Entry 135 - Quote of the Night by The Kybalion


"Rather follow the example
of the wise, which the same authority
states, 'use Law against Laws; the higher
against the lower; and by the Art of
Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable 
into that which is worthy, and thus

Following the authority, let us
avoid the half-wisdom (which is folly)
which ignores the truth that: "Mastery
consists not in abnormal dreams, visions,
and fantastic imaginings or living, but in
using the higher forces against the lower—
escaping the pains of the lower planes by
vibrating on the higher." 

Remember always, student, that 
'Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, 
is the weapon of the Master.' 

The above quotations are from
The Kybalion, and are worthy of being
committed to memory by the student."

               - The Kybalion 


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