
Showing posts from September, 2021

Thought Dump Part 26

  At the core of every fundamentally rigid type of religion, there is a hint, to potentially a holy pint, of narcissism. Oftentimes, many religions see people as an extension of itself. If their religion has borders, then the person has borders. If their religion has boundaries, then the person must have boundaries. Any person who expands beyond the boundaries of their religion is no longer an extension of that religion, but now perceived as a threat to it. The narcissism that many religions use is meant to control the person; to keep them within the boundaries of that religion. It can use craftily devised manipulation, cognitive dissonance, and ideas that create a victim mindset in the person where only their religion has the answers through their “special connection to God” to free them from the guilt that religion created in order to trap you in the first place. They purport that other religions are not able to bring the person closer to God as they can which creates e

Thought Dump Part 25 - Let's Not Repeat Atrocities / Fear Based Positions Says A Lot / Empathy

 June 24th 2021 The reason why many of us who have expanded beyond the limitations of religion call out the atrocities of our past religion is for everyone to rise above the cognitive dissonance many religions use to control people. It is also so that we can raise awareness of the mistakes of each religion so that we do not perpetuate or allow them to occur once again with embarrassingly irrational reasoning such as “because God said so.” For example, the genocide of whole nations recorded in the Bible because “God said so” can no longer be perpetuated. The unequal treatment of women as property sold and bought for a price because “God said so” can no longer be perpetuated. Laws signed in that cause more harm and inequality to mankind “because God said so” can no longer be perpetuated. Reducing humans to property and as slaves against their will “because God said” can no longer be perpetuated. It may have been allowed for some time as an excuse within the Bible because pe

Thought Dump Part 24 - Christianity Thinks For You / Questioning Religion / Our Egos Like Limits / Unconditional Love is Most Rational

  Three problems with Christianity 1. A majority of Christianity is taught to think for you. 2. Christianity can help it make it hard for you to see the differences between a healthy relationship versus an unhealthy, codependent and emotionally abusive relationship because many denominations of Christianity utilize the latter in order to keep you coming back. 3. They don’t show you the facts or the unbiased version of history. They only show you what they think will benefit the spread of their religion, even if it's detrimental to your own life. -- June 10th 2021 One of the primary reasons I have seen why people are afraid to question their religion, afraid to walk beyond the boundaries it imposes, is because they haven’t done enough research on their religion in order for it to lose it’s ability to hold someone according to irrational beliefs that cannot be validated. Or if they allowed their peasants, I mean loyal followers, to study about their religion, it was from

Thought Dump Part 23

This is the master secret.... This is what we all know deep within but chose to forget in order to play this game we believe in: We create it all. We give meaning to the meaningless. By being, we give meaning. From our eternal existence, we create all ideas, concepts, belief systems, stories, legends, myths, religions, societies and so forth. All of the above, below and beyond that we create will only exist as long we choose for it to because since it was created, it can be destroyed. Since we always are, we are being Itself, therefore we can never be destroyed. That’s the secret. Nothing matters until we decide for it to matter. Until then, it remains meaningless until we breathe meaning into it. -- In my opinion, I believe there is the most societal benefit to be androgynous in our for the following reasons: Women are a more likely to feel safe and comfortable and less suspicious as to if you have a motive with speaking to them. Many times they have their guard up rightfully so

Thought Dump Part 22

 June 4th 2021 I know without a doubt that I am trans. I know without a doubt that this is the healthiest thing I can do for myself. I no longer starve myself so that I won’t have breasts. I no longer get anxiety when I look in the mirror. I no longer have chronic stress eating at me every single day. However, that is not to say that this transition is just a walk in the park for me. 
People are having to let go of an old outer shell of myself and get used to this new outer shell of me. Not only that, but I have to make amends and let go of the old outer shell I hid behind to feel safe in my society and religious community. I have to forgive myself for hiding behind this old outer shell and not feeling strong enough to say anything to anyone because of the fear of being judged, ostracized, bullied for something I cannot control. I have to let go of this old outer shell I felt safe and comfortable in to show the world, but that I hated and despised because I knew it wasn’t tru