Thought Dump Part 9 - Conspiracy Theories / Validating Unverified Biblical Claims / Religions Utilize Separation

Each person is like a universe within a bigger universe, within a bigger universe. The cells in your body working in harmony have a "universe" they explore beyond the cells in a piece of dirt may know of. Your body has a universe beyond the cells in your body that your cells may known of. Yourself as Consciousness has an expanded universe beyond the limits of the body that your body may know of.
These words could mean nothing to you unless you experience them by embodying the essence of what it tries to convey. Silent breathwork will definitely help. Try to focus on the present moment by maybe focusing on your breath and then consider what this means to you: You are 'being' (expansion) embodied in illusive limits. 'I Am' or 'Being' never stops existing. It either always was or never truly was to begin with. You are either energy or you are a temporary illusive form that doesn't truly exist in terms of eternity. Within the limits of time and space, illusion is temporary and therefore does not truly exist in terms of eternity. Within the terms of eternity, energy always is and therefore never stopped existing. If one understands this, one will realize anything that attempts to limit one to any illusive boundary is confused with who they truly are and are perpetuating a belief in themselves as temporary and therefore, not real.


I guess I feel like our meaning of humility has changed throughout the years of what it truly means to have humility. Considering humility outside of the scope of free will, you will have many Christians who say that any good deed they did was all God and not them in order "to give God all the glory" but deep down, there is that hope of being seen as humble by God and/or by men. They will say they had nothing to do with the good in their lives, which plays into the whole mentality that they are not responsible for their own achievements, but rather God sitting on a throne outside of them achieved it for them or gave them the power to do so that they didn't have. It's not bad to believe power comes from an eternal Source that some label as "God" or others as the "Creator". However, when someone tries to look good by denying one's own actions is potentially a way for some to "seem" a certain way to impress God and/or people. It doesn't mean you're actually embodying humility. I feel like true humility is recognizing that anyone can achieve what you have achieved.

To me, true humility is recognizing that every soul on earth has the potentiality to accomplish whatever they want to accomplish. That no one is incapable of accomplishing anything because they are one with everything. They are just as much as limitless as we are. They are just as much as multidimensional as we are. On top of that, this humility doesn’t cancel out your work towards achievements, nor diminish yourself. It simply recognizes that everyone is capable and can accomplish anything they want to and to me, that’s true humility.

There’s nothing wrong with being grateful and recognizing your achievements that you worked hard for, but if you do want to give someone else credit or God credit for your work, by all means go ahead. If you want to emphasize partial free will over complete free will, go ahead. If you want to assume you really don't have the power, and all power is in some Sky Daddy's hands that he gives to some people and not to others because he picks favorites, then go ahead. However, if that type of humility makes you feel better about yourself while at the same time putting others down below yourself, is that humility anymore? Or is it just a way to feel better about oneself in relation to other people?


May 5th

Sexual energy is extremely powerful and my main source of energy to stay strong as of right now.


We live in an age where you don’t need money to wield power over the world. All you need is a smart phone and through it, you acquire followers which collectively can share your visions for the world. It’s never been about money giving power to you because the only power it has is the power you give it, but rather it's about the collective ability to wield power together, which furthers change to happen throughout the universe.


So it comes to my attention that the blood contract Abraham enacted with the deity called 'Yahweh' gave this entity power to enforce the rules of the contract, if not obeyed. This deity was said to be the "Only true God", but how do we know? We weren't there. How did Abraham know for sure it was the Creator? Does the Creator need a blood contract/covenant in order to ensure obedience? Does the Creator need a blood contract in order to make a deal with people? How many deals did the Creator do with the people all over the earth? Were people considered "Not the Creator's favorite" if they refused to murder animals for him? Does the Creator really have favorites and love some while hating others?

If he's the Creator of the universe, couldn't he have decided on a less harmful way to create a contract? How do we know that this entity wasn't lying and isn't actually some alien conglomeration from a far away galaxy that made this deal in order to acquire whatever they had in mind by using the Jews as pawns for their plan? If this is possible, how many nations were also used by entities to get what they wanted? How many animals and people did they murder in order to acquire land, women and money?

Is that really something the Creator would be so invested in? Isn't it a fact that most of pages in the Old Testament is about war, acquiring land, blood sacrifices and murder? Or maybe would the Creator desire for each person to wake up to their truth in relation to God and everyone else? For worldwide peace, love, freedom and equality? These are genuine questions I have.


I think there are a few people to find solace in the idea that potentially we don’t have free will because then, they can blame something outside of themselves because according to this belief, they are technically not in control. It’s interesting because these people appreciate this idea probably because it would be easier to be a robot not in control rather than take full responsibility for one’s own life.


A lot of Christian churches, especially evangelical and pentecostal bent eternal hell-fire churches, cause people to disassociate in order to be a part of their community, which is extremely harmful for them. The ones that say that any other sexuality besides heterosexuality or any other gender identity besides their gender identity assigned at birth is considered a sin causes people to disassociate in order to fit in with the community, making them lose precious parts of who they are in order for them to not be persecuted or judged for something they cannot help but be in this lifetime.


What many Christian denominations say: God and Satan create and miscreate your reality and you just live in it.

What finding your power makes you realize: You create and miscreate your own reality and therefore you are 100% responsible.


The first problem with mainstream Christianity is much of it chose to confine God to labels and limits by using definitions and ideas to encapsulate God, therefore limiting God when God cannot be limited, since God is in everything and everything is in God.

The creed of many Christians is an attempt to describe, define and label God and if you do or do not believe as such, then you are labeled as a heretic. So let me get this straight... If you DO NOT limit God by concepts, labels and definitions, you are a heretic. Do you see the irony?


Conspiracy theories is just a hot button term for hostility towards something. For example, whenever you hear a conspiracy theory, it’s nine times out of ten something bad about something. It takes an object, idea, person, political organization, government and demonizes their actions in order to prove something that is negatively happening but the reality is, anything can become something hostile to you. Anything can become demonized in which you have a negative outlook on that situation or idea. However, perceiving like that will not help you become free from fear, but rather just more entrapped in it. You can use your time and energy much better and more wisely by focusing on solving genuine issues while remaining optimistic of the outcome.

The thing about a conspiracy theory is that it cannot be proven which is different than actual known problems that can be proven. If it is an actual known problem, then realistically you can use your time and energy to try to find ways to fix the problem, but a lot of times with conspiracy theories, people spend hours and hours trying to prove how bad something is but they don’t actually talk about how to solve it because all their time is spent trying to prove its existence.

If we don’t know for sure something is bad and we’re spending all her time and energy trying to prove baseless assumptions that something or someone is bad, don’t be shocked when that thing is seen as bad to you but others don't hop on the bandwagon with your given assumptions. Quantum physics says that the observer and the observed are the same. You quite literally manifest that which you put your time and energy into and you see what you want to see. Also, you don’t see what you don’t want to see and that’s why it’s really easy for people to be convinced of one thing over the other with only assumptions and error-prone 'evidence' because they’re putting all their time and energy on one situation which breathes life into their chosen conspiracy theory. Their focus is polarized and therefore their view will be polarized.


What if religion is actually the “devil” in disguise (the adversary to us expressing our truest self) because it forces us to fit a mold that not everyone can fit and condemns us if we don’t?

What if Jesus didn’t fight for religion, but fought for freedom from its limits? What if his message wasn’t exclusion but massive inclusion? What if Christianity has it reversed because that’s the only way it can survive, with limits and boundaries promising its existence as long as no one can tears those limits down?


If the true God is one of duality (this is right that’s wrong) and Lucifer represents freedom from temporary rules and duality (freedom aligns with oneness) I guess those who are for oneness are Luciferians which is ironic to say the least.

Let's say that certain beliefs within Christianity can now be easily disproved by Quantum Physics, then how did we fall victim to these certain irrational beliefs in the first place?

Maybe perhaps the leverage religion has over our own minds is our susceptibility of the fear over death and the unknown in order to incline us towards trusting a church’s particular irrational belief with no proof over trusting ourselves?

Perhaps deep down we’d rather be “wrong” about the deepest questions of life together with others rather than “wrong” about them alone? Because somehow we convinced ourselves it’s more “safe” to believe in a irrational belief together rather than to question it, recognize it, and refuse to identify with an irrational belief within a religion.

So one way religion utilizes conditional groupthink is by creating a community surrounded around a belief system so that you either believe it or you feel left out for not conforming. Then there are communities that don't base your ability to serve in conforming to a particular belief system and encourage critical thinking skills, individuality and freedom.

So in summary, one is sourced in a community where you either conform to the belief patterns or feel left out, the other allows you freedom to find a community that does not expect your submission and belief into an irrational way of thinking to be a valid and strong participating member of the community.

May 12th

People use the Bible to validate the Bible’s claims, do you see the irony?

That’s like if I were to go to a court and stand as a witness against the crime and I used myself as a witness against my own crime. Yeah I could do that, but it would be more believable if I had other witnesses there. However, if I am the one who committed the crime, it doesn't matter how many witnesses I have, I still am guilty and committed the crime.

It doesn't matter how many witnesses the Bible has besides itself, there are still 'crimes committed' and someone is guilty for it, whether that's God or man, one must decide and that decision will determine how much they deify their religion and religious texts as such. And if the crimes in the Bible are from man, then that goes to show, maybe the Bible is from man and not from God, or else God would be responsible for those crimes and you serve quite a God to be afraid of.

The 'crimes' being genocide, sacrifice, wars, plagiarizing verses from other religions, scribal additions, scribal revisions, scribal removals, inaccurate information, contradictions, irrational verses, unequal treatment of men and women, women being bought and sold and seen as property that men own, slaves being bought and sold and seen as property that men own and the list goes on and on.

Historically we can affirm certain things in the Bible did happen, but there’s a lot that cannot be validated and are just flat out false. If it actually came from God and the Bible was inerrant, how could God have gotten these things so deeply wrong?

If the Bible was truly written by the Spirit of God and not from and by men through and through, then God is fallible and prone to error because He can’t even keep the correct information through the Holy Spirit and in that case, I don't know what God you’re worshipping, but that doesn’t sound like the Creator to me!


If it’s not rational in its depth, then it’s definitely not going to be rational on the surface

How are you going to give something if you don’t even know what it is????


The best part is each religion will have people who will kick and scream to keep their religion as “distinct” and “superior” over other religions as possible by saying there’s no connection because if they did not do so, they would be admitting to inheriting from other religions.

See if all religions inherit from all other religions, that would mean that it would be preposterous to assume that one religion is right over the other because they all inherit from each other. So anyone who has a superior mind complex of one religion and believes it is correct when they all came from the same place, then they are in a state of cognitive dissonance and do not understand how religion has evolved throughout the years in each culture differently.

Similar to how different animals evolve over time, religion, ideas, beliefs and systems evolve over time. All of this is depending on the human consciousness at that point in time. People are much more likely to believe in a barbaric, angry, jealous war god that wants to steal peoples lands and call it righteousness if that’s their current level of consciousness. Other times when people have higher evolved consciousnesses, they see God as a peaceful, loving accepting and caring of all people.

See the reality is is that God has always been a reflection of people's states of consciousness. You see what you see in God because that’s what you see in yourself. You notice things in God that you already notice in yourself. The way you view God is how you view yourself. If you were to be able to view God outside of your own understanding, then it wouldn’t be your God. It would be a God that you could not comprehend. But see that’s the thing. People don’t want a God that they cannot comprehend, so they put labels on God. They limit God to a box, to religion, to a set of ideas and then they say that their way of seeing God is correct and anyone who doesn’t see God in the same way they do, is going to hell forever. Those same limits they use by encapsulating God into labels that make sense to them are used also for others in order to give themselves a sense of superiority which keeps religion distinct and powerful because by endowing limits onto others creates walls of distinction that were made by a God subjugated and frozen by their separation. At the end of the day, those limits they miscreated are their own prisons they confine themselves to.


I’m not here to save you, I’m here to show you how to save yourself. I’m not here to be your leader, I’m here to show you that you are the leader of yourself. I’m not here to convince you to believe one belief over another, I’m here to show you that you are beyond all belief systems. I’m here to help you remember that which you’ve always been: A limitless, infinite and powerful multidimensional entity.


Jesus did not come to convince you to be codependent on him. Jesus came to show the oneness we all share from within.

Jesus did not come to convince you to worship him. He came to show you the meaning behind worship.

Jesus did not come to convince you to see himself separate from yourself. He came with a a sacred prayer that we would all see that we are all one.

Jesus’ message was not bent on separation, it was always sourced in oneness beyond our brain's contemplation.


Living your most truest and authentic self around people and a society that want you to conform is in my opinion, one of the strongest and most beneficial things you can do for yourself.


Mainstream Christianity teaches you codependency. It does not teach you how to tap into your power. There are esoteric and mystical branches of Christianity that can teach you to do that, but the mainstream Christianity does not teach you that.


If you are one with God and you truly don’t exist then that means God doesn’t truly exist and everything is an illusion. But if you are one with God and you do exist, then that means God exists and you both are part of the same, one reality. Even though truly there are no parts bent in eternal separation, you are truly one with Source. See if you are truly are one with God, that means you are the same as God, and if you are the same as God, that means you are in, with, of God. To create any sort of differentiation or separation is to apply that illusion is part of the reality. That would infer that duality is in eternal reality and illusions are just as real as reality. That would mean our whole universe is chaotic and we’re all screwed.


I have become a menace to mainstream Christianity. I go where they’re afraid to go. I see things that they are afraid to see. I experience things they’re afraid to experience. I am the embodiment of individuality embracing oneness and eternal reality. I rip down the chaotic boundaries of duality to show the unique oneness we all share within. The essence the same, the expression beautiful unique. The awareness always there, even when the illusions make things seem not so clear. I represent what people want to see until they’re ready to see something differently, then I present it to them.



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