, why would we beg God to change their minds and force them to become a Christian against their free will? Why would we ask God to bend people's free will? I guess if our Christian church did a good enough job at scaring us half to death with the idea of eternal doom for believing incorrectly, then that fear would translate into constant begging that God would bend their wills to come to church and be saved.

But God forcing people to be saved against their will is not ethical and denies our free will in the first place. If you're a free man and then one day someone comes into your house and makes you a slave, but then you say you don't want to be a slave, but they make you a slave anyway, they took away your free will choice to not be their slave. Similarly, if you're a free man who doesn't want to live the Christian life on earth, and someone prays and begs God to go into your life and force you to become a Christian and live the Christian life, but you don't want to, yet God still does it against your free will, then your free will is not being considered.

So if one just thinks for a hot moment and really thinks... If God can force people to be saved against the will of one person, but then they don't have to suffer in hell for eternity, then He should be able to do that for every soul, and therefore no one would have to go to hell! But if He only does it for one person, then it is not fair in the slightest. Some might make the argument, "Well, He doesn't force, but He can give signs," and I would argue, even as much as He influences one person through a supernatural sign over another, that still is not fair to those who did not get a sign at all.

Imagine you're at a horse race, and people are betting millions of dollars on which horse they think will win (let's compare this to betting which belief will get them to heaven). Then imagine you see some people who are betting not millions, but billions, and you can tell that they have full assurance that they are going to win because they received a sign while the others did not receive a sign, and so they do not have full assurance.

The ones who did not receive a sign tried following and studying previous horse races, but their prediction might still be off. Then you find out from a friend that all those people who bet billions on the horse that actually won were tipped off because the announcer of the race told those people which horse would absolutely win because he rigged the game for that one horse to win. You would probably say that is not fair for the other people who did not know that information! Similarly, it is simply unfair to have some receive a sign while others haven't in relation to people's supposed "final destinies."

Then some might argue, "Well, the whole universe is a sign of God," and I would ask, "Which God? The Christian version of God? The Jewish and Islamic version of God?" If you say, "The Jewish and Christian God are the same," I would say from your Christian perspective, yes, but the Jews do not believe in the Trinity and therefore believe it's blasphemous that you make Jesus God.

So how could they be the same God when your God is part of a Trinity and the Jewish God isn't? Your beliefs are directly related to your perception of God, so it is definitely not fair to annul one person's beliefs of their God if they don't match up with yours. If they do believe, their belief is just as valid as yours, and to say anything less is not fair.

It’s interesting because if we truly have free will, then people praying and begging God for others to discard their beliefs and adopt their beliefs would not align with the idea of free will. If God truly gives every human free will, then God would not answer the prayer meant to force someone to do something they don't want to do. Otherwise, we truly do not have free will. It's as simple as that.

Entry 850 - Similarities between Voldemort and the God as depicted in the Old Testament of the Bible

Published on 11/23/21

Voldemort kills people.
God kills people.

(Deuteronomy 32:39 - "I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand.").

Voldemort kills people who don't do what he wants them to do (he killed a Muggle lady who taught in her education class that Muggles and pure-bloods should intermix).

God kills people who don't do what He wants them to do.

(2 Samuel 6:7 - "The LORD’s anger burned against Uzzah because of his irreverent act; therefore God struck him down, and he died there beside the ark of God.").

People fear saying Voldemort's name.

Followers of the God fear saying God's name in vain.

(Exodus 20:7 - "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.").

Voldemort is the most powerful wizard in the world.

God is the most powerful God in the universe.

(Deuteronomy 6:14 - "Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you.")
(Psalm 95:3 - "YHWH is a great God, and a great king above all gods.").

Voldemort is recorded to have killed babies.

God is recorded to have killed babies.

(Exodus 12:29 - "At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well.").

Voldemort has enemies.

God has enemies.

(Exodus 23:22 - "If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you.").

Voldemort has favorites.

God has favorites.

(Deuteronomy 7:6 -"For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.").

Voldemort asks people to sacrifice themselves for him.

God asks people to sacrifice themselves for Him.

(Genesis 22:2 - "Then God said, 'Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.'").

Voldemort has followers who do everything he says, even if they don't want to.

God has followers who do everything He says, even if they don't want to.

(Jonah 1:1–3 - "The word of the LORD came to Jonah son of Amittai: 'Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.' But Jonah ran away from the LORD.").

Voldemort creates evil everywhere he goes.

God created evil.

(Isaiah 45:7 - I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.).

Voldemort has killed whole nations.

The God in the Old Testament of the Bible has killed whole nations.

(Joshua 6:21 - "They devoted the city to the LORD and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.").

How much does the Creator of the Universe need to be anthropomorphized, express divisiveness, and riddle His followers with fear-inducing tactics toward those He supposedly loves before you say, "This is enough. God has to be higher than this"?



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