Entry 821 - Entry 840
Entry 821 - July 25th 2021
Since space and time are relative, that means we live in a relative (subjective) world.
Entry 822
No one told me how lonely it would be
Making the change to transition fully.
Entry 823
Strange rebuttals to my gender identity that people have said to me:
“In one year, you’re going to de-transition.”
I find it humorous that they think they know me more than I know myself. It isn’t a matter of choosing which gender identity I like better; it’s that my gender identity in this incarnation has always felt male, even though I was assigned female at birth.
I’m not androgynous, where sometimes I feel one way or another. I’ve simply felt that I should have a male body for this particular incarnation.
“This age is making it a fad to transition.”
I literally only know two personal friends who are transitioning out of thousands of friends and family. Plus, that statement is not statistically accurate at all. Transgender people only make up about 0.6% of the population. Just because the internet makes the world seem smaller does not mean the stats randomly change to cater to your unrealistic biases.
Entry 824 - July 31st
He thinks it’s just a phase,
That I’ll grow out of it like I grew out of childish maze.
He says he predicts the end of my transitioning,
For a man who doesn’t believe in psychics, that's pretty alarming.
In one life or another, he’ll learn to let people be who they truly are
By finding out who he really is.
But until then, he’ll continue to project who he thinks I am,
And I'll continue to live my life authentically as I am.
Entry 825
Each day, I try to actively let go,
To not put attention on the energy and flow
That for some reason exists strongly between us,
As if we are from the same planet like Venus.
But then I feel you call my energy in the night,
And realize I’m once again right by your side,
Both in the dream state, but it’s clear this is more than a meaningless thing of fate.
Entry 826 - August 3rd 2021
The whole, "This will lower your frequency," or "This will raise your frequency," is, in my opinion, bullshit. The observer and the observed are the same. You can already create expansion through anything. Anything can raise your frequency, and anything can lower it, but its effect on you is for you to decide. It’s not the thing that has the ability or power to do so; it’s you. You are the one creating the ability or lack thereof.
Entry 827
What I’m doing is not simply dabbling in belief systems. Rather, I'm in the realm of the innocent and insatiably curious desire to create through experience and delete unnecessary trauma from my psyche.
Entry 828
David Hawkins' work has a lot of similarities to the major religions, and it is easily becoming that. If I could describe his beliefs, they remind me foundationally of the Eastern religions with a spicy pinch of Christianity dropped on top.
Here they have their fancy-dancy little statistics of how much they think the world’s current vibration is based on their body confirmation tests.
However, if there are an infinite amount of parallel universes, yes, that very well could be one of the parallel universe's vibratory patterns of the masses, but not every single parallel universe is subject to such a low reading that he believes is the true vibratory pattern for the Earth.
There’s also a parallel universe where Trump is still president. Where we are in yet another war, the list goes on and on. So this “final truth on the matter” is bullshit, in my opinion.
Entry 829 - August 4th
Similar to how, as a college student, you wouldn’t find yourself reading third-grade-level books because it isn’t challenging, it isn’t your current level, and it is meant for third graders—so in essence, just like how our reading levels progress, our perception levels progress as well.
Someone may read something, and to them, it is true, it is fact, and it is real. They subject themselves to the reality of that “reading level” or “perception level” and won’t see more unless they are willing to challenge themselves to see more. They can stay at the “third-grade reading level” if they want as adults, but it can be even more exciting to read things that challenge our views, beliefs, and ideas of the world, exponentially increasing our “reading level” or “perception level” of the world and all that is.
The thing is, who is willing to strip themselves naked of limiting beliefs to be observed? Who is willing to look at their belief systems that they identify with in a non-defensive way? Who is really willing to have everything removed from themselves to find out who they truly are? What happens when one comes to the end of one belief system after another? Perhaps they can find a place beyond belief systems—beyond the idea of a conceptual scope of beliefs that are taken as true. Can truth exist without beliefs? Are beliefs what separate us more than they unite us? And if they do, is perhaps the way to realize we are all truly one—as Jesus prayed we would realize before he went to the cross—to drop our beliefs? And if so, how can we truly become free from any limiting beliefs?
If perception is to awareness as beliefs are to concepts, then perhaps we were always meant to transcend the other. The focal point is remembering you are beyond the limited nature of the other, and that which is limited is not truly something that exists. Anything that has a beginning and an ending never had an eternal foundation to sustain its eternal existence. So why do we try so hard to fit our infinite nature into a temporary belief system that causes more harm than help?
Entry 830
I asked a friend who is a faithful follower of Christianity if they were afraid of tapping into their power, and they answered yes…
Many religions are designed to use fear to keep you dependent on them rather than realizing you don’t need them. Once you realize you don't need religion to thrive, that is where the real fun begins.
Not all Christians are religious, but Christianity is a religion. Just as people made religion, people can make Christianity mean whatever they want it to mean to them personally, but in form, Christianity is still an organized religion and falls under that category by definition.
If you're not religious, then don't follow a religion. Just follow Jesus. If you're truly not religious, stop reading the Bible and read what Jesus has placed on your heart. Yes, I know Noah's story is great, but your story with God is even better and more applicable for you. Balance is key. Learn from others, but also learn from your own life. In my opinion, there's no need to serve religion unless you want to experience that in this life.
Entry 831
Most religions are sharing limiting thoughts of God together with a community.
It’s like they flaunt this idea: "Oh, you don’t limit God how WE limit God??? You’re not REAL followers of Jesus."
"Oh, you don’t limit God to only being our Father? Then you aren’t a REAL CHRISTIAN."
"Oh, you don’t limit God by seeing Him as only in the male gender? Oh, then you’re not a REAL CHRISTIAN."
It’s hilarious.
Entry 832
How I see things might not be beneficial for you. How you see things might not be beneficial for me. It’s not because one is right or the other one is wrong, but rather, both are valid experiences of a certain type of perception. Maybe one might be more expansive than the other, but an experience of an expansive perception versus a constricted perception is still an experience. Neither one is better than the other—they’re merely experiences meant to be explored by consciousness itself, us.
Entry 833 - August 16th 2021
The reason why I think masturbation is important to do before entering a relationship sexually is that, first, you find out what you like and what you don’t like. Secondly, you learn that there’s a difference between doing something to get gratifying pleasure and doing it to connect to the Divine.
One is easy and a quick rush; the other is more challenging and a way into a deeper experience. Also, through the latter, you are much more conscientious of the two when entering a relationship. Then you desire to never exploit your partner’s body for pleasure, but rather treat it genuinely as a holy portal to the Divine that you both enter into mutually. The latter goes beyond temporary pleasure and allows the two to meet in the infinite power joined together in a holy act of union. So if you don’t know the difference, then many times, you could exploit your partner for pleasure.
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