
Showing posts from June, 2021

Thought Dump Part 10

March 25th 2021 People have told me, whether through words or writings, that I am the power of God incarnate and I want to address this in such a way that makes sense of how I personally see myself and everyone else. I truly believe everyone is the power of God incarnate, whether they are aware of it or not. I am no better or worse than any human or any other energy disguised in a temporary form such as a blade of grass, an ant, a dolphin in the ocean and so forth. With that said, I do believe we can see throughout the ages that there are those who remember more of their divine essence of what they are and at a much deeper level than maybe a majority, but that definitely does not mean they are "better". So in terms of power, I truly believe the power in me is in all, I’ve just woken up to a lot of it and those who are on their journey might see more of it in me than in them, but the reality is, everyone has equal share to this limitless power because they are all one with thi

Blind Associations within Belief Systems

Associations reveal the connections people deny in order to create superiority over other belief systems. Instead of demons from Christianity, it’s negatively oriented aliens in spirituality. Instead of angels in Christianity that assist us here on earth, it can still be angels as well as spirit guides in spirituality.    Instead of praying in Christianity, it’s manifesting in spirituality. Instead of a devil outside of you in Christianity, it’s the devil within each of us in spirituality. Instead of “I got a message from God” in Christianity, it is oftentimes “I got a message from Source” in spirituality.   Instead of holy objects such as the Bible and holy places like the church, it’s holy objects like crystals and saging the house to cleanse the energy to preserve its holiness. They both have beliefs about love and light and they both have beliefs sourced in fear, guilt and shame.    Same meaning, different words. Religion and spirituality are two sides of the same coin. At the end

Religion vs Spirituality

-- Written November 2020 -- At the end of the day, words and meanings will never truly do justice to what reality is, but hopefully this contrast, between adhering exclusively to a specific religion (In this case mainstream Christianity)  and choosing to see one as one with all (being open spiritually), is like experientially. One is not better than the other. They both are valid experiences to explore. Enjoy the contrast.  Religion is like putting a goldfish in a tiny tank in the ocean. Spirituality is the gold fish in the entire ocean. Religion is “I see God through a limited lens”. Spirituality is “I see God beyond all lenses.” Religion is, form your ideas of God through our scriptures. Spirituality is, spend time with God and go beyond ideas and scriptures. Religion is believing in other people’s experience of God and Spirituality is knowing God through my own experience with Him. Religion says you must interpret God through our doctrines, traditions, and beliefs or else you worshi

Thought Dump Part 9 - Conspiracy Theories / Validating Unverified Biblical Claims / Religions Utilize Separation

Each person is like a universe within a bigger universe, within a bigger universe. The cells in your body working in harmony have a "universe" they explore beyond the cells in a piece of dirt may know of. Your body has a universe beyond the cells in your body that your cells may known of. Yourself as Consciousness has an expanded universe beyond the limits of the body that your body may know of. These words could mean nothing to you unless you experience them by embodying the essence of what it tries to convey. Silent breathwork will definitely help. Try to focus on the present moment by maybe focusing on your breath and then consider what this means to you: You are 'being' (expansion) embodied in illusive limits. 'I Am' or 'Being' never stops existing. It either always was or never truly was to begin with. You are either energy or you are a temporary illusive form that doesn't truly exist in terms of eternity. Within the limits of time and space,