Entry 130 - Do What You Love


If you truly love what you do, you'll choose to spend hours each day doing what you love, regardless if others see the value in it or not.

I talk to so many people who say they want to do this, or they want to do that, and I ask them why they don't start, and when we dive deep enough into it, it's because they're afraid of how people will perceive them. I feel like so many people are afraid to do what they love because they fear being judged for not doing a good job of it. 

However, how can you let the judgment of others stop you from creating the type of life you wish to live today? Are their opinions more important than your happiness? 

Then, if you go even deeper, they're afraid to start because they're afraid of failing, but the reality is failure is part of the process towards success. Each failure is like a stepping stone and the finish line is the success. 

Even after a while, one starts to see success is as much of a stepping stone as failure is. We don't just go into an exam without learning, practicing, failing, and learning from our mistakes. It's all part of the training program. It's all part of the experience.

The contestant for American Ninja Warrior doesn't just hop into the obstacles without prior practice of trying and failing until success. Many times I learn more from my failures than I do of my successes. There is absolutely no human being who has done remarkable things on this planet without some type of failure as part of the process, so hopefully that encourages you to not be afraid to fail as you do what you love.

The truth is, your passion is not something everyone is going to understand. It won't be everyone's cup of tea. We have a variety of people on this planet, so if you're stopping yourself from doing what you love because some people might judge you or not prefer what you put out, then in reality, you are the one stopping yourself not them. 

If your thinking of their judgment is enough to stop you from doing what you love, then the truth is, you prefer more how people view you then the actual passion you have. If you can't give over that, then you have boxed yourself in from creating what you wish to create. 

My advice to you is to push yourself beyond your thinking of what he thinks/she thinks and just start doing. The more you push yourself to do what you love, the more you'll realize how ridiculous it is to let other people's judgments shape the course of our life. 

Then, once you hit that point in your life, you're free. Hopefully this encourages you to overcome the judgments of others and to be okay with failing but most importantly, to get out and do what you love right now. 

Remember, the only one who is truly capable of stopping you from doing what you love this very second is you. But, that should also be freeing because then you realize no one can stop you unless you let them, and therein lies the freedom.


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