
Showing posts from August, 2022

Journal Discourse Part 51.5

 April 2nd 2022 If you want others to experience true liberation, first seek the realization of your oneness with all before teaching others about liberation. Better for you to live in the hills as a hermit or monk realizing that oneness firsthand rather than to teach others about something you have yet to experience yourself. Many people give up their careers in the world for what they believe is “service to God” but actually their service renders less useful if they go in it for the wrong reasons. This is similar to someone that goes into a career for the wrong reasons. Say that you tell others that you want to be stock trader and that you will use that money in a way to support yourself, your family and others but in actuality, most of that money is being used to enslave others or for a drug business that gets people hooked. For this example, what is highlighted is it’s not only the reason you tell others, but the real motive behind what you do, that matters most. Sim

Journal Discourse Part 51

  February 2nd 2022 Many would say that intelligence is good while interestingly enough there are some that may assume it isn't. Some might even go further, especially those who submit to a particular religion, and say intelligence keeps people from enlightenment. I think one’s perception of intelligence has ironically something to do with intelligence itself. My personal belief is that the more aware someone becomes, the more intelligently they will act. Now I know that can be a blanket statement because what makes someone intelligent? There are some articles written that there are 7 main types of intelligence. Interpersonal, intrapersonal, nature based, spatial, artistic, mathematical, linguistic, and memory based intelligence. So when someone says they are intelligent, it’s going to be dependent on their idea of what they believe makes them intelligent in the first place. The way I see intelligence is that it is the ability to acquire, remember and utilize knowledge i

Journal Discourse Part 50

February 2022 It’s interesting because even the way in which those in the new age spiritualism define “glitch in the matrix”, it could still mean something different based on someone’s perspective/level of awareness. For example, if you are aware that you create your own reality and that your internal environment is connected to your external environment, then you will see the world as one with you, and you will love the world and all therein as you love your own body. However if you see the world as separate from you, even to the point where it is your enemy, then a “glitch in the matrix” could be the world acting in a way that is against you, that is hurtful to you. A glitch could mean a traumatic or hurtful experience for one person while it could mean something totally different for another person. Personally the way I define “a glitch in the matrix” would be in a similar way to how Truman Burbank in the Truman show acted when he realized he was in a simulated environment for testi