
Showing posts from March, 2023

Journal Discourse Part 75

Dec 26th 2022I oftentimes think of big me and little me or my multidimensional self in terms of a video game playing a game and the character in the video game. I feel like I live in a superposition state where simultaneously I can perceive reality through the lens of my ego or beyond as big me (Oversoul). It’s liberating but also life will never be the same. What fear can paralyze you when you realize it’s all a game and you’re here to have fun? Sorry religion, but your doctrines of sin and karma can no longer negatively affect us. Life is the grandest most biggest kid game you’ll ever play with yourself. The most elaborate, interesting, mysterious game of hide and seek. Once one stops with the belief that the Self is hiding, there is no need to believe one must seek. For one decides when to start the game and when to end it and it’s all done by one’s free will choice to do so. All enlightened ones go from the black sheep to the white sheep To the abandoned and left out, to the one e

Journal Discourse Part 74

December 12th 2022I think it’s important to remember to consider the audience of who Jesus was talking to. At the time, many of the Pharisees were using exclusion as a means in which they believe that they could make it back to the God while still hating Jesus. Therefore, Jesus used the idea of their exclusion as a means to show that they could not make it back to the Father without him. Jesus drilled this point in by saying he is the way, truth and life and no one makes it back to the Father without him. Jesus' words were not meant to be a new doctrine of exclusivity resting only on him as the means for which Pharisees would be saved. It was meant to highlight something much deeper than the doctrine of exclusivity of the Pharisees who thought they could have deep hatred for Jesus and still make it back to God. It was to prove a point based off of how they hated Jesus and still thought they were fine without him. Jesus was radically inclusive by not leaving anyone out. True inclusi

Journal Discourse Part 73

November 26th 2022 How you perceive things changes things Do you think that Jesus would understand Christianity as a Jew? This could shine light on how religion has changed throughout the centuries and how Jesus would most likely not understand Christianity, especially because he was a Jew, not a Christian. -- I’ve already “found” nirvana. Spoiler, it's Me teehee. All That Is Me is my Nirvana. I never was cut off from it. I simply had to remember it. My new goal is to see how much of my soul power I can handle in this body. -- November 27th 2022 So Yogananda has said, “your environment is stronger than your will" which to me is definitely not true, maybe to him though. But from my perspective, we create our own reality. The internal environment is often times a reflection of our outer environment. Of either what is healed or what needs to be healed and it can be more than that too, but oftentimes it boils down to that. So if he perceives his outer environment stronger than his

Journal Discourse Part 72

November 20th 2022Many histories believe the reason why there were no records of Hebrew’s being enslaved by Egyptians is because Hebrews were originally Egyptians. -- I’m publicly out as transgender man for many reasons, but one of the bigger reasons is to show everyone that you can change throughout your life and still be okay. Some people accept change slower than others. Peep into the past when some from the Republican party refused to accept that Trump lost the election against Biden. Then others can move at an extraordinarily fast rate where people can’t keep up with their rate of change. Think of the teachers trying to find ways to challenge the kids who are bored in math class because they already mastered it a year ago. Change is an inherent part of our human experience that happens both from within and from without each human being. Knowing that everyone changes, it begs the question why some would accept their personal change as valid but those who change in a way unaccustome

Journal Discourse Part 71 - Ra/Paths of Evolution/The ego is a tool

November 12th 2022Death has become my best friend. -- The way that those on the right hand path view those on the left hand path is obviously skewed in favor of those on the right hand path, or the path of deflection (right hand) rather than attraction (left hand). The right hand path's whole claim to fame is rising above matter to Nirvana rather than playing and using matter while experiencing Nirvana. The problem with the right hand path of repelling matter is that we literally came to play in the world of matter. So a rejection of play is a serious issue towards their goal of nirvana. Plus let's be honest... What's attractive about a self-proclaimed nirvanic religion that tells you that you must "resist your attraction to matter"? Many who exclusively subscribe to the right hand path say after a certain amount of time evolving along the left hand path, these people will eventually need to “turn around” and polarize towards the principles of the right hand path,