Entry 1,354 - Entry 1,377

Entry 1,354 - July 30th 2022

The night I watched Everything Everywhere All At Once, my whole entire life changed. That was most likely the biggest “download” of energy I have ever received in my life. They say that one way one can measure the level of awareness or one's evolutionary progression is how much energy the central nervous system can handle. Realistically, the bigger the battery, the more energy it can hold and thus, the more charge it has.

Similarly, I think that goes to say with human vessels, but instead, their central nervous system is the channel in which the electrical current of life flows through. If someone has a weak, nimble, and frail central nervous system, then realistically, it won’t be able to hold the same charge as someone who has a strengthened, fortified, and more evolved central nervous system which can hold more life force energy within it.

All throughout the movie, but more towards the end, I started to notice my body doing strange things. I would watch something, and it felt like I was remembering information that I forgot. I would also feel various tingly and vibrating feelings all throughout my body. There are the tingles you get when something touches your heart, and there are these strange tingles and vibrations that feel like you’re expanding like a balloon but instead of it being air, it’s with energy. I would feel multiple influxes of energy, and some were so strong that I would move my neck quickly to the side and be like, “Woah.” At first, it scared me that I had so much energy in my body because it was causing me to whip my head to the side in a state of shock but also because of the natural exhilaration from the influx in energy.

For a hot second, I was like, “Am I possessed right now??” I knew at my core I wasn’t, but normally, when you have so much energy in your body that it feels like you don’t have control over it, the mind goes to the worst-case scenario. The closest thing I could relate it to is if you’ve ever experienced an orgasm. For many of us, the influx of energy will cause our body to convulse, shake, and move in ways that we don’t actively control it to do so. Similarly, I was feeling euphoric, light, and blissful with so much energy that my body was moving with the life force energy, not against it. It felt almost like it was trying to integrate an influx of energy while I was consciously awake.

In relation to the actual movie, I remembered key parts of my own multidimensional self. I became, once again, aware that I (the more advanced I that resides and is aware of more dimensions than the “Kyglo” I) also hop parallel universes. Although the difference is that this more advanced version of me (let’s call it the Oversoul) does not force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. It merely provides suggestions and opportunities to bridge new areas of experience.

So, for example, when the woman would click her head to the left to inhabit a version of herself, it reminded me of what the Oversoul does for me and all the other extensions of my present self that reside in other parallel universes as we speak. And when I say “me,” I mean the Kyglo Webb personality that is living during 2022.

Entry 1,355

For myself, religion is a waste of time. However, for understanding others, it can be beneficial.

The way in which I see it as beneficial is through allowing me to share their traditions directly through parallel experience to create connections between me and the people of that religion.

If I just acquire knowledge indirectly from people, then I may know more, but the connection is missing the relational aspect.

I only seek to study religions more so to allow people to share that which is a vital part of their life alongside their culture and customs.

I no longer seek or follow religion to “reach nirvana/heaven” because I have already found nirvana/heaven within me.

So what would be the point of studying religion to know how to experience heaven if I’m already experiencing it?

Now, many religions may argue that you need to study their particular religion to get into heaven, but that is most definitely gate-keeping enlightenment.

Not one group has sole authorship over heaven/nirvana/enlightenment.

Regardless of how close they may seem to God, pushing others away through gate-keeping actually causes themselves to be pushed away from God.

Entry 1,356 - July 30th 2022

If I get extremely focused, such as when I go on silent meditation retreats, I can get to the point where I can literally hear my brain waves pulsating. Last meditation retreat, right before I went to bed, I would pick up when my brain waves would switch from beta to alpha and to theta based on the rapidity of the wavelength.

Sensitive ears are great until they’re not great. Concerts are hard for me. Motorcycles with loud engines are painful, and people who talk loud can trigger my fight-or-flight response if I am enclosed in a space where the windows are not open.

Entry 1,357 - July 31st

In my opinion, being uniquely you and having free will go hand in hand. How do you expect to have constant, infinite, unique expression if you deny one or the other?

Just as there are an infinite amount of ways to show love, there are an infinite amount of ways to express our free will. The two go hand in hand. Love is freedom, and freedom is a derivative of free will. The main trunk is love, and all its roots are experiences one can take through the ability to choose.

If we were not all connected somehow but rather separate in essence from one another, then that would mean that there are only a finite amount of ways of experiencing life. That would limit the ability to choose since your options would be limited by a finite number.

Entry 1,358 - August 1st

Just like any group of humans has the potential to do great things in the world, that same group has the potential to do toxic things in the world. Though I highlight mainly my experiences of toxic behavior from certain denominations within Christianity, which includes harmful doctrines, ideologies, dogmas, beliefs, etc., that is not to say other groups are immune to toxicity just because they aren’t religious.

The religious and non-religious can easily fall into toxicity. I remember a certain someone who would cyberbully people who did not speak in the way she wanted them to, and she would cyberbully people who were in other religions she hated. She probably thought she was doing something good, as do those who use God as an excuse to judge those who do not follow their mentality. Bullying people, regardless of whether they're religious or not, is a toxic behavior that merely backfires on the sender. Even though I do share some similar sentiments, such as that toxicity exists within and without religion, coming after people and bullying them does not do any good.

There are toxic Democratic groups, toxic Republican groups, toxic Christian denominations, and so many other toxic religious groups. However, we don’t change people by bullying them, but we can change people by opening up the floor to have an open conversation about their group and their beliefs. Many people are open to hearing other people, even if they don’t end up believing like them in the end. Similarly, you’ll get farther in life if you listen, question, and speak from a place of love rather than a place of hatred.

No one wants to listen to someone who is a storehouse of hatred and anger. That is a sure way for anyone to get blocked. But people are much more willing to learn and grow when the discussion is coming from a place of expansion and learning on both ends, not just one side. Because guess what? We are all learning. Every human being is in a state of learning more.

We are all flawed. We all have our mistakes. We all have our weaknesses, and therefore, we are all on ripe ground for discussion to challenge one another. But again, there is a good way that actually accomplishes something through open dialogue, and then there is an embarrassing way that just makes the person who is bullying receive their own projected toxicity and accomplish nothing.

On the other hand, if we are all truly one, then we all have an infinite number of ways to experience that oneness inside matter and beyond. Being one with all does not automatically nullify free will; it enhances it. Oneness offers an unlimited number of opportunities to experience life, hence sustaining our ability to freely choose.

Entry 1,359 - August 1st 2022

I wish you could see inside my head
Or join my meditations in bed
The things I see, the places I go
I could never fully explain or show
The end of earth, the beginning of another
Not even the riches of a lover compares
They ask me why I’m so determined
If you saw what I saw, you would be too

Entry 1,360

If anything, Jesus taught me how to heal and save myself.

Entry 1,361

Fear that becomes funny no longer has power to make you feel icky.

Entry 1,362 - August 2nd

At first, I think people desire liberation... They desire Nirvana... They desire to feel heaven, and so they look through all these religions... All these different techniques for the one that will liberate them. Then, when they finally liberate themselves, there’s no longer a desire to look outside of themselves. Now there's simply a desire to experience.

It’s a different feeling. Now I don’t research religions or research belief systems or read religious or spiritual books to reach Nirvana. I simply read it to experience other people's points of view because I already realized that I am Nirvana. I am heaven in this physical form, so there’s no desire to read something that I’ve realized I already am.

Entry 1,363

It’s a weird place to be when desire is extinguished. You cannot help but realize nothing really matters as it used to. The meaning objects had before loses all their sparkle.

All you’re left with is love. Love is all there is, and so it can be unmotivating if you have no desire for anything but love.

Entry 1,364 - August 4th 2022

On earth, you get to experience yourself in relation to other people. You get to experience yourself in relation to the world, and that’s what makes life on Earth what it is. You learn about yourself relative to everything else.

Entry 1,365

I realize that the way that I give people energy to heal them or to help them is through the pathway of love between me and the other person.

Since that channel of love is consensual, I am able to heal them through that pathway, and so I send my energy through that pathway of love because we are all connected.

I also realized that until we are in control of our body, our body will continue to crave every single sensory perception available.

Cravings from some sensory perceptions are more obvious than others. For example: addiction to nicotine, addiction to alcohol, etc., but other cravings are less obvious but become more obvious when one meditates.

For example: Our body is addicted to all sensory perceptions until we are in control of our body. So that means taking a drink, cuddling with your significant other, running, eating cake, interaction. Your body will literally put you in addiction mode until you take yourself out and become the captain of your body.

Entry 1,366 - August 5th

If everyone truly tapped into the silence of the present moment and went within, their whole life would change. Going within is the biggest euphoric hit because that’s where man and God collide.

Entry 1,367

Belief within Christianity has been deified, even though the Jews did not deify belief because they did not believe belief was necessary for eternal salvation like Christians do.

Entry 1,368 - August 7th

There are mountains in the sky; we call them mountains on a stormy night.

I’ve learned more from Disney movies than from the Bible about good morals.

The Old Testament should be labeled Rated R with how much it talks about circumcision and sex.

When I was finally open to receive by being silent and meditating, it felt like my higher self was waiting for ages for that moment to transmit power to initialize my inner awakening.

If I can orgasm without touching my body, then when does making yourself feel good become a sin?

Entry 1,369

Religion is the collective mental creation outside the dimensions of our actual reality. It is humanity interlacing reality with invisible qualities unverified universally but supported ferociously by the leaders in power within their religion.

I think it is hazardous for those still extremely identified with their ego to believe only some are real and many in our world are only holograms, as Bashar said, because it can trigger an existential crisis within people who see that belief through the lens of the ego. On top of that, it can make people dissociate and feel like nothing matters.

Let's say we find out once we fully die that there are humans who may be soulless holograms (only purpose is to provide structural support for the game of Earth). They are still just as much a part of God as those who have souls and are going through the billion cycles of evolution from experience. When the ego labels them as less, that is when we get in hot water. Any sort of superior mindset over another creates inner tension and turmoil. Inequality is the ballpark for misuse of power.

Entry 1,370

I think one of the benefits of dealing with past memories while you’re meditating is if your brain is in a theta or an alpha dominant state, you are much more likely to remove the emotional distress from a memory.

Entry 1,371 - August 6th

You don’t need religion. Religion needs you. Without the belief in it, religion would cease to exist. We give meaning to everything, including belief systems.

Without our belief, it would remain a cold, dark system. We create societies out of our beliefs, rules out of our beliefs, and inventions out of our beliefs.

Beliefs are like the legos, and the final masterpiece is the finished creation. Then whenever we feel like it, we can destroy what we created.

That’s how you know religion is a byproduct of our temporary beliefs becoming our temporary reality because if you can destroy it, then eternity was never its true essence in the first place.

Similarly, if religion was born within the mind and believed in collectively at a specific time and place, then it will eventually die within the mind of the beholder.

Religion is a collective mental creation of a reality that supposedly exists interspersed within and beyond our minds, without physical verifiable evidence to support the claims of its existence.

For when the beholder dies, do they not leave everything impermanent behind them? Is that which is birthed and destroyed not a sign of its impending impermanent nature?

Entry 1,372 - August 10th

When you choose to become a Christian and submit to the Christian religion, you actually inherit the spiritual karma from Christianity, and it becomes a part of your own trauma until you work through it or go beyond it.

Entry 1,373

Something I’ve noticed is that when you experience less stress and less anxiety from day to day, you become less outward-focused and more focused on the interconnectivity between your inner and outer worlds. You are able to stay more present both within and without in a way that is so harmonious, sometimes it feels like you are there and you’re not there.

It’s paradoxical but intriguing. You feel alive and you feel dead. You are experiencing the world, and the world is experiencing you. There’s this playful interdimensional feeling you feel when you open the doors to higher awareness. If you welcome it with open arms, it does so right back to you, tenfold.

Entry 1,374 - August 12th

The main difference between a certified therapist and a religious leader of a group is one is certified by the state to handle your problems, and the other one isn’t.

Another difference between a certified therapist and a self-imposed religious leader is therapy encourages you to feel your emotions (including desire), and many religious leaders demonize your desires as if they are keeping you from what they deem as “enlightenment.”

Entry 1,375 - Notes on Swami Kriyananda

He made a statement in one of his audio recordings that “unless one has love for God, he can make no spiritual progress on the path,” and I would definitely find that quite a hilarious statement to make knowing that Gotama Buddha never mentioned that he believed in a God and yet he became enlightened while on earth.

I would say it is a dangerous thing to proliferate when one says, “our way or the highway.” When we say, “You need to [enter ultimatum here] as a reason towards enlightenment,” life has many paths, many routes, many ways. Saying one needs to love a particular way, especially if we are already one with the essence of love, doesn’t logically make sense. I’ve seen countless spiritual gurus and teachers create unnecessary requirements, ultimatums, required beliefs to become enlightened, but it all goes down the same rabbit hole: someone is trying to convince you to think, say, or do as they are in order to achieve the state they supposedly achieved.

Once you see through the mist and haze that they create, the better you will be able to navigate through it and beyond it. When one spiritual teacher creates a limit that they want you to subject yourself to, do not be afraid to step beyond that limit. When another spiritual teacher creates another requirement for enlightenment, do not be afraid to step beyond. For only you know deep down where you’re at, what you need to go deeper into what you’ve always been. No one else can generalize your path to nirvana. Let them generalize all they want, but do not let them limit you to their definitions, standards, or ideologies that force you into a box that you had no desire to be in the first place.

Entry 1,376

If only religious parents spent the same amount of time studying how to be a good parent as they did reading their religion’s sacred texts, we’d have a lot more parents ready to raise children in a healthy environment.

Entry 1,377

I learned more in two classes of conflict resolution hosted by my university than I did attending a Christian church for 20+ years. Mainstream Christianity’s Church is where you learn about the religion. Professionals within their respective fields of intelligence are where you learn lessons pertaining to everyday life situations and circumstances.

Though yes, churches can try to teach on that. However, oftentimes the learning from the religious is mixed with faith-based practices and beliefs that denounce critical thinking and analyzing information objectively, which perpetuates a harmful cycle of cognitive dissonance in that person’s learning.

In my opinion, it is better to mete out any ideas, beliefs, or ideologies that promote harmful cognitive dissonance in the person and to promote verifiably thought-out, tested learning measures that do not create inner turmoil and blind allegiance to a specific religion.



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