
Showing posts from January, 2022

Thought Dump Part 38

 December 14th 2021 I believe we will get much more out of our lives by investigating the clues of the mysteries of our universe and the laws that govern them because they by nature, extend beyond the limitations of the groups created on earth. These laws go beyond earth, beyond the galaxy, and even stretch forth beyond our universe. They are the fabrics of realization that help us remember who we are at a fundamental and source level. Time spent exploring these truths is time well spent. — Dec 25th People will seriously deify everything but themselves... There's something that they fear about it. They fear that believing they are one with God will make them less receptive. But in actuality, there are two roads that can be followed. One person who believes they are one with God and no one else is which creates separation and the other road where they are one with God and everyone else is too. That latter road is the road of oneness and the one Jesus shared constantly.

Thought Dump Part 37

  December 16th 2021 Some of the most toxic people I’ve met are those who are the most stringently and dogmatically identified with more than obvious fear-based and limited belief systems. There are belief systems that do not focus substantially on our limits, and then there are other belief systems that focus predominantly on negative and limiting ideals. Ironically, I see this amongst those most identified with one extreme polarity rather than those who observe in neutrality. For example, within spirituality, there are those who are balanced in their ideals. When they see known issues, they move in such a way to find real time solutions instead of complaining and doing nothing about it. Then even more on the extreme are those in spirituality who are paranoid and fearful of not only the actual problems that exist, but they believe and create problems that cannot be validated or proven to exist beyond the scope of their perspective or their groups perspective. This is oft

Thought Dump Part 36

  Dec 2nd 2021 If you want to be a balanced individual, then you have to find the places of imbalance and then re-balance them. If you're always thinking, then you need to learn to find a balance between thinking and non-thinking. If you're always doing, then you need to find a balance between doing and being. If you're always talking or always listening, then you need to find a balance between the two. — Dec 2nd We are tied not only to the stories we believe into, but also the stories we make. There is what is , that is before we had a thought about it. Then there is our interpretation of the 'what is', the thought about it. Some thoughts are collectively shared, others are individually shared. Some are born from our collective decision, others are members of our one party worldview. — If humanity in the early centuries were technologically advanced as we are now in the present day, it would literally be a disaster. The rise of more intense ways to h

Thought Dump Part 35

  October 22nd Many Christians make up this statement that morality is not relative by using the phrases, old and new covenant, as a way to work around morality being relative to the culture, society and traditions of the people throughout the centuries. I understand that these were phrases used in the New Testament, be we also have to consider how we have no verifiable evidence that most of the books written in the New Testament were actually written by those supposedly said to have written them.  We also have to consider how hundreds of years later, the church decided on what gospels and epistles to include in as the official canon of the established and then, wealthy church. We also have to consider how bishops and priests not only got in fist fights over which of these books would be permitted to be official canon, but they actually murdered those who didn't allow their preferred books. That is always helpful to remember when one brings up the age old argument, &q

Thought Dump Part 34

November 1st Personally I think it’s harder to see all in all as God than to have a limited vision, limited idea, limited concept, limited image of who God is. For me, it was easier to project all the good of Christianity onto an image of God that looked like me and to see everything else as not God. The repercussions of that viewpoint is then, everything else is seen as separate from God. Less than God… Inferior to God… One starts to view God as monarchical; hierarchical in relation to everything else (even though if God is truly limitless, then there is truly no limit to what God is.) That limited viewpoint sees God as the king that must be obeyed irregardless of what you want to do. Oneness somehow mutates into separation. If someone asks you to remove all ideas, concepts, beliefs, images of God and to not interpret and limit All That Is as a Monarch waiting to punish or reward you, perhaps many wouldn’t be able to grasp that openness… Because something that pervades a