Thought Dump Part 41

October 13th 2021 

Paul apparently wrote that we all must die in his epistles when that is most definitely not the case for everyone. Generalizations rarely ever do everyone justice, but I also get sometimes they are used for a more specific argument down the line. However in regards to the generalization, there are many instances throughout the Old and New Testament and other ancient texts from other religions that describe those who did not die, but that were taken straight up to the heavens. Not only that, but I believe the physical body is only limited by our thoughts about it. Jesus even said, "With God, all things are possible." 

So potentially, the body could be calibrated to a higher vibrational state and continue to exist beyond hundreds of years, or one can simply leave the earth with their body transmuted ethereally, as represented throughout the centuries by the sages and masters of the ages. If it weren't for the examples of those before us, I would simply be considered an "optimist." But since there exists the potentiality of transmutation as noted by those who precede us, then I may be considered an "ultra-optimist."

But without experimentation to back it up, it is still merely a belief in order to stay practical. That is why personally I would like to attempt to exhibit in this life that this belief can become a reality if one exercises enough will to bring such a mental construction into actualization. Do I think it would be easy? No, hence most people exiting the world in the default way of bodily decay and spirit ejection.

Do I think it is possible? Well yes, but that is also because I have proven to myself time and time again that by changing my beliefs, I have been able to change my outer circumstances. I have seen through trial and error, a connection between the inner environment of my psyche and the outer environment of the world I exist in. Because of that, I desire to explore the limitations of living and dying to the uttermost.

October 14th

New age spirituality is no different than any other religion. There are more fundamental dogmatic "New Agers" and then there are more open and mystical "New Agers." The dogmatic ones will try to convince you of your limitations, powerlessness and spread fear through unnecessary conspiracy theories. Examples include: "Don't use deodorant or it'll lower your frequency." "Don't cut your hair or you will cut your connection to the divine", or my all time favorite, "The government is trying to kill us." These people are feeding their own negativity by trying to spread it to the masses.

Then there are the mystical and open New Agers just like how in every religion there exists the mystical followers who oftentimes blur the lines and go beyond the boundaries of that religion. Examples include the Sufists, Christian mystics, Jewish Essenes, etc. They focus less on inflamed dogmas and more on divine, unconditional love.


I think people often get "judgement" confused with "analyzing." I think a better translation of what Jesus said in the Bible to "do not judge" is "do not criticize." The act of judging, analyzing, learning from events is essential and crucial for one to learn to wrap the events in awareness so that one can be more consciousness of themselves and others for future scenarios and as a way to learn to from awareness itself. 

I think what Jesus meant was don't automatically demonize or criticize someone as "immoral" when we don't even fully understand the situation, let alone the root of morality to begin with.

God says "I am the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega." So if God is Everything, then Everything is God. Why shall I fear what is not? Why shall I fear a limit that does not truly exist?

Oct 19th

No I don't believe in the religious mainstream perspective of karma just like I don't believe in the religious mainstream perspective of the sin cycle.

I believe in layers of experience resulting in new forms of reality.

I don't think because you smashed a spider you'll incur a debt that must be paid nor do I believe if you don't confess your sins you'll go to hell.

In my opinion, both viewed statically as such are limiting forms of reality. A belief that limits is a concept that is not faithful to limitless reality. 

I believe the intrinsic significance of verses that speak in such a way are trying to bring us to a higher state of awareness of our actions, not a higher state of believing in our guilt as our absolute reality. If an action such as killing a spider spurs you to consider its life as valuable and worth not destroying over its mere choice to occupy the same room as you, then that action spurred you towards a greater state of awareness. If later down the road you then consider each life as equally valuable as any other life, then that action spurred you towards an even greater state of awareness. 

If you start viewing situations in such a way that not only benefit you, but those around you because of your past actions of not considering others well being, then those actions are spurring you to greater levels of awareness. It is inevitable that each of us will make numerous "mistakes" of harming others, killing the innocent spiders that are simply trying to spin a web to feed themselves, and so forth. It's how we go from that mistake and if we can use that mistake as a platform to spring to a higher level of awareness that makes the difference in one's life. The choices we make affect us now and also now is the great dissolver of poignant actions made. 

If you see the impermanence in life, you will realize that helpful actions and harmful actions arise within us and through us until we learn to stop generating harm altogether. Until then, like a wavelength, the rising and falling of harming and helping will continue until we learn how to stop it and generate a straight line of absolute love. This is the state of liberation that the masters of the ages speak about and that each and every one of us has the potential to reach. For all you must do is reach deep enough within your being, locate the source of how you generate misery for yourself and others, and cease the action before it begins. This is done in the present moment by being fully present. Many techniques can bring you deeper, but ultimately you decide the depth of your healing and you also decide the depth of your misery.

What you believe has power over you until you decide it no longer does.

Oct 21st

It's really hard to help someone understand a different perspective when they have no interest in the idea in the first place.

I'm convinced part of progression with one's intelligence requires open-mindedness and an open heart.

Oct 22nd

If space and time, the very essence of our world, is relative, then how much more is culture, tradition, morality relative since it is birthed within space and time?

You see if you make a Lego castle (space and time) and you say it's a gift for your cousin John, but then you add on top of that Lego castle other Legos' from other Lego sets (culture, tradition, morality), but then you say "Only the castle are Legos and the others are not." It wouldn't make sense. 

Similarly, if you say only space and time is relative but culture, tradition and morality are objective, then it simply doesn't make sense. They were all birthed within space and time and they will all be destroyed in space and time. One religion is born from another one, then it soon is replaced with a new one. It inherits some morality, some culture, some traditions, but builds on top of it what it would like. The rise and fall of matter is the rise and fall of temporary reality.

Oct 26th

I feel like maybe giving someone a healing is in one sense doing the work for them. It's like giving them a fish to eat rather than teaching them how to get a fish to eat.

It's not bad at all, but most times it could be a temporary fix if they fall back into the old habitual patterns that required the healing in the first place.

What people really need in the long term is a change of ownership. Instead of living through the limited perceptual senses, conditioned ideas, thought patterns that stem linearly from our past and extend into our future, people need to learn how to step outside of all of this. To step beyond linear time. To step beyond the limits of the mind.

Then they will become their own healer rather than desperately needing healing over and over again. Then they will embody a full healing through their own abilities rather than needing to harness it through someone else.

Oct 27th

Jews can't prove that The Creator is the founder of Judaism. Muslims can't prove that the Creator is the founder of Islam. Christians can't prove that the Creator is the founder of Christianity. The reason why is simple. Man creates religion and then tries to convince other men that God did it. If religion truly is from God, then it should be like God. 

However, numerous religions mimic the systems men have created in the past such as culture, tradition, and other belief systems. There are countless mistakes laced in each of those systems, just like religion. Now does it seem realistic that the Creator of the universe would make countless mistakes in creating his supreme and favorite religion on earth?

Oct 29th

People might see someone's faith in Krishna and then acquire faith in Krishna from viewing another persons faith in Krishna. Someone might see someone's faith in Jesus and then that might spark faith in their life as well.

However, remove the labels. Remove the stories. Remove the faith and what are you left with? The action of awareness expressed in experience. Remove the action and remove the experience and what are you left with? Just awareness.

Is just awareness enough for you?

When it is, you've hit a very special point in life. Religion no longer satisfies your desires. Cultures, traditions and beliefs no longer satisfy your desires. You've seen beyond your ego and now you are lead by your awareness which operates on a whole new playing field. Now you focus on reality from reality and life seems so much more fuller.

Nov 1st

I don't need to be in love to notice that the core of who you are is unconditional love.

Because who you are is something I also recognize in myself.

I know it is in you because I know it is in myself.

Love is beyond the myriads of forms.

Love is the reality that glues the paper weights together.

Love is before the story begins and after the story closes.

Love is our Self reminding ourselves of our true nature.

If you ever feel like you cannot love just remember, you are love.

There's no need in trying to be what you already are.

How funny would it be if a wave complained that it could not be water.

You are not merely the elemental action of love in motion but the essence of love itself.

Even if water cannot make a wave everyday, it doesn't mean it is no longer water.

Just because unconditional love is not made visible everyday in form does not mean you are no longer love.

It's the reality behind all form in and out of motion.

Motion is nothing without you, the love that moves all things.

You are unconditional love. For how could you be anything different?

Nov 2nd

The battle against ones sexual orientation in Christianity can be seen using the analogy of food preferences dictated by a Christian church.

Say you don't prefer to eat bananas but then the church says you have to... Then let's say you prefer to eat apples but then the church says if you do eat an apple you are sinning.

On top of that, they then train you to feel guilty for having a preference of apples over bananas.

They guilt you for even having the thought that you like apples.

Then you either force yourself to eat bananas, even though they taste gross to you, or you neither eat bananas nor apples even though apples are your favorite fruit 

Religion is known to slap morality on any aspect of people's lives, marriage, divorce, communion, sex, alcohol, etc because through moralizing life they have some sort of grip on you. They have some sort of control over you. If they can convince you that your actions are evil they create fear, guilt and shame within your mindset but then they alone provide the outlet to the "right God" for appeasement through their doctrine. They make it through them even when they say it's through God.

There's an interesting connection between apparently selfless behavior and it actually serving the other individual. For example, in Christian circles, missionaries are considered some of the most selfless people. Giving up their comfort in their homes to go to preach the gospel to damned people who don't even know their damned because they don't even know what the gospel is.

However, what if what these people truly need is not your indoctrination, but merely your love? Is not your belief in a hell? Is not your belief in their default to damnation? What if what you deem as selfless is actually a harmful mindset disguised as selflessness? Why give them something to be afraid of when you can give them more love for one another and for God? Do you really need a doctrine of damnation to spur them to love God and others?

If someone isn't afraid of the boogie monster but then you give them ten thousand reasons to be afraid of it, how does that benefit anyone? If anything, it caters to the need of the religion to get faithful followers by utilizing fear as a weapon for support and servitude to that given religious organization. Who needs to form a community around a belief system of eternal hell when there's no need to fear the belief system? 

One can just form a community around the principles of unconditional love rather than fear and destruction and then truly spread Jesus' message of the good news. If your version of "good news" is they must adopt your specific belief system to be saved from eternal damnation, then perhaps reading church history throughout the ages will dampen the desire to disseminate fear to the masses.


As long as you keep seeing yourself as separate, you'll define and understand every term in some sort of way through that separatist perspective. Even words with no separation intended such as oneness, you will find a way to find some sort of separation until you realize the oneness not through the mind, but by going beyond the mind.

I'm under the belief that you cannot truly love others unless you love yourself and you won't truly comprehend intuitively what I'm saying unless you have realized through experience the oneness all the the enlightened master's have taught about for centuries. Intellectually understanding that oneness is the foundation of life does not produce the profound affects as does actually realizing through experience that oneness is the foundation of life. The first is head knowledge and the latter is wisdom.

Through this wisdom, you'll realize that a balance of selfishness and selflessness is the best thing you can do for yourself and everyone around you. Then you stop doing things out of obligation and rather because the benefit is mutual and sourced in oneness. You give to the old man some money because you see yourself in the old man and the old man in yourself.

There are people who give not because they want to, but because they're trying to be selfless even though they don't want to... Because the Bible told them to... Because that scripture said to give. However, deep down they actually don't want to give away their money but they do it because they want to receive a "reward" from God. 

That type of "selflessness" is imbalanced and contingent on a reward in the near future and actually arises from an imbalanced selfishness. A balanced selflessness and selfishness is contingent on nothing, because that person realizes they are one with everything. Therefore the giving to another is truly a giving to oneself, and a receiving from another is truly a receiving for oneself.

We often filter information through our built in biases until we remove the filter of our biases and replace it with pure, loving Awareness.

Nov 3rd

You are not the behavior; you are the one behind the behavior. You are not the emotion; you are the one behind the emotion. You are not the thoughts that come into your head; you are the witness behind your thoughts. 

You are not your personality; you are the witness of your current personality. At any moment you can change your behavior, change your emotions, change your thoughts, and even change your personality.

You don't have to change them from the point of effect, nor even from the point of cause. You simply can remember who you are and experience yourself however you'd like to. You remember that you are the witness before the temporary manifestations behavior, emotions, thoughts, and dispositions.

You are the awareness behind the observer and the observed, the cause and the effect. You are The Self, The One, the All that is beyond all limited forms of experience. You are beyond the rise and fall of the human mind. You are beyond the rise and fall of the human body. 

God is one with you and you are one with God. Where does one start and where does another end?

Something about you is not only ethereal, but eternal. You are something as well as nothing. You are that which always was before form and always will be once it ceases to be.

In religious circles, there is this interesting phenomenon Osho call "greedy morality." There are many religious people who are greedy for having the best morality in front of God and man so that they can get the best and highest reward on earth and in heaven.

Nov 10th

Any religion can express both limits and limitlessness and if it exists in form, there are bound to be limits.

Many limits follow the pattern of "same meaning, different words."

Through finding the associations, one learns that the limits of religion are a lot closer to one another than they would like to admit.

Understand no religion will want to admit that they have any limits. They will stress their religion as supreme or the closest to God, the Supreme, Nirvana, enlightenment, etc.

The truly humble person within religion will recognize within and without religion, therein lies limits and limitlessness. The form and the formless. The manifest and the unmanifested. The illusion and the reality.

If one cannot confess the limits of the limited entity in form, then how can one observe the cage they don't believe exists?

If I am locked in a cave with rats and I cannot get out, but I say I'm in a cave with an open door and parrots, then I'm being delusional. If I recognize that form naturally implies some sort of limits in varying degrees of abstraction, then I'm being realistic.

Nov 9th

There are Christians who try to set themselves apart from other religions, but the very act of setting apart, dividing, separating one from all else shows the separation one holds onto in order to be something in the midst of nothing.

The idea that one is better than the other requires two to be compared. But if there is only one, then the two that are compared are but two positions of form from the one. The manifested both derive from the unmanifested. They both have the source in the sourceless.

If Christians say what sets them apart from other religions is that they have a relationship with God, then I would say do you not see the irony? Countless religions have people who have relationships with their God. Countless amounts of people also purport in following the Creator of the universe, of believing and following Jesus message, but do not limit themselves within the confines of the Christian religion.

Not only that, but to have a relationship implies two rather than one. It is the manifested which arises from the unmanifested. It once again implies a separation from what? In order for something to be separated it had to be one. Before the universe began, there was a big bang of the one.

There was but one form that arose from the formless. Beyond time and space there was but one. Oneness can separate into more but separation is not the God of oneness. In order to separate, you must first have them as one. So the idea that your religion transcends other religions because you have a relationship is assuming that your separation is superior to other religions separations which is nonsensical.

If there exists any form of separation within religion, then therein lies a limit. If one realizes the oneness that pervades all forms and formlessness, then therein lies limitlessness.

Nov 9th

Up at eye level, advertising is displaying a product in such a way that makes people want to buy the product advertises. Deep down below the eye level, advertising is convincing someone they need something when in actuality, they really don't.

That's like the idea of religion summed up in a sentence. Each religion is there to convince people they need their religion in order to improve, to be saved, to find God, to have a relationship with God, to grow as a person, to become a better person, to escape reincarnations, to reach enlightenment, to reach Nirvana.

What happens when people stop creating communities out of advertised belief systems that have definite limitations? What happens when people meet the Creator beyond the bounds of Christianity? Beyond the bounds of the stories within Bible? Beyond the secret meanings and symbols of the Bible? Beyond the prayers to the Creator? Beyond the worship to the Creator?

What happens when one steps beyond form into the formless? From the music to the silence? From the party to the monastery? From the monastery to the nothingness? What happens when one finds the end of their tiny selves and makes contact with a limitless Self? When this Limitless Self no longer fits the conceptual confinements of their previous God? When this Limitless Self goes beyond the rush of emotions? Beyond the desire to possess a people? Beyond the desire to have favorites amongst other nations? Beyond the desire to wage war and murder in the name of selectivity? 

What happens when someone's idea of God no longer holds up to the true Limitless of The One Self? What if the Self goes beyond the concepts of an individual? A Creator and the created? What if the limitless Self is the One where both Creator and Created are nothing but one? Is one afraid to surrender to such oneness? To fall into such a oneness? Can one truly let go if they find the door to this Limitless oneness? If so how does letting go look like? How would holding on look like? Can words even properly describe the intensity of dissolving all separation and allowing oneself to fully integrate with the limitless One Self?

Nov 12th 2021

Many religious people, philosophers and spiritual people demonize desire as if it's not the very reason why we're here on earth.... As if it's not the reason why we're experiencing what it's like to have desire encapsulated within a human form.... Without desire why would we come here? Why would we experience this unless some higher aspect of ourselves didn't desire to come here?

And if you say, "No I didn't want to come here" then you're essentially telling me that you were forced to live as a human and you will be forced to die? That this was completely unintentional and you were placed as a human on earth against your free will...? So like, you don't believe you have free will? You're telling me that you think you're just some mechanical, deterministic entity with no intrinsic choice?

I mean go head and believe that, but that's a pretty bleak belief, in my opinion. Free will and desire are the epitome of what makes us who we are, life incarnate given the choice to choose. When the Jews accused Jesus of blasphemy, he pointed to how their own scripture called them gods. To be able to choose, to grow, to devolve, to cause chaos, to create order. It's what makes us who we are and desire and free choice are aspects of that reality. Without it, we would merely be creatures forced to live and forced to die. Forced to either go to heaven or forced to go to hell. Forced to serve God or forced to serve the devil.

But when you find your godhood, you find the door out of the religious rat race. You start to realize, no, it's not normal to be in a perpetual state of fear. No it's not normal to constantly be triggered by words that hold no intrinsic value until we decided they do. That no, nothing can destroy me because I am indestructible life. That they may destroy the body, but even that was somehow deep down a part of my choice whether I was fully conscious of it or not. Free will and desire is intentional manifestation of life experiencing the godhood in various forms.

Everything is divine when you finally realize the intrinsic reality of all that is. Everything is bliss when you find the peace which surpasses the minds feeble attempts at understanding. Everything is covered with sweet peace when you find the ability to stop taking play as serious and start to have fun with the unpredictable ups and downs you've been thrown by the invisible pitcher.

If you wake up to your godhood, you wake up to a realization that everything... I mean everything deep down is perfect because oneness is the perfection that is the foundation of all. This oneness is the perfection hidden in all forms manifested and all formlessness unmanifested. This perfection is the intrinsic reality of all and when you truly realize that, not simply with the mind but with your whole being, then you wake up to the truth of who you are.

Beliefs are as flimsy as words because they are dependent on our words and we create meaning out of words. Words together form mental constructions and mental constructions, if given enough energy, create physical experiences to explore. Change your beliefs and you will change your physical experiences.

Nov 16th 2021

If you can sense the unity even amidst the duality of life, then you are one step closer to defeating death. You are one step closer to overcoming duality. You are one step closer to uniting the duality as one.

Nov 17th

I do believe the there is a pure Christianity that still exists. Not in the sense of a physical organization ruled by men, or in a set of doctrines that rule men's lives, but rather the very words of life that proceeded from Jesus' lips that have successfully found their way into the hearts of men and women most faithful followers, those who live by that creed day and night. Those who go out of their way to save the oppressed from the oppressor. Who release the slaves from being kept in bondage against their will. Who fight for women and other minority rights instead of passively waiting for someone to do it for them.

Those who go out of their way to take the dying cat in. To feed the starving pigeon. To love on the calf with a broken leg who was sent to die for butchers meat. The one who stands up for life and life stands up for them. The one who treats every part of life with a divine love that knows no bounds. These amazing people embody the words Jesus spoke thousands of years ago. The words that seem so simple, and they are. It's the world that likes to create difficulty where there originally was none. It's the world that likes to dabble in the dark trenches of duality and separation when there was before only unity. When someone embodies them with their whole being, they set captives of suffering free. They remind people of their Source. They heal wounds people have desperately tried to rid themselves of.

It calms the storms held deep within the busy mind. This sentence alone has that much power when put into action. Without action, it's nothing more than a good story. When Jesus said the whole law could be summed up into this: "Love thy God with all thy heart, mind and soul and love thy neighbor as thyself", I saw no further need to play with unnecessary doctrines that divide, and I only found more reason to love which sustains with life and unifies.

Nov 18th 2021

Within each religion, regression and progression varies drastically. There are fundamentally strict and regressive Christians, but there are also liberal, progressive and free flowing Christians. There are strict Buddhist followers and relaxed Buddhist followers. Some followers are very balanced in their views, others are extremely polarized. Some rely blindly on the traditions and beliefs of their forefathers even if they don't make sense, and others work hard to improve past ideas and beliefs so that they are more beneficial for mankind. The spectrum of diversity exists within and without religion, that is a no brainer. 

However, even though there is a spectrum of diversity, the majority belief system within each religion oftentimes dictates the actions for the group that affect the world the most, and that's why I think Christianity not only needs a makeover, it needs to be torn down and built back up with Jesus' message alone. Jesus' message is enough to unite. If any other faithful follower creates any sort of division, then it's not worth following their words. If a man causes you to see separation and be divisive, then drop him. 

If the Holy Spirit that you talk about is the same Jesus preached about, then that Holy Spirit will only desire to preach that oneness that Jesus desired so deeply to share and embodied deeply himself. If this "Holy Spirit" is causing anyone to preach anything in opposition to oneness, then I would argue that Holy Spirit they are relying on is a false Holy Spirit built from a divisive foundation not worth your time or attention.

Balance is my goal.

Have you ever known someone who always speaks and never listens?

Or someone who studies too much but they never have fun?

Or they have fun but rarely ever study?

Then do you see how an imbalance of either/or can manufacture legitimate stress because both create legitimate issues?

My goal is the balance between thinking and not thinking.

Being in the midst of the most fine tune thoughts possible and also transcending all thought, regardless of how fine they may be.

My goal is to raise the level of intelligent thought that is beneficial in a rational world and also to raise beyond all levels of thought capable of what the mind can understand to a place where no mind can fathom.

My goal is to bridge the extremes in a harmonious connection through love.

Wherever I notice an imbalance which develops into attachment, I will release myself willingly and return to balance.

After meditating (sitting in silence) I see much more than before the connection from imbalance to attachment and attachment to suffering.

It's interesting how the thing we cling to, regardless of what side of the scale it resides on, becomes the thing we attach to until we release ourselves from the grip we first put ourselves in.

An easy example can be with food. You absolutely love cake to the point where you eat it everyday. Pretty soon all you eat is cake and nothing else. No vegetables. No fruit. Just cake. You start to notice your health is going down the drain. You also notice your brain feels hazier without the proper nutrition, but you cannot let go of the cake because you're attached to it. It is what you cling to. However until you let go of that which you cling and return to a healthy balance, that imbalance of food will be reflected in your body and eventually, in other ways as well.

Eventually that imbalance will reflect with your friends. You might have to rely on them to take you to the hospital over and over again. You might not be able to hang out because you're always returning to the hospital. You might lose friends who don't want to deal with your unhealthy lifestyle. You might even lose yourself momentarily. In the end, the cake is not the culprit, it's your attachment to the cake that creates the issues which reflects as an imbalance in your life.

The key is to let go of that attachment. Let go of the power you give it to hold you captive. Let go and release yourself. There are many ways to release yourself, but the most potent and powerful release is down at the root level of attachment. Release yourself from your addiction and attachment to pleasurable sensations. Release yourself from the desire to feel the sugar enter your brain. There are multiple breath work techniques that help you become aware of the sensations that appear on your body such as Vipassana. When you're aware of the pleasant and unpleasant ones, you can begin to train your mind not to react by clinging or experiencing aversion to these sensations. 

Then as you discipline your mind over time, this discipline will follow you as you interact with the outer environment of life. The next time you experience a craving for cake, you can remember not to react, but simply observe the craving desire for a pleasurable sensation triggered by a piece of cake. You can remember the impermanent nature of a pleasant sensation and realize it truly cannot offer you long lasting happiness. Objectively aware of the rise and fall of wanting the cake, you release yourself from reacting and you do not enter the miserable cycle of craving. And thus, new patterns in the brain have been made. You are learning to not only discipline your mind, but you are also actively purifying the mind of past and future cravings.

People ask me if I drink and now I say "Why would I need to when I can get better effects through silence?" I don't think alcohol is inherently bad or good, it just is. People can abuse it as well as just use it. It's the person behind the alcohol that decides what impact it will or will not have in their life. But for me personally, it serves absolutely no purpose, so I don't drink it.

If you're taught not to trust yourself, you will have a very difficult time trusting the people around you, the animals, the communities you commune with, etc. This distrust, if it is intense enough, can morph into conspiracy theories which give rise to paranoia. If this paranoia persists, then it's only a matter of time before the observer manifests the observed to express their inner beliefs about the world outside of them.

Not only that, but your trust for God may not always overcome your distrust of everything else, depending on your beliefs. There are some Christians who are great at surrendering to what is, and others who cannot. But even if those Christians truly don't trust themselves, their trust of God will be impacted. To take away the blame from God when he does not deliver, they blow up dualism and make the devil a valid rival to God. 

If that already didn't make sense, they say to trust God, that his love will prevail in the end but then at the same time, hold the contradicting belief that Satan wins a majority of souls to hell for eternity. Apparently the Redeemer has a time limit of when he can save, and if you don't get the heaven card on earth, you're screwed because he won't save you after that. I "love" how religion ties up God with an illusion such as time, as if the story already wasn't illogical enough. How the "hell" is God supposed to be victorious if he loses a majority of people to hell and a feeble thing such as temporary linear time successfully thwarts God's will to save everyone by forcing God into a small window in which God can save? 

How did it go from what the Jews primarily believed in where everyone eventually goes to heaven, to the majority of people will burn for eternity if they don't believe a certain way within the time frame of their lives on earth? Why would Jesus say that the shepherd will go out of his way to save the one lost sheep but then numerous Christians have the audacity to give rise to a fear based doctrine that Jesus can actually only save the one lost sheep and not a majority of the sheep? That sounds like a defeated gospel to me. How does that sound like the victorious gospel???

Any religious doctrine that devalues the person, that makes a portion of the person seem evil, unworthy, guilty, shameful, is setting the person up for either becoming harmed by narcissistic and codependent tendencies or developing these tendencies themselves. Not all victims of the system may become narcissistic themselves, but they are very prone to developing an unhealthy relationship with a narcissistic sect that feeds off of their weakness. Not all children who have narcissistic parents become narcissistic themselves, though some may be hurt deeply and/or develop similar behaviors based off of only having that model to learn from until they learn a healthier model of behavior. It is also important to recognize that many victims of their narcissistic parents are able to retain their empathy at their core.

The parents may proclaim in arguments on who is right and who is wrong by devaluing their character. "You're always mean to me!" "You are never nice!" "You should be ashamed of yourself for how you're treating me! After bringing you into this world and clothing you and giving you shelter, you treat me like that?" When the poor child is simply expressing his feelings of the hurt that the parent has caused, it backfires. The child is always wrong and the narcissistic parent always finds a way to be right. 

This is the same model that toxic versions of religions use to keep people coming back. When there is a discrepancy or contradiction in the scripture it's not the religious sect's fault, they say it's your fault. They say, "Oh you don't have enough faith in God" when that was never the point. You pointing out a contradiction in the scripture doesn't make you believe in God any less, but they make it seem like you're the issue when you point out an issue within their own religious doctrines.

You point out that you think we shouldn't be spending their hard earned donations on their million dollar homes in these expensive neighborhoods and instead, should be giving it to the poor and those in need, and then you become the problem. If you want an expensive home then go make your own money. If you are receiving donations where people are expecting that money to be used to help the poor, the help the poor or those in need. 

Then these people who improperly use the donation money of the church make up something like, "You really are going to question what the Holy Spirit has placed on this pastor's heart? You know more than what he does about all this donation money that God has called him to be a leader over?" Once again, you become the problem. This mirrors what it's like to be in a narcissistic relationship, only this time it's with a religion or a conglomerate of people rather than just with a narcissistic mother and a father.

Nov 19th

Isn't it a weird phenomenon?
There are just some people
That when you meet them
And you first lay eyes on them
You don't see anything but love.
You can only feel love.
Your whole body feels captivated by it.
And you don't even know who they are yet
But it's like your soul already knows them.
As if your souls already had history.
But both of your souls are keeping it a secret from your tiny noggins.
And each time you hangout, you remember a little more.
Their laugh unlocks a level of knowing
The way they eat their food reminds you of an ancient memory
Maybe that's why no matter how hard I try I can't get you out of my mind
Because you never left it in the first place
The union we made goes beyond the limited time we spend in bodies
Because when I looked in your eyes, for some reason I see the depths of my own being.
How else could I know myself by looking at you?
Unless we were somehow already one?
Is that what I'm learning...
That love is not just an action, it's pleasant unfolding of being present.
Their sweet embrace
Their inner heart expressed through subtle hints
I think you already know I love you because I know you already love me
But for some reason I'm still scared
Still scared to lay it all on the table
To expose myself

Why does darkness have to be associated with the scary and evil?

Is it not just an aspect of oneness in disguise through duality?

Is not duality in the spectrum within oneness?

The reality is we create meaning out of everything. We even define what love means to us.

However the one thing that surpasses all meaning is divine Love.

It precedes all meaning and goes beyond the end of all meaning.

It transcends the whole idea of meaning in itself.

It is the one thing that many slap meanings on, throw separative beliefs onto, but still cannot be limited by the limits from humans.

It does not need to be defended.

It does not need to be validated.

For in itself it stands as it's truth with no need for anyone to witness for it's validity.

It is the reality of all infinity.

For in it all exists and by it all comes forth from and through.

If you're going to have sex, have sex intentionally. If you're going to go in for the kiss, go in the kiss absolutely with every single ounce of your being focused on that present moment. By intentional, I mean with the intention to be fully present in that moment. No attachment to the act. No addiction to the pleasure. Let the experience be enjoyed in the present and then let go when it becomes a part of your past.

For it it how you transcend the mundane to find The Absolute that makes all the difference. These are the glorious trips that don't require synthetic or plant based drugs. The eye opening, mountain top experiences that reveal the vastness of your infinite being. 

The truth of who you are beyond anything your mind could fully fathom. If you can pierce through the experience into the infinite, you are one step closer to finding out the eternal depth of your nature. The I Am. The One who is in all, through all with all. One with all and yet none at all.

Nov 20th

The real hell is the jail cell created by the prisoner that holds their mind hostage to beliefs that do more harm than help. 

At the end of the day, materialism is meaningless until we give it meaning in our lives. Until we convince ourselves that we need a new 2021 two thousand dollar coat from Gucci, it means nothing to us. Until we decide those two hundred dollar jeans will make us look hip, they have no importance in our lives. 

They don't even take space in our lives because we don't allow them to. We don't give any space to them to take up space. If people treated their belief systems like they saw and treated materialism, we'd be this much closer to healing from unnecessary misery.

When I was a slave to certain Christian dogmas created by men, I used to pray I'd die a fast death in my sleep in my old age. Then as I continued to progress, I used to look forward to dying out how I wanted to die. I oftentimes envisioned myself jumping out of a helicopter as an old person straight into a volcano.  

Something about choosing something ridiculous always lightened the whole subject of death. Now at current, I have loftier goals. Before I felt like a victim to the forces of nature outside of myself, now I feel like the mover of the forces of nature within which acts like a domino effect from without.

My goal is no longer to choose how I die, but to overcome death itself. Not just say I will and then die, but actually bypass the death process. Who can stop me if that is what I choose? If that's my free will to choose that experience? What if that's what every cell in my body wants to experience? A wholesome enlightenment bypassing the death and decay process. Upgrading ones frequency to the point where it vibrates so fast that it cannot be trapped on this earth by gravity. 

Vibrating so fast I cannot be contained by the forces of nature because my body has transcended this nature? Isn't that what Jesus did? Buddha did? Krishna did? What's stopping us from removing our limiting belief that we slowly decline in health and wellness and then die around 90? I really don't care if people still collectively believe that's the reality, but for me, I will try my best for it to not be.

I wish to not only defy death, but I wish to stay ageless in my body. I want to prove people that even aging is a belief that we either believe in or not. I want to prove this through embodying it. Everyone else who doesn't believe this way will continue to age and their own beliefs will limit them. But for the strong willed who refuse to accept these limiting beliefs, we will stay ageless in our youths. Age will truly just become a number. We will bypass aging and stay youthful and glow for all to see. We will show beliefs for exactly whay they are.... Just beliefs.

Nov 22nd 2021 3:33pm

I like Osho because he's open, blunt and honest about how he fills. Though yes, he's extremely opinionated and oftentimes generalizes his judgements when people differ tremendously inside and outside of religion, I still get what he's trying to point out.

Like any other human, he has his own limiting beliefs that he writes in his books, but that's typical from anyone who hasn't fully released all limiting beliefs including myself. So yes, I love the limitless ideas but obviously I try not to adopt his limiting beliefs for myself. I take the good and leave the bad. Nothing more to do.

What I'm realizing when I find my truth more and more is that most of these spiritual books are a waste of time. They tell you what someone else thinks based off of their own personal experience but it might not even be helpful to you if it curtails your own perspective based off of your experience.

Spiritual book after spiritual book that I've read criticizes the other religion or person for not thinking how they think, which I get can help people look out for red flags, but it's so much more satisfying to find the answers oneself. Yes you can read about other people's experiences with religion and spirituality, but if you're spending 90% reading about people's spiritual experiences and opinions and 10% of having them yourself and exploring your own, you are living more through their eyes than through your own.

It's not necessarily bad, but it's also not necessarily good. It's the spiritual equivalent of some dude who spends 90% of his day watching TV living vicariously through the pretend characters on the screen and only 10% of the day living his own life vicariously. It's not bad or good. It's just an experience of an unbalanced life where you live more through others than yourself. 

Just like tv, people who are attracted to spirituality need to be aware that the ego is still seeking for attachments. The ego is still seeking something to identify with. Something to latch onto so that it doesn't disappear in your transcendental experiences. So, it most definitely will use other people's experiences as a way to stay alive and identified with something.

The goal isn't to ignore other people's experiences, but it's also important to not ignore your own. The goal personally for me is finding a good balance between both. I want to live my life with its own special vitality that it could become a legend that people could learn from, but I also want to treat everyone's life as that as well. I don't want to just read the same damn story of Noah five thousand times desperately trying to find something new to spark my interest. 

I want to read my librarians story, my exes story, my best friends story. I want to learn and glean the treasures from those I feel the closest and farthest connection from. Not simple from some old dude in the wilderness who had multiple wives. It's not bad to, it's just I'm less likely to relate to him than I am to those who actually have a stronger impact on my life or who have quite literally been in my life.


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