Entry 1,675 - Entry 1,683

Entry 1,675 - February 12th 2023

The problem with Christianity is that it doesn’t teach people to embrace and love their shadows. It teaches them to resist and hate them.

They aren’t taught by their religion that what you resist is what persists, so they go around the world with so many shadows and so much dissociation that they can’t function how they want to. They function how their ego wants to.

Entry 1,676

I challenge everything, but I’m finding out that can scare many people who prefer to follow the status quo, because when I followed the status quo, it scared me.

I challenge society.
I challenge religion.
I challenge family traditions.
I challenge the educational system.
I challenge systems of power.
I challenge my own belief systems and those around me.

Even though it is oftentimes uncomfortable to do so, I know it’s beneficial.

Following blindly without questioning is the quickest way to fall into a pit and stay in it.

Questioning and finding solutions to problems in every area of life is the quickest way to find a way out of the pit of guilt, shame, and fear.

Entry 1,677 - February 13th

If you look hard enough, you can find numerous flaws, but a real friend will focus on your strengths in front of others and address your weaknesses with you in private.

Entry 1,678 - February 13th

Musing on the past or future means you’re focusing on a limited fragment of life, but being in the present means you’re focused on all of life, because you are experiencing the full oneness of it by being fully present.

Entry 1,679 - February 14th

I think one of the major reasons why so many other men tend to become careless adrenaline junkies, constantly putting their entire life on the line, is because it is one thing they know will help them root themselves into their impulse, intuition, and feeling.

For many of us men, the way the ego is programmed makes it easier to utilize our intellectual abilities than it is to utilize our intuitive abilities. For many women, it’s the opposite.

So when we men have adrenaline coursing in our blood, we are much more likely to be rooted and grounded in our bodies, and in our impulse center, rather than in our intellectual center. Having such quick access to that connection to our intuitive abilities does not always compare to the limited connection of the intellect to the body.

Entry 1,680

Christianity taught me to dissociate, compartmentalize, and fragment my being in order to fit in with the rest of the scene. It taught me fragmentation was better than integration. It taught me to blend in rather than stand out. It taught me to immoralize the natural parts of my being to the detriment of my own health and wellness.

Entry 1,681

Every person whose belief system you colonize by making them a follower of your preferred religion is someone you potentially lead into a prison of beliefs.

Entry 1,682

Break people free from the scaled philosophy of death and dying as an end to everything.

Show people they are more than a body limited by form. Allow them to take charge of their minds again and feel capable of choosing their best discretion.

Even when religious leaders pressure them to submit, remind them that being one with everything helps them to see all things when they’re open to it all.

Teach them that closing off creation creates confusion and chaos in their halls.

Entry 1,683 - February 15th

It’s interesting. I was guided to read this book on the laws of power, and interestingly enough, it has given me another perspective on religious groups from a secular book that talks extensively about power structures. The hard, factual reality is the more one can influence and persuade others to submit to them, the more likely their religious sect will proliferate and expand.

The interesting thing is that the secular book on the laws of power reflects what I see at work in some Hindu-related religious groups that venerate Yogananda as a self-realized soul. They most definitely put Yogananda on a pedestal above others who are not yet self-realized. What makes him better than others to be seen as a self-realized soul? What are the hallmarks that allow him to be called master while others aren’t? Do they think he is absolutely perfect and no longer needs to learn lessons, or do they see him as a normal person who experiences heaven on earth? I have many questions for this group.

Based on the book, the religious sects that are more egalitarian and equal-minded are less likely to be the ones colonizing people. In contrast, those spreading the “one meditation technique bound to get them to God faster than any other” or a lineage that is more “authentic and real than others” might expand more quickly because they tout a “faster way” or a more “scientific approach.” But perhaps it’s just a path, and that’s that. Nothing better, nothing worse—just an experience within an experience.

If, in one sentence, they claim that everyone is God but then state that their technique brings one closer to God, then they either believe one over the other or live in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance. Because if everything, everyone, and everywhere is God, then nothing needs to be done in order to get to God. One is already here. One is already. That is enough. But if one claims their technique is superior, they are claiming something that contradicts their belief in one’s oneness with God, which is inherent in life itself.


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