Entry 808 - Entry 819

Entry 808

Truth is Ever-Expanding

The truth of the subjective experience of the universe is ever-expanding as we ever-expand.

What might be “true” in one universe may be completely “false” in another. Maybe in one universe, having a “higher state of consciousness” is more beneficial while having a “lower state of consciousness” is less beneficial, but now a "lower state of consciousness" is seen as more beneficial in another universe.

To slap our standards of morality that are relative to our experience onto all potential life forms that exist is ignorance expressed. Who are we to say our truth is anything close to that of other aliens when we don't even know where they are or what they believe is true compared to us?

Just like the universe is layered with multiple abstractions of reality, beliefs have multiple abstractions, and truth has multiple abstractions based on one's level of consciousness or awareness.

It is true that babies cannot feed themselves and therefore must rely on their mother to feed them. It is not merely a “belief,” but true to the situation. Could there be other potentialities such as an adopted mother or babysitter that can feed the baby? Yes, of course, but to the baby, that is not made known until that is brought into their field of awareness. So in this case, the truth is ever-expanding to fit this baby’s experience of life.

Similarly, you might see it as true that the world record for the fastest mile is 3:43:13. That is currently true as of today until someone in our collective awareness breaks that world record and sets a faster one. Then, once they do, we can all agree it is no longer true that 3:43:13 is the fastest world record for the mile. Truth is ever-expanding just as we are ever-expanding.

A more esoteric example is you might have the belief that Christianity is the “only true religion” that will bring you closest to God, and 5 billion people may agree with you. So not everyone agrees with you like the mile world record, but a whole lot of people do hold a similar belief. Then maybe after years and years of studying the Bible, you finally run into all these nonsensical and obvious contradictions.

You think to yourself, “If this was really written with the Holy Spirit, these contradictions should not be here.” At that moment, you no longer see the Bible as “perfect, infallible, and from God” because you know God wouldn’t have the Holy Spirit through men write contradictions throughout the centuries. At that moment, you expand your view of truth to go beyond the Bible. You are open to seeing if there is any “truth in other religious texts." You expand alongside truth until this happens again in other religions that claim to be "straight from God.”

Then you expand beyond religion to science and realize that science is doing what you are doing, but in relation to studying life from an experimentally backed-up point of view using science and mathematics. So as you continue to study science and math, you realize the truth you learn is ever-expanding alongside you. That even math and science will continue to replace outdated ideas of the universe for more coherent ideas that make sense and are backed up with evidence to prove that they make sense.

See, in regard to you and others, truth is subjective to the beholder and grows alongside the beholder. You don’t outgrow truth; you recognize that truth is the journey and the destination. It is the inside and the outside. It is the expansion and the expanded. It will meet you wherever you are on the trail and expand with you. It will not force you to walk more steps than you are ready for. It will not force you to go backward. It allows you to experience things from your viewpoint until you are ready to experience another viewpoint.

Entry 809 - July 28th

Before, when I was dwelling on what some would say is a “lower or more dense” state of consciousness, I thought people needed to change around me in order for things to get better. However, when my level of consciousness “rose,” I began to realize in every single circumstance, in some way, shape, or form, the external environment and my internal environment are oftentimes reflections of each other—of something that can potentially alert what is healed or needs to be healed within myself.

So then, instead of trying to change people, I started to put my focus on changing myself. I started looking at limiting beliefs I had about myself or other people and tried replacing those limiting beliefs with more limitless beliefs about themselves and myself. 

So instead of viewing them as broken, filled with trauma, and constantly projecting their problems on me, I started viewing them as the embodiment of their “higher/future selves” who are operating at the best capacity that they can give at any moment. And as humans, I recognize that capacity will naturally fluctuate, and so it is not fair for me to hold expectations of an impossible, perfect state where no one makes mistakes.

That’s when my life started changing rapidly in a very positive direction.

Entry 810 - July 29th

I guess you could call me an “extreme optimist” because I’m under the belief that since you are responsible for most of your exterior environment and who ends up in your field of life, you can “shift into a greater probable universe” with higher probable versions of the people you normally interact with.

Since there are potentially an infinite number of probable selves for each individual, as there are an infinite number of probable universes, then perhaps you really are the creator of your reality and the chooser of your experiences. If you want to experience the universe with a “lower” level of consciousness, then you will attract a probable universe that can give you the means by which you wish to experience. Or perhaps it’s an unconscious desire; nevertheless, your preferred universe will be brought into your current level of awareness.

Entry 811

The problem Jesus ran into was that here he was, enlightened as ever, but many of his followers were not even close to his level of consciousness. Even up until his death, Jesus was still trying to get his followers not to doubt him (Thomas) or to not be afraid of the consequences of being associated with him (Peter). Then we had Judas, who apparently thought gold was more important than trying to preserve his friend’s life (Jesus).

Jesus had the hope of reminding people of their inherent power within. He hoped to show that everyone is one with Source using their words and concepts so that they could better digest the teachings that went beyond duality. The problem is that people will interpret Jesus’ words based on the level of consciousness that they are currently at.

Entry 812

I wanted to know how the universe worked, so I asked this dude who was sharing the same space in my dream, and I’m very glad I did. I was shown the vast richness of the universe in such a way I cannot fully explain it with words, but I’ll try my best using analogies. I apologize in advance because I know these analogies can only do my dream so much justice in what I actually saw.

I saw the universe in a shape similar to “a cake,” but in a torus-like shape with an infinite number of layers extending in every direction from the present, or the “middle of the cake.” Each layer of the cake represented “layers of infinite abstraction” that were an ever-expanding reality. I saw how each “plane of reality” was “stacked” on top of each other, but also within each layer, all connected by the present moment. So if a cake is stacked, imagine in each layer there is an infinite number of inward realities going within but also extending outward.

Similar to how I saw actual time as ever-expanding from the present moment in all directions outwardly, that’s how the universe and planes of realities work. Each person is also an extension of an ever-expanding reality in all directions. The past, present, and future are never “finished.” They are all constantly expanding forward and backward in new and exciting ways. Infinity is not only something that extends beyond our conception of current space/time and time/space with how our brain can process it but also a reality that we each are.

There are an infinite number of possibilities of reality that we can choose from because we are reflections of infinity actualized into one seemingly finite reality. So our awareness is localized into one of those “realities” in order to experience a “seemingly” limited reality, in order to experience oneself in a way that is unique as well as ever-expanding.

Entry 813

I used to be a scared Christian—scared of the devil, the world, and even God…

Now, through barely peeking into my multidimensional self, I realized my infinite potential is profoundly stronger than any temporary fear-based Christian doctrine.

Here’s the updated revision with Entry numbers explicitly included for each blog, ensuring consistency throughout:

Entry 814

I realize that people project an image of who God is based on the level of their consciousness. So if they think God sees them as better than other people for their beliefs about God, it shows the inequality and imbalance that they hold toward others for not having beliefs that are "up to par" with their own beliefs.

Entry 815

The reason why I don’t listen to Christian music is because I do not want to be reprogrammed after I spent so many years trying to deprogram from harmful Christian doctrines hidden in the worship songs. So why would I reprogram myself by listening to those doctrines in music when I tried so hard to rid myself of them in the first place?

Entry 816

You have to remember some people get triggered by others because they are manifesting an idea, words, beliefs, or actions they still hate about themselves.

Entry 817

You have to remember that if you’re living your best life... If you love yourself… If you are attracting abundance even in challenging scenarios… Then there will be people who feel like they can’t do that and will hate you because you can.

Entry 818

Something I recently learned is that if you truly are living your best life, your mere existence will trigger people who hate their lives. Don’t take it personally. Our external environment and the people who inhabit it often act like mirrors that reflect what’s healed or needs to be healed within ourselves.

If they refuse to communicate with you about their hatred and name-calling, then you do not need to be their punching bag. Sometimes the best thing is to remove yourself from their environment until they’re ready to approach you with a mentality that doesn’t make you feel bad for doing your best with what you have.

Entry 819

This whole “oh, these foods lower your frequency” is only in effect if you believe it can do so. It is not the food that makes you lower your frequency, but yourself that chooses if that food will or will not.

People can blame anything outside of them for either lowering or raising their frequency, but in actuality, that which is outside of them, and their beliefs about that person, place, or thing, is a representation of a particular belief system about that thing in relation to you. It only holds as much power as you give it until you decide to take back your power and use it in better ways that benefit you and others.


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