
Showing posts from May, 2021

Thought Dump Part 8 - Free will issues in the Bible / Cognitive Dissonance within Religion / Religion Utilizes Trauma To Keep it Relevant

So if Yahweh hardened Pharaoh’s heart when the Pharaoh wanted to let the Jews go but Yahweh didn’t want that because Yahweh wanted to better display his glory, then that means the Pharaoh didn’t truly have free will at that moment, and to not have free will in one moment would mean according to quantum physics, that the Pharaoh never had free will at any moment because Quantum Physics states that all time is simultaneously happening right now at this very moment. So that would mean each of our choices is out of our hands because Yahweh, who claims to be the Creator, is showing us through this act, that our free will doesn’t truly exist by him taking it away from the Pharoah without his ability to choose for it to be taken away.  If something can be taken away, it never really was. What ceases to exist at one moment never truly existed at any moment. That is the nature of illusions and that would mean our ability to choose at any given moment is nothing but a mere illusion and we are no

Thought Dump Part 7 - Logic behind beliefs / Are beliefs necessary for heaven? / Jesus was a mystic

-- Conversation between a Protestant and a Person. --Protestant: But they need to say a prayer or else they will go to hell for eternity? Person: Why do you say that? Protestant: Because that’s what the Bible says! Person: Where? Protestant: Person: Those verses were in relation to judgement, not in terms of eternal punishment. Jews never believed in an eternal punishment so why would Jesus’ good news of the gospel be a new doctrine of hell, sourced in fear? Protestant: So you're saying it wouldn't make sense to apply those verses to a concept the Jews didn't even believe in? Person: Exactly Protestant: But Jesus told us to go share the gospel with everyone to convert people! Person: That's a common belief with those who believe in an eternal hell. The reason why the Jews do not feel a need to prosthelytize non-Jews is because they believe God will definitely and eventually save all of His creation. So why would Jesus preach a new doctrine that’s even worse and scarier

Thought Dump Part 6 - What does repent really mean? / How Jews view Satan

In the Bible, it says "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is here." That isn’t a new concept to the Jews... The Jews have been repenting for thousands of years…. so what did he really mean by that? Repent from what you know. Repent from what you think you know. Repent and turn from the newly miscreated "evils" within religion. Repent and turn from harmful, fearful doctrines of the fundamental sects within Judaism at that time. Repent from deifying and glorifying doctrines of fear, guilt and shame in order to steal, kill and destroy others through religion and through God. -- I just had a revelation.... Just like we can interact with the world without (collective body) we can interact with "the world" within (our body). Just like our consciousness acts as the captain of influence of our body within, there is an overall Source consciousness that acts as the captain of influence from without. Even though the body is one with us and we are one with the body, we

Thought Dump Part 5 - Is their any logic in murder? / Some people need religion to be a good person.

Religious people say God doesn’t force people to comply to his will: They say the true Creator of the universe, more than just another war god assigned to Israel, says that all must repent or die. Also sidenote: The Jews called the gods from other nations war gods while their god was the only true one, even though their god shared THE SAME characteristics and actions with the "bad gods" from other nations (Jealousy, love, joy, peace kindness, wrath, holiness, conditional protection based on obedience, sacrifice, rituals, favoritism, hostility, engaging in wars, genocide, protection, killing babies and women for god, etc). All gods followed by each nation were invisible, but apparently one of the invisible gods from only one nation was correct and the other one was wrong and the way you knew was because the correct god favored the "correct" nation. XD So if all must repent or die, is that not forcing people to comply to someone’s will against their will? They say act

Thought Dump Part 4

It’s interesting because with Christianity or Wiccan, they both heavily rely on outward things such as prayers (for Christians) or sigil‘s (for witches and wizards). Another example is with rituals (for Christians it's the Eucharist/Communion and for Witches it's their own personal altar rituals) in order to accomplish something on this earth or in the heavens. However, outside the boundaries of religions and their various incantations respective to their particular words and meanings, one can also focus on their own ability, their own power as a multi-dimensional being to bring about things, rather than on one religion's way of doing so. Therefore they no longer solely rely on things outside of themselves to manifest and bring about that which they desire, but now they start tapping into their own divine power, which is connected to Source, to do so. Those free from various boundaries are no longer dependent on one religion to give them what they need, but they remember th

Do you hear a voice in your head?

I read from somewhere that there are some people who cannot hear a voice in their head at all and I think the reason why might make more sense in relation to the ego (survival aspect of ourselves) that we all have on this earth. An example of this is may be when you’re reading, you hear your voice in your head as you read. Or when you’re thinking, you can hear a voice saying that which you are thinking.  In life, there are those who may be very identified with this survival aspect called the ego and others who are less identified with it. This survival aspect called the ego convinces us that this temporary experience is "reality" in order to help ground us in this given experience by wiring our senses to known causes in this world. When you smack a wasp, you're most likely going to get stung and it most likely will hurt. When you ride a bike and then fall over, you will most likely experience that through your five senses and feel some sort of reactionary pain from that e