Entry 1,378 - Entry 1,381

Entry 1,378 - August 13th 2022

Christianity is, in my opinion, the world’s most famous religious cult around a person, in this case, Jesus of Nazareth. The religion called Christendom, created around Jesus, has influenced a substantial amount of our world history through its mass colonization accomplished by some charity work but mainly through war and bloodshed.

Christianity has borrowed doctrines from Judaism, Paganism, and Zoroastrianism, culminating in the religion Christendom. The Abrahamic religions are built on the backs of previous religions and traditions, even though they are extremely quick to deny their connection to other religions outside of their Abrahamic connection.

A cult around any person is subject to a variety of strange beliefs, especially when those within the denominations give exclusive divinity to one person and require everyone else to believe in and worship this person to “get into heaven.”

The part that doesn’t make sense about this belief is that they think only Jesus can save, but then at the same time, they believe it is their responsibility to share the gospel so that Jesus can save them. So we start with a blatant and obvious contradiction. Who is really responsible for people being saved? If it’s Jesus, then you don’t have to try to save people by sharing the gospel.

If it’s them, then they're essentially creating this mirage that they are partially responsible for other people's salvation because they had to share it for Jesus to “work his magic” and go into their hearts. It’s just not a well-thought-out or convincing doctrine when you really examine it.

Entry 1,379

In the East, yoga, which means union, is oftentimes the technique by which one believes they achieve enlightenment.

In the West, the belief in a savior, who is one with God, is oftentimes thought to be required to be saved.

Each group uses different terms, but essentially it boils down to union or oneness. Many techniques have been created to spur the process in the East, just like prayers and chants have spurred those to better feel the mystical union in the West, but ultimately they are two sides of the same coin. They both shine light on how oneness is the source, course, and essence of enlightenment. Once one consciously steps just one foot onto the path, the accelerated velocity to the fullest expression of this oneness is bound to happen.

Whether it takes a few incarnations or thousands of them, that multidimensional soul will feel a magnetic pull towards their absolute desire to experience their nature once more. Just like they had the desire to experience their nature in contrast to that which isn’t their nature (division, hatred, evil). They will now desire to experience only that which is their nature, continually flowing up a spiral stream of energy towards that initial oneness that had no limits, no barriers, no contrast to impede the flow of cosmic life force energy.

Then once again, that multidimensional soul will desire to know itself through division, separation, and contrast. When it is ready, it will plunge itself back into the depths of illusions to play for a little while. For humans on earth, that little while might seem like a long time, but from a God perspective, it is presently here and also not there. It is as long as they want it to be. The process of forgetting one’s true nature might seem painfully long in the middle of the play, but it is but a blink of an eye to the part of you that never rests in unconsciousness.

Integration is the divine destiny of all that exists, and disintegration of division, hatred, and evil is the divine destiny of that which never truly existed. For many plays of life will pop into a perceived reality, and many plays will pop out of life. But that which will remain is the life of you behind the play. The life of you that retains your conscious awareness. The life of you that enjoys remembering and forgetting. The life of you which is you and so much more than you.

Entry 1,380 - August 14th

The reason why I don’t say “God” as much in my journal discourses is similar to why most countries don’t allow minors to drink alcohol legally until they reach a certain age: concepts, like alcohol, can be highly addictive. Mental concepts can easily become addictive if left unchecked. And those same addictions can become a barrier between the truth and their addiction to a concept that they now believe is the truth.

A mental concept rearranges the truth in a multiplicitous amount of ways. Some are super windy; others are straight to the point. Yes, all of life is meant to be experienced in all its facets, but the more one goes up the spiral towards infinite oneness, the less one desires ideas, beliefs, and mental concepts that create anguish, support division, and encourage addiction.

The problem with using “God” is that each person most likely already has their preconceived mental idea of what God is, and that description actually inhibits that which is described as God from being activated or entered into. It’s similar to someone who is so bent on defining a tree that they never actually enjoy the tree in front of them. They get so carried away with trying to know all there is about the tree from their tree book, they miss out on the precious hours of looking at the physical tree right in front of them, of touching the bark, smelling the tree sap, observing the roots, and so much more.

Similarly, so many people get addicted to “knowing” God from the perspective of their religion (which has its own preferred mental concepts and ideologies) that they never actually experience that which is labeled “God.” They think that “thinking” of God is equal to “experiencing” God. It’s like when someone equates thinking thoughts of loving their cat but then treating their cat badly in real life. An addiction to a loving idea does not translate to a healthy way of loving. Similarly, if you think that “thinking” of God is enough, but you go out of your way to look down on people, tell people how to live based on your preferences without respecting theirs, hating on people, judging people, I would argue your addiction to the mental concept of God is not helping you in real life.

Drop your mental concepts for just a minute and explore fresh territory with that which you label “God” through this present moment! Drop your ideas of the past and future of who you think God is enclosed within your mind’s ability to cognize, and step into the realm of infinity with this Source we label “God.” Let yourself surrender into the limitlessness of that which we label “God” and see where that experience of surrender takes you in this present moment. Don’t let mental concepts of the label God become your God. Drop your idols and surrender them to the infinite One that cannot be confined by any mental concept. Drop all your mental labels and simply experience life in all its facets. You came here for experience, so let yourself do so.

Entry 1,381

The reason why I encourage people to listen to people with varying beliefs and to be open to hearing from them is because growth happens deeply when we are challenged at our current paradigm of existence. There is a saying that you do not truly know what you believe until you know what you chose not to believe in. If you simply adopt what your parents, friends, or society believed in without ever investigating why you believe the way you do, then you’re essentially allowing others to choose your beliefs for you.

However, if you investigate how you believe through the contrast of those who believe differently, then you can determine firsthand if you would like to keep the beliefs you have adopted from others or discard them for more beneficial and harmonious beliefs. Maybe the current paradigm of beliefs you submit to is narrow-minded and causes you to judge everyone who doesn’t conform to your religious standards. Or perhaps the beliefs you submit to makes you so afraid of spiders to the point where you believe merely holding one will cause you to be bitten.  So if you decide to let go of holding yourself and others accountable to potentially narrow-minded beliefs, then you can experience a freedom you did not know beforehand.

That freedom is much more coherent and harmonious with the reality of your soul, which is always free, than it was with a narrow-minded belief that creates guilt, shame, and judgment. Each of your family, friends, acquaintances and coworkers carry a torch filled with light. Be brave to hold up your beliefs in their unique light. See which belief of yours has been causing distress and harm and which has contributed to love and freedom. Do not shy away from being challenged. For through challenge, we rescue a divine portion of us by finding out that which was never us in our essence, and in contrast, we find that which always was.

Beliefs are not the essence of who you are. They are like clothes you put on for a little while and then take off when they no longer serve you. Perhaps they served a particular interest in your life, such as adopting beliefs that helped you fit in with family so that you wouldn't get kicked out of your house, or perhaps communing easily with a special group of people brought together by common beliefs. Nevertheless, there will be a point in everyone’s life where they realize beliefs are temporary, and they are eternal. Beliefs create an environment of experience in the space-time dimension, and they will also cease to exist alongside the particular space-time dimension that we label as Earth. Though Earth will take billions of years before it will go through its own death and decay process, your unnecessary and not-beneficial beliefs can go through their own death and decay process much sooner.

Since you are the captain of your own ship, you can choose what beliefs to “wear” and what beliefs to “discard.” You can choose to wear “clothes” from the dumpster that smell like rotten onions and mold or clothes from a high-quality brand. These beliefs allow you to play for a little while. They allow you to experience yourself in a particular way. Then, when you are no longer interested in experiencing life in that way, you will choose new ones. The choice is yours. There are no wrong choices in experiencing life in all its facets. Just more harm-inducing or more freedom-inducing experiences of life influenced by our belief systems. Both allow us to know ourselves and our true nature at a deeper level. Both are important in creating appreciation and wisdom of why we came here in the first place. Until one remembers that though, wrong is seen as the end of the world and full of misery, and right is seen as our salvation and heaven itself.

The true sage sees heaven in both. The true sage sees love as the undertone in all things, waiting to be seen, waiting to be revealed by the mind that chose to hide it cleverly in its sight. This one knows there are no dead ends in eternity. This one knows that they themselves are the wakers and activators of those who not only believe in the dead ends, but put themselves in that situation without knowing they did so. These activators are among us all. They come unto those who are ready to end their suffering. All who are ready to see things in a multi-faceted way will start moving in that direction of inner activation. One person could take one step for a thousand years. Another could heed the call and take twenty thousand steps in three days. But regardless, the book of their life is a story for them to tell, and that story is glorious because it is part of a unique facet of glory that connects us all.


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