
Showing posts from November, 2020

Entry 385 - Stages of Viewing the World

11/30/20 3D in Duality – Comparative 4D in Neutrality – Associative 5D in Unity – Communicative Those in 3D believe that separation is truth and unity is a lie. They believe their religion is true and all others are wrong. Constant victim mentality. They pick a group, nation, ethnicity, community, or party and defend it to their death. Everything happens to them, and they are not responsible for most things. Anything that goes right is because of God; anything that goes wrong is because of the devil. They’re not in control; they’re just like a little leaf being tossed around in a big ocean. Those in 4D see the good in the bad and the bad in the good, recognizing duality as a worldly construct but unity as a definite potentiality that could be present in all situations, even if they don’t fully know how that’s possible yet. They don’t hate anyone, nor do they love everyone yet. They just are. You just are. They view all religions, political parties, ethnicities, etc., more equally and n...

Entry 384 - Transcend All to be like The All

11/28/20 If you keep listening to the same things, going to the same church, reading the same Scriptures, talking to the same people, reacting in the same manner, and living with the same habits, you will not change. You will have the same perception, the same outlook, the same growth, and the same lifestyle. In order to expand yourself, you must expand the lens you look at the world with. If you use glasses that make the world seem a little bit better but still blurry, it will only do so much for you. You still won’t see the clear clouds, the bright stars in the night sky, or the smile from the stranger far away. Religion is like the glasses that help a little, but still make the world seem blurry. Spirituality is like your eye with no glasses and perfect vision, where you finally realize clarity is, and always has been, a part of your very being. The blurriness from religion is not because it is good or bad, but because it has a limited perspective, limiting beliefs, limiting traditi...

Entry 383 - Surface Level vs Root Level Shadow Work

11/15/20 I had an epiphany with shadow work when I was reading The Year of Forgiveness , a channeled book from Jesus by Tina Spaulding, and it was this: When we do our shadow work, we must move beyond dealing with it in a surface-level way and instead go to the roots to find what is keeping all of them alive in our minds. So, we will explore the intention to uproot all negativity, insecurities, fears, and worries at their source, not at the stems. First, I will use an example before going into the seemingly hypothetical of the mind. Let’s say you have a car, and every time you drive down a certain street, you get a flat tire. Then, in order to fix it, you don’t go to the root of the problem, but rather you go to the surface level of the issue and fix it there. There are going to be layers in this scenario, and depending on what layer is addressed, there will be multiple other problems that stem if it is not addressed from the root level. For example, say once you get a flat tire, you g...

Entry 382 - 382.93

Entry 382 - 11/13/20  A Discourse On Triggers Most people are going to have some sort of word that triggers stress, anxiety, or fear in their heart. This has nothing to do with you, but it does have something to do with their past that they have not reconciled and dealt with. Even though you are not responsible for their unhealed wounds from the past or the negative emotions not yet detached from meaningless words, you can help them not to get triggered if you are aware of the depth and sensitivity of someone’s trigger. For example, say someone was in an abusive relationship, and every time someone says the word ‘carnival’ in a sentence, they instantly remember all the negative emotions from a memory they had with their abusive significant other at a carnival. Then, since the brain can’t tell the difference between past emotions and the present, they quite literally re-experience the painful, negative emotions in the present moment, causing themselves to suffer from a past experien...