Entry 581 - Blind Associations within Belief Systems


Associations reveal the connections people deny in order to create superiority over other belief systems. Instead of demons from Christianity, it’s negatively-oriented aliens in New Ageism. Instead of angels in Christianity that assist us here on Earth, it can still be angels as well as spirit guides in New Ageism.

Instead of praying in Christianity, it’s manifesting in New Ageism. Instead of a devil outside of you in Christianity, it’s the devil within each of us in New Ageism. Instead of “I got a message from God” in Christianity, it is oftentimes “I got a message from Source” in New Ageism.

Instead of holy objects such as the Bible and holy places like the church, it’s holy objects like crystals and saging the house to cleanse the energy to preserve its holiness in New Ageism. They both have beliefs about love and light, and they both have beliefs sourced in fear, guilt, and shame.

Same meaning, different words. Christianity and New Ageism are two sides of the same coin. At the end of the day, a belief system in the invisible is still a belief system in the invisible. They are as expansive or as exclusive as we choose for them to be because we are the ones who breathe life and give meaning to our preferred belief systems.


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