
Showing posts from July, 2022

Journal Discourse Part 49

January 27th 2022 The reason why I love going to the Jacuzzi at night and talking to Christians about the benefits of not believing in unnecessary doctrines of fear is because I can better understand new arguments that I may not have heard before. There was this one guy who went to this Pentecostal church and we had a really great conversation. He was bringing up strong rebuttals to why he should believe in his fear based doctrines and I was trying my best to show the irrationality, the fear and why it does more harm than help to identify with them. I brought up that one of the surest ways to get close to God is not through other people’s experiences of God (The Bible) but rather directly with God through their own personal experience. He then brought up two major arguments. One that he doesn’t trust himself and two, how that would create chaos because everyone would believe in their own version of God. For the first one, I myself cannot convince someone to trust themsel

Journal Discourse Part 48

January 20th 2022 Peoples perspectives of what Jesus went through was exactly that. Their perspective on his experience is from their level of consciousness that they are currently at. It’s from their level of understanding. The way they reported the events was in such a way that made sense to them. One person who supposedly saw Jesus suffering on the cross for hours was their perspective of it, but might not be true for everyone, including Jesus' perspective. Maybe from Jesus’ perspective, the feeling of pain and suffering are two different things and he might've felt pain, but had not suffered. One can feel pain in the body (having the body deprived from water, food, being harmed) and still not suffer (emotional distress of events) based on the depth and breadth and maturity in their level of consciousness. This is similar to how one person can have their whole day ruined because someone spilled coffee on their new outfit while another person laughs it off and moves on. One p

Journal Discourse Part 47

 January 10th 2022 I believe Jesus knew that the idea of God, Being, Creator, The I Am, or whatever you want to call it, stretched beyond the feeble boundaries of Judaism. However, I also believe Jesus was very much aware of his mission to reach as many Jews as possible. That is why I believe he used the language and words pertinent and largely known within Judaism to be able to reach them and then try his best to take them beyond any limits found within religion. So by me saying, “Jesus had to use what they were used to or capable of grasping” I quite literally mean that. Our brains can process a certain amount of bits per second, but if you are inclined to see Judaism as true and anything else as less true or not true, your brain will try very hard for you to discard and to forget that information altogether because your brain follows in your suit and deems it as unimportant. Think of it in this way: Would it make sense that Jesus would try to talk to the Jews outside o

Journal Discourse Part 46

Oct 6th 2021 God, beyond religion, is perfect but it is proven that Christianity has become corrupt by utilizing closed doors of confession and late night Bible groups to abuse its followers. Religion needs to hold accountable the sexual abusers who are still allowed to be leaders or else Christianity will die out from its own disgusting behavior. We’re so done with sexual abuse. It needs to stop. It angers and disgusts me that innocent children are being manipulated by bishops, priests, pastors and teachers all over the world. It makes me physically sick in my stomach that this is STILL going on. Jesus didn’t come to create another religion, and definitely not a religion that hurts children. -- Oct 31st I experienced anxiety and panic attacks largely due to the fundamental doctrines taught to me within Christianity that instilled fear into my heart and beliefs about gender identity. I was then prescribed anxiety medication before I finally came out to my doctors as Transg