Entry 788 - Entry 807

Entry 788 - July 19th 2021

If our true selves are inherently perfect, as in all-knowing, then in order to experience the contrast to perfection, we needed to inhabit vessels that would manifest the supposedly imperfect in order to truly contrast the two. Even the words "perfect" and "imperfect" are meaningless until we assign them meanings, but even those meanings can never fully encapsulate our gloriously expanding, eternal souls.

Entry 789

The best way to explore the unknown is to forget what was previously known.

What fun is it to explore that which is already known? Therefore, I believe we decided to forget in order to remember along the way.

Entry 790

Can you imagine the cells in your body saying, “Oh no, we’re not responsible at all for the ill health of your body… That’s all you…”

You would probably refute them by saying they actually do play a part in your health. Constantly, cells die in order to keep you alive. If one cell refuses to die, many consequences of that behavior can result in imbalances within the body.

Similarly, if a human on the planet were to say to the earth, “Oh no, we’re not responsible at all for the ill health of this planet; that’s all you, Earth…”

Do you see the irony? To say one is not true and the other is or vice versa means one is in a state of cognitive dissonance. We do help make a difference in the health of our planet. Whether small or large, we still have an impact on our earth.

Entry 791

It takes courage for someone to explore someone else’s world. It takes courage to stay open when someone else shares their perspective that is not in line with your own. It takes even more courage to not identify oneself as filled with debilitating beliefs—to let go of all thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that have limitations.

Entry 792

I realize the reason why my words might not resonate with someone is because they haven’t experienced the words in action. They’ve only attempted to comprehend the word itself without the experience it needs to become real to them.

If learning is completely associative, and they did not have the experience to create the associations, then I shouldn't expect them to understand my viewpoint when they never experienced it in the first place.

Trying to actualize an experience by defining it through the word is like saying you know what mango ice cream tastes like when you’ve never had mangoes or ice cream.

Similarly, each level of consciousness requires the person to experience it before fully comprehending it. Defining the experience is not enough. That is why meditation is so crucial because you practice altering your state of consciousness directly and consciously while awake.

Entry 793

I hear many Christians say, “Only God stands outside of time,” and I think to myself: How sad is it that Christianity has convinced its followers that they are reduced to one-dimensional awareness, stuck within linear time to only escape it on God’s terms and not their own?

The truth that Christianity cannot afford you knowing is that by being multidimensional, you inherently exist beyond time, through time, in time, and outside of time.

When you realize time in linear fashion is an illusion, then you realize time as we see it can both expand inwardly and outwardly. Probabilities of the past and future can be explored. The essence of realities is not fixed in linear time because linear time is an illusion, and that is a fact backed up by science.

Linear time is only one way that a majority of us are tuned into. However, it is more than possible to tune into time from a multidimensional perspective in order to see how it affects us presently. Similar to how a beginner artist might not be painting the Mona Lisa on their first day, I don't expect someone who believes linear time is a real phenomenon that we are stuck in to be able to comprehend their multidimensional existence.

Entry 794 - July 21st

I feel like part of my purpose in being a trans man is to mend the masculine and feminine energy, and to learn through contrast to better help others. It’s not merely for me to be seen as a male, but rather to help men become okay with the feminine qualities many are afraid of diving into, in fear of being less manly, by being the example to help them see the benefits of a life lived in such a way. It is also to show the diversity of experience one has by biologically changing one's primary sexual characteristics, and how that can benefit society.

Entry 795

What if déjà vu are mental checkpoints that we create where we remember in some way, shape, or form our future self coming in that current moment?

What if the déjà vu is a mental checkpoint of where we personally wanted to revisit ourselves, whether consciously or unconsciously, and so that is where our future self actually does visit us?

The reason why I bring this up is that there are many times when I will remember a very intense déjà vu and that moment will be imprinted in my mind very freshly—where I was, what time, what I was doing, how old I was—and therefore it serves as a wonderful point in time; an opportunity to have my future self meet with the past self and to rearrange and explore different paths or probable realities.

Entry 796

Those who are aware of their multidimensional selves, while in meditation, can project their consciousness back to the creator of plastic and request that instead of creating plastic, he utilizes or discovers another material that is quickly biodegradable and will not harm our planet, animals, or other humans.

To those who are confused, Albert Einstein proved that linear time is an illusion. All time protrudes from the present moment and expands outwardly and inwardly. Therefore, probable pasts are not impossible to activate for our timeline. If enough of us put our energy into a better future, we can help make some definite changes.

Here are the remaining entries with grammar and punctuation corrected while maintaining your original words and tone.

Entry 797

This world is a gestalt of perceived matter, which is actually basically and mostly just empty space. 99.999% of any atom is empty space. The 0.00001% of any atom that forms the world around us is considered matter—and not even steady matter, but matter that is constantly blinking in and out of our existence so fast that our brains cannot catch the process.

If you focus on the illusion as if it were real, your problems can seem bigger than you are. If you focus on the reality that this world is more empty space than solid reality, you start to realize we are more than our problems.

Entry 798

It is extremely harmful and detrimental to follow the Christian probability that this world is going to end up as a doomsday gone wrong until Jesus comes back because they are quite literally manifesting that into their timeline.

The future is not set in stone by some book that cannot even be proved to be written by its alleged authors, let alone the words themselves, which were passed around orally like telephone for the first 20–30 years before actually being put down as "Scripture."

I understand it is because they aren’t taught by their religion that no one is forced against their free will to experience that timeline, or else free will would not be guaranteed in our reality, but it is still shocking that we don't have more followers of Jesus questioning the doomsday writings for that time somehow applied literally to our future times.

The reason why Christianity can be dangerous to society is because it doesn’t teach people about the quantum physics fact that we constantly stand at the ledge of an infinite amount of probabilities to choose from. Therefore, so many of the avid followers of that religion believe that they have to go through disaster and destruction because that’s what is written in Revelation.

However, according to quantum physics, life isn’t some predetermined mass hellhole that promises destruction against our will. Quantum physics shows through credible evidence that an infinite amount of probabilities exist at any given point right now, and we are the ones who manifest our external environment according to the focus of our attention based on our beliefs. You are not victims of another who chooses for you; rather, you determine what timeline you partake in. That is the essence of free will. If you don’t want to experience that, stop putting your energy toward that probability.

Entry 799

I just realized why Adyashanti’s books were so profound for me. They started the journey inward to my own unknown reality. His books encouraged me to see myself beyond my current body, beyond my reasoning mind, and to explore myself from different vantage points, different perceptions, differing levels of expansiveness versus my old conceptions of myself in relation to the limits I created around myself.

Adyashanti’s books taught me to journey within, to journey the psyche, the soul.

Entry 800

Addiction goes hand-in-hand with not being able to regulate properly the bodily responses in regard to normal stimulus. For example, someone who is imbalanced in one area will experience imbalance most likely in other areas.

It’s a matter of one’s ability to not be codependent on objects, religion, society, etc. Contrary to popular belief, religions can actually worsen addictions by teaching people to have an unhealthy codependent relationship with a deity outside of themselves, such as with Christianity.

That person is much more likely to feel guilt and shame around the addiction that they currently cannot break because they don’t know how to break it. And the reason they don't know how to break those unhealthy codependency tendencies is because that religion relies on them being codependent on their religion and God in the first place in order to keep them coming back each week.

The religion instills in each person who follows it a sense of necessity and need from the religion in order to keep the person. They do not teach someone how to feed themselves. They just continue to give them the fish, and they convince them that they need the religion to get that juicy fish. The goal of religion is to create codependence.

Entry 801 - July 22nd

When Christians realize that the savior they thought was outside of them was always a projection of their own saving power, that will be an interesting day.

When they realize they truly have free will, that will be an interesting day.

When they realize that no one is infinitely doomed for finite mistakes, decisions, thoughts, or beliefs, that will be an interesting day.

When they realize that they have always had everything they needed to upgrade their state of mind to be more harmonious with all, that will be an interesting day.

Entry 802

It cracks me up when fundamental Christians try to use the Bible to prove the Bible is "true." That's like plugging a wall plug extension into itself. Logically, it makes no sense to use the same thing you're trying to prove as true as the evidence.

If that were the case, then it's even easier to disprove the Bible as being true. You just use the Bible. XD

Entry 803

Why do I find myself still and afraid when I realize that I create my own reality? Is it because my focus and attention are so much on the materialistic physical reality that I forget that I am creating my current reality?

Do I need to meditate more to turn my senses inwardly to remind myself more that I am the creator of the reality? How can I sustain the awareness that I am the creator of my reality?

Entry 804

Your past self may look at this very moment as a probable future and decide if it wants to take it or not.

Your future self may look back at this very moment with extra tips and suggestions to choose a better probable future for your current self.

Entry 805

Everything in the universe has individualized, intelligent awareness.

Entry 806

Christianity teaches people to perceive things so one-dimensionally. For example, they demonize an experience based on their perception of reality.

They say addiction to food is bad, but what if that person wanted to experience what it was like to contrast another experience, to better understand the self? When did experiencing another reality become bad, evil, or wrong?

Entry 807

“In your society, however, identity is so related to sexual stereotypes that few people know themselves well enough to understand the nature of love, and to make any such commitments.”

                    - Seth

Because people don’t know themselves, they are much more likely to not be loyal or to cheat. The problem for cheaters is not knowing themselves.

“So women, accepting these ideas often, seek for a situation in which they too can feel free to express their sexual desires openly, whether or not any love is involved. Yet loyalty is love’s partner, and the primates display such evidence in varying degrees. The male in particular has been taught to separate love and sex, so that a schizophrenic condition results that tears apart his psyche — in operational terms — as he lives his life. The expression of sexuality is considered male, while the expression of love is not considered manly. To some extent or another, then, the male feels forced to divide the expression of his love from the expression of his sexuality. It would be disastrous for women to follow the same course.

This great division has led to your major wars. This does not mean that men were alone responsible for wars. It does mean that the male so divorced himself from the common fountain of love and sex that the repressed energy came forth in those aggressive acts of cultural rape and death, instead of birth.”

                    - Seth


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