Entry #1: Dear Long Lost Friend

Dear Long Lost Friend,

It's been a while since we hung out, even talked, but I hope you're doing well. It wasn't a coincidence that you came into my life, and I believe it wasn't a coincidence that you left either. Sometimes we cross paths, and sometimes we uncross. Sometimes people grow apart. Sometimes people just fall away.

Some might call it destiny, I call it life. We had some really good times and some even better laughs. We made the most out of our hard days and still managed to work through the hard times together. I enjoyed inviting you to see other events in my life and I also enjoyed seeing more of your life.

Then little by little the moments became less, the talks less frequent. We no longer had any classes together or saw each other as much. Naturally we both got busier and busier and we had to realign our schedules in new directions. Eventually our paths no longer crossed. Even as much as we tried to make an effort, they became lost as even our thoughts were directed in different directions. We not only lost thought about hanging out, we no longer crossed in each other's minds on a daily basis.

Fast forward a couple of years. As the busy year went by, we continue to do life, a memory from an object or a song reminds me of shared those fun memories I shared with you, and I reminisce on the good times. I think, what if I reached out to that person again. Maybe we could pick up like no time left but then another part of me accepts that we're on different trajectories, different roads and maybe that's okay. Maybe it's okay that everything is not how it used to be. Maybe it's okay that they're living life separately from you.

Maybe it's okay and you can just accept that. Then I smile at the fond memory and continue forward with my busy day. I just wanted to say I haven't completely forgotten you. I don't believe I ever will. When you do randomly pop in my head because of a moment we shared, I smile because regardless of how long ago it was, those were great times. I pray you are thriving and living your best life and then when the memory passes out of my mind, I go on with life. May you be as happy as you made me all the days of your life.

With Love,
     An Old Friend


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