
Showing posts from November, 2021

Thought Dump Part 30

Sept 15th One of the most damaging beliefs from certain denominations of Christianity that til this day I am still de-conditioning from is trusting myself. It might not seem like a big deal, but it’s huge. This encompasses every aspect of oneself. Trusting one’s intellect. Trusting one’s memory. Trusting one’s ideas. Trusting one’s journey. I realized that Christianity conditioned me to be dependent in multiple layers. In order to be dependent on God, I was conditioned that I needed to be dependent on Christianity. In order to be dependent on Christianity, I needed to be dependent on the Christian church. In order to be dependent on the Christian church, I needed to be dependent on the Bible. In order to be properly dependent on the Bible, I needed to be dependent on the proper interpretations of the Bible from the church. The levels of dependency were deeply embedded into one another until you couldn’t imagine God without any other aspect of Christianity. Until religion an

Thought Dump Part 29.5 / Classical Physics / The Universe is Expanding / The Benefit of Studying Math and Physics / Black Hole Conjecture

 -- Classical physics and how it is used can be represented by a coin that can either be heads or tails and then the quantum physics can be represented by the result of the infinite amount of possibilities of how many heads and how many tails you can have which can go on forever. Not only that, but the coin would have a heads and tails on both sides, maybe another coin with only one or the other, and then coins with other varying possibilities of choices within the spectrum of the choice at hand. So the two are represented in the following experiment as one that is discrete and measurable and the other as potentially infinite and measureless. -- At this point I’ve spent enough time studying religions to see the associations, the dissimilarities, the similarities, etc to know the bullshit within them so that I no longer continually fall into the trap of believing a certain limited idea that they teach to be true, is actually true. It's a liberating place to be in. The

Thought Dump Part 29

  July 25th 2021 Since space and time are relative that means we live in a relative (subjective) world. -- No one told me how lonely it would be Making the change to transition fully -- Strange rebuttals to my gender identity that people have said to me: “In one year you’re going to de-transition.” I find it humorous that they think they know myself more than my own self. It isn’t a matter of choosing which gender identity I like better, it’s that my gender identity in this incarnation has always felt male, even though I was assigned female at birth. I’m not androgynous where sometimes I feel one way or another, I’ve simply felt that I should have a male body for this particular incarnation. “This age is making it a fad to transition.” I literally only know two personal friends who are transitioning out of thousands of friends and family. Plus, that statement is not statistically accurate at all. Transgender people only make up to 0.6% of the population. Just because the int

Quote of the Day: The Most Important Thing by Adyashanti

Our inner lives are every bit as astonishing, baffling, and mysterious as the infinite vastness of the cosmos. For we are each individual expressions of conscious being, and we contain the vastness of the cosmos within us, as much as we are contained within it. To look within and answer the ancient call to know thyself is perhaps the greatest and strangest adventure of all. It is the key to awakening to the truth of our being and living the most evolved lives that we can individually and collectively imagine. For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in people who do things well. These people tend to have an ability to define what is most important, to know it within their being, and to rally their resources toward it. If you think about it, anybody who achieves unusual excellence—you could throw Warren Buffett, Miles Davis, Michelangelo, or the Buddha and Jesus and other spiritual figures in there—has a sense of direction and a genuine feeling for the most important thing