Entry 331 - Christianity Failed Me


I guess the reason why I don’t have much faith in religions such as Christianity anymore (but still in God) is because Christianity failed to prepare me and my family for the world. The Bible is a collection of other people’s stories with God, but it doesn’t go into depth about awareness and how to break free from unconscious behavior, bad habits, anxiety, and stress. It may tell us not to worry, but it doesn’t show us how.

Or it may tell us we’re not our thoughts, but it doesn’t go into depth on any of that. It scratches the surface of a lot of important topics because it isn’t meant to be read as a manual on how to do life; it is primarily a collection of stories of how they did life, including their mistakes, victories, consolation, wisdom, symbols, allegories, and so on.

Then, when I read books like A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, I was fascinated and learned and grew so much because it’s all meant to be applicable to my life in the present moment. It’s not a story of someone else’s life with some wise words; it all pertains to life as it is right now, in this very moment.

I also feel like it’s helped me tremendously in becoming aware of my unconscious behavior, how to handle conflict, to not identify myself with my thoughts, emotions, feelings, and personality, and to realize I am much more than the form I am in—not only to recognize that but to enter into that reality.


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