
Showing posts from February, 2023

Journal Discourse Part 70

Propaganda is when any country, group, institution, etc. makes a long laundry list of deceiving complaints by criticizing their citizens for an influx of greenhouse gases when they are the ones that chose to experiment with nuclear weapons and atomic bombs, causing even more intense greenhouse gases. By them passing the blame to their citizens for being the predominant problem by driving innocently to work in their cars, they are exhibiting top tier gaslighting behavior.  WE SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Healthy skepticism is questioning the claims of blame when the people in power are those who are making the most disastrous moves over those with less power. -- November 1st 2022 My Prediction For The Future The Anti-Christ, which is just a Christian way of saying a person who is incredibly anti-humanity, pro-murder and pro-oppression, will rise up and attempt to reign over the world. He will never be fully successful, and his own devices will be turned on him from within. His victory is wri

Journal Discourse Part 69

October 14th 2022 A certain spiritual teacher had a video on youtube called “Spiritual Detoxing”. This spiritual teacher did a great job of exchanging the belief of “My body is stupid and so it gets sick” to “When I am sick, I’ll see it as a message that my body is trying to spiritually detox something.” But he also said something along the lines that if you feel your emotions, such as anger, then your body will not properly detoxify from that emotion. In my opinion, this belief is toxic because it is viewing emotions as something that the body needs to be detoxed from. Emotions are not inherently bad, it is the unresolved trauma that utilizes emotions that can be toxic. When we either repress our emotions or get attached to the trauma as part of who we are or about another person involved, that’s when it can be harmful for us. It’s addiction to the trauma. It is the addiction to the story of the victim and the prepetrator. It is the addiciton to seeing things in a one-sided, narrow-m

Journal Discourse Part 68

September 29th 2022 The reasons why I think many Christians criticize those outside of their church walls that are clairvoyant (knowing information beyond the physical senses) as people who are “talking to demons” or “demon possessed” because firstly, their pastors and priests condition them to think that way and secondly, because they have not yet realized that the evolutionary growth in empathy and oneness leads to shared communication beyond the physical senses.It might help to open these Christian’s up to seeing how empathy can grow beyond the senses through using a common example that they can grasp. The one I like to use is if they’re in a relationship, the empathetic loving connection between them and their partner grows and becomes stronger over time. Sometimes your spouse might not even say a word but the other spouse can still pick up their unsaid feelings. And to add to this example, the spouse doesn't need to be in the same room to pick up their feelings. Feelings can b