Entry 582 - Entry 587

Entry 582 - March 25, 2021

People have told me, whether through words or writings, that I am the power of God incarnate, and I want to address this in such a way that makes sense of how I personally see myself and everyone else. I truly believe everyone is the power of God incarnate, whether they are aware of it or not. I am no better or worse than any human or any other energy disguised in a temporary form, such as a blade of grass, an ant, a dolphin in the ocean, and so forth.

With that said, I do believe we can see throughout the ages that there are those who remember more of their divine essence and at a much deeper level than maybe a majority, but that definitely does not mean they are "better." So in terms of power, I truly believe the power in me is in all. I’ve just woken up to a lot of it, and those who are on their journey might see more of it in me than in them, but the reality is that everyone has an equal share in this limitless power because they are all one with it.

I may be able to wield it more effortlessly in certain circumstances or more easily because of my awareness, but that doesn’t make me “better,” and that doesn't mean I am mistake-free. If anything, it just means I have a lot more responsibility to use this power in ways that are beneficial and not harmful to the masses. That’s the only difference.

Let's use dreams as an example of this phenomenon. If someone remembers their dream from the night before, they can talk about it with others. If someone can’t remember their dream, then they say, “I don’t know.” They both had dreams, but the difference is one says, “I do know,” and the other says, “I don’t know.”

The person who remembers their dream is no better than the person who doesn't; it's just about remembering. The difference between remembering one's dream or not is dependent on time and space, but the dream itself is interrelated and exists before you remembered it or didn’t. So now interchange the words "remembering a dream" with "knowing who you truly are" and "the dream" itself as "the truth."

I may connect to my multidimensional self not simply in my dreams, nor simply in my meditations or singing, but in simple moments of simply being. However, that varies according to how aware I am at the present moment. My awareness and remembrance indicate that I’m experiencing what it’s like to live, breathe, and operate in a dualistic world, awake to the irrationality and illusions it portrays as real and rational. This is my current experience, and I know I’ve had many, many lives experiencing the prior.

Whatever you are experiencing is neither bad nor good; it’s simply an experience. We create labels out of words that we give meaning to. Without words, it’s an experience. Without emotions, it’s still an experience. We are constantly defining situations by creating new words, new meanings, new emotions, and new judgments about our experiences that create either a "good or bad" experience. The temporal nature of our experiences here only proves it was all play and not permanent.

We decided to experience it, whether we were conscious of it or not, remembered or forgotten, and that’s one of the hardest things for people to accept—especially those who have life stories deeply ingrained in a victim mindset, where they 100% believe they aren't responsible for their whole lives. They don't believe they chose their families, their bodies, where they'd be born, or where they would like to die. They project all that responsibility and those choices onto either God, the little angry devil, or other people, which keeps them pointing fingers and also keeps them feeling powerless.

If someone else is making all these huge choices for them, then there's nothing they can do except roll with someone else's choices made for them; hence, it being easy to stay the victim. However, if one explores the idea that maybe they do have complete free will and did choose all these aspects of their lives for whatever reason, it will remind them of the power they have, and they are less likely to want to be the victim if they know they have the power to change their lives.

Maybe they won't be so distraught if they realize that maybe their friend chose to leave the world in the way that they did, whether it was to experience it or to heal some sort of choice they made in another life. But assuming people "choose" helps people feel less sorry for themselves and others because then they realize deep down, this is what they intended to experience before coming to Earth. Even as hard as some of these experiences are, they knew before agreeing to experience it, and therein lies freedom. The pure freedom to truly choose; to have complete free will.

So the moment someone takes 100% responsibility for every aspect of their lives is the moment their consciousness vibrates faster, and they get to experience life with a whole new level of freedom and power. Until then, they can experience the victim world as long as they desire. It is neither right nor wrong; just an experience.

Entry 583

There are many times when I succumb to the illusion and forget my deeper truth that goes beyond this temporary form we call "the body." There are many times when I forget my multidimensional self. There are many times when I forget my power or the inherent power in others.

The times when I am momentarily lost in the "illusion of susceptibility," I believe that what someone says can hurt me, or that an object does have the power to weaken me. But as I continue onward, I also notice the moments of mindfulness in my life.

It is important to note that my personal self-awareness of the equal and inherent power that we all hold is definitely not linear, but more like random darts that fly toward a dartboard. There are times when it will take me weeks to be released from a fear-based belief, but eventually, I find myself free. Even if it takes weeks or years, when I am finally aware of the temporal nature of when I first allowed that belief to scare me and the moment I stopped giving it the power to do so, I free myself from that belief system. By being mindful of those beginnings and endings, it helps tremendously in preparing for the next set of challenges in relation to new scenarios that come my way.

It is definitely a joyful experience when I find myself face to face with negativity but am able to quickly transcend it before the negativity can dig roots into my brain and affect me. It is even more peaceful when I have contiguous weeks where no one can convince me to be afraid of what they are afraid of, or even months where I cannot think of a single fear. Again, these experiences are spurious and not in a specific order, but they can happen when a transcendent mindset is upheld.

With that said, it is important to reiterate that no one is expected to only have one experience of perfect remembrance of their inherent perfection and power, with no experiences of the latter, because this world was specifically designed for people to dabble in imperfection and illusions in order to experience the contrast and transcend the limits. Please do not ever think less of yourself if you are currently experiencing a time in your life where it's hard to remember your power and your freedom. We are all going through the hills and valleys together, sometimes at the same time, while other times at different intervals.

No one is "perfect" by only experiencing "the good" because "heaven" wasn't meant to only be experienced in this particular incarnation. We didn't come here with the intention to never experience any hardships. Our experience of this duality on Earth consists of the good and the bad, so don't feel bad if you are experiencing the "bad."

It is the contrast that teaches us that we have always been above it. Our perfection cannot be held down by duality. Our perfection and power cannot be lost in our mistakes. Our perfection is not in what we do but in who we are. We are sparks of God, children of God, part of God, one with God, and nothing can take away what we have always been. And I promise you, forgetting is short-lived.

Entry 584

Did you know that in the Bible there's a verse that says God says, "I create evil"? Well, you see, if it was created at a certain time and place, that would mean it doesn't truly exist. This evil is temporal because it follows the path of linear time, which is also temporal and an illusion. So if evil is an illusion created for whatever reason, then what is the reality behind the illusion? What is life without evil? What is life without illusions?

Entry 585 - Point of Power

Someone said to me the other day, “You know he didn’t take care of his body when he was younger, and so that explains why he is like this now.” I would say, once you come to the powerful realization of the now moment as the point of power, then you are freed from your past because you are redirecting this now moment away from the other path you once followed. Also, that past path wasn't necessarily bad or good; it was merely a temporary experience where only the good, the love, the joy will be remembered.

To put it simply, imagine you are following a road straight to a "dangerous" castle with monsters and traps on this road, but then at that very moment, you come to the realization that you no longer wish to be on this path. This isn’t according to your desired purpose, or if it was chosen pre-incarnatively, you no longer want to be on it or experience it, so you actively choose to get off this path and follow another one. Then you step off that path at that very moment and step onto a path that leads to a beautiful crystal castle with tamed animals, lovely trees, orchids, and a whole welcoming party awaiting your arrival.

If someone chose to go all the way to the dangerous-looking castle, it wasn’t necessarily because of their past self that was responsible for that. But at every single present moment, they chose that reality each step of the way. Also, it isn't necessarily solely bad because life is never truly only bad or only good. Life has a delicate, interwoven thread of the good woven into the bad and the bad woven into the good, beautifully portrayed with the yin/yang symbol.

A lot of people, whether completely unconscious or conscious of it, chose to experience a particular set of paths in this life. Some people don’t want to take responsibility for everything they have experienced. But if you are the observer, you are also the observed, according to Quantum Physics. To separate the two is to see a victim and a torturer. To see the two as one is to realize your power and freedom. It's to realize nothing can come into your field of awareness unless you allowed it, either unconsciously, consciously, before this life, or during it, because you are the creator of your reality.

To have complete free will means you are completely responsible because you fully realize everything that has happened to you was in some way allowed by you. That’s where a lot of religions bring up the idea of karma. You did this in a past life, so now before you came here, you desired to seek reparations by putting yourself through the painful act you once forced onto someone else or other forms of karma.

I don’t believe or disbelieve in the mainstream views of karma within religion. I simply recognize the Quantum Physics principle that the observer and the observed are the same for quanta, and if we are made up of billions and trillions of quanta, that would mean that according to quantum physics, everyone is responsible for the reality they create. Whether they want to claim responsibility or not, in some way, if it involves them, there is free will, and with free will come choices.

This can definitely be hard for people to accept because a lot of people have had tremendously hard and painful events happen to them, and they still see themselves as fully the victim, with no free will in those instances but free will in others. First of all, I’m not diminishing the pain or suffering anyone went through.

I cannot imagine what some have experienced during their lives. I'm simply challenging the potential power to change one's course at any given moment because of complete free will, which would affirm our power to choose. You don't have to affirm this, but I personally believe in 100% complete free will and total responsibility, even if we don’t currently see all the connections of events from and back to ourselves.

Ironically, ever since I took full responsibility for everything I have allowed into my field, I have felt more powerful and in control of my life. You stop giving your power away to people. You stop expecting things outside of you to either heal or damn you. You stop putting the saving element in objects that will cease to exist and instead recognize that the source of healing has always been you. If something outside of you saved you, it’s because you allowed it to.

If someone outside of you did something, it’s because you either chose to experience that before you were born or allowed that event some sort of access in some way during your life or after it. If complete free will were not a thing, then you would be a victim, and you would be powerless. Then where would the autonomy, freedom, and choice be in that? Is partial choice still free will?

If so, then technically, you would still be a victim of the world and would be tossed by outside forces that you have no control over. Then that piece of toast can kill you, that thing can cause that disease, that vaccine will destroy you. However, if we do have free will, then anything you believe can hurt you will hurt you because you chose for it to do so by believing it to be able to—not because it’s "true," but because you endowed those objects or people with the power to do so.

Entry 586

The source and the course are one. The events and the audience are one. Separate one from the other, and you have an illusion that you can play in. Put them back as one, and you have a reality you can find comfort in. Either way, all is one, and the sooner you come to that realization that all is one, the easier, smoother, more fun, more exciting, and more powerful you feel.

Entry 587

So I came across something on my FYP on TikTok where it was like, “People either become one with Source or they just cease to exist,” and I thought to myself, that is so interesting. Here we have someone who ascribes to a more open spiritual perspective, yet they still have a separatist view of the afterlife. This is not to say that everyone who is into spirituality sees beyond limitations, separations, and us-versus-them mentalities, but it does go to show the variety of beliefs that crossover between religious and spiritual people.

Just like many Protestants believe that God will chuck a majority of people into eternal hellfire for finite mistakes, there are also a minority of Protestant Christians who definitely do not subscribe to that belief. Similarly, just as there are a minority of spiritual people who believe similarly to other religions that God will give up on people by either annihilating them or torturing them for eternity, there seem to be many within spirituality who recognize our inherent oneness with all and understand that all limits, division, and boundaries are part of us experiencing ourselves in new ways through contrast and duality.

These minority spiritual people who believe similarly to other religious groups—that God will annihilate or torture people for eternity—accept a belief where some souls do not truly exist, which is quite a short existence, to say the least. I mean, if someone can be annihilated fully, then they never truly existed, so it's not quite an existence at all.

Since energy can be neither created nor destroyed, and this spiritual creator is saying you can be destroyed, then you would be no more real than this chair that I'm sitting on. You, similar to the form of the chair, are temporal, and therefore, according to their logic, never truly existed in the first place, which is quite the Debbie Downer ending, lol.

I often point out that any belief that is sourced in separation, fear, guilt, and shame is part of the illusion we are currently playing in, projected beyond this incarnation and attached to the idea of infinity. The reality is separation is a short-lived experience because our literal essence is oneness. We are from Source, we are one with Source, and we could never stop being One with all in our essence. You can destroy the illusion of separation, the body, the mind, but you cannot destroy Life, which is inherently indestructible. If you're Life, you are eternal. If you're not Life, then you never were. It's that simple.

Personally, I think this belief that these spiritual people have of "negatively oriented people" getting annihilated gives them some sort of peace or solace, similar to the peace it gives Christians knowing there's a place where bad people will be thrown in for not living up to the boring and strict morals erected by Christianity.

These spiritual people have created a division that they believe goes on for eternity. The negatively oriented people continue to become bad until they cease to exist, and the good people continue to be good until they become one with God. The only problem with this is assuming you aren’t already one with Source means your perception of separation is much deeper than most of spirituality, and pretty much on par with other religions that believe separation is necessary for survival throughout the centuries.

Secondly, to believe that people are unredeemable from their negative actions is to fail to see their divine connection and oneness with Source. If they are truly one with Source, then any form of negativity they are experiencing is not a part of their truth, but a part of the illusion they’ve decided to explore.

If they are genuinely one with their negativity and it is an eternal aspect of who they are, then technically, you couldn’t annihilate something that someone always was. You would be that regardless because that is how eternity works.

To drill this point home, if you were always negative, currently negative, and will be negative, then that would mean your essence is negative, and that part of you as negativity is indestructible. If it could be destroyed and annihilated, then that would mean it wasn’t a true part of you. If it is truly a part of you and you were annihilated alongside your negativity, then that would mean you never truly existed and were part of the illusion itself. You see, there are way too many holes in this narrative to believe in the idea that separation is an eternal reality.

Let’s say this particular belief sourced in separation was our true eternal reality (some become annihilated forever and others will become one with God). That would imply we already aren’t one with God and need to get somewhere to be saved. This would also imply that none of us are truly real because we are not indestructible Life. We are things that came about that can disappear, and we are things that rely on something to give us life.

However, if we were, are, and will be one with Indestructible Life—which by connection would make us all indestructible Life Force Energy—then that would mean this idea of separation is nothing more than another belief system sourced in illusions that people wish to explore until they no longer find any fascination within it.

Neither is it good nor bad to believe in this belief system sourced in separation; it’s simply an experience people choose to have by giving it credibility in their personal lives. By doing so, it will shape their perspective of how they see themselves, others, and Source, more in terms of separation than in terms of Oneness.


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