Entry 2,396 - Quotes from A Course in Miracles
Entry 2,396 - January 1, 2025 Forget not, when you feel the need arise to be defensive about anything, you have identified yourself with an illusion. ²And therefore feel that you are weak because you are alone. (ACIM, T-22.V.6:1-2) ¹⁰Love rests in certainty. ¹¹Only uncertainty can be defensive. ¹²And all uncertainty is doubt about yourself. (ACIM, T-22.V.3:10-12) On your learning depends the welfare of the world. ²And it is only arrogance that would deny the power of your will. ³Think you the Will of God is powerless? ⁴Is this humility? ⁵You do not see what this belief has done. ⁶You see yourself as vulnerable, frail and easily destroyed, and at the mercy of countless attackers more powerful than you. ⁷Let us look straight at how this error came about, for here lies buried the heavy anchor that seems to keep the fear of God in place, immovable and solid as a rock. ⁸While this remains, so will it seem to be. 11. Who can attack the Son of God and not attack his Father? ²How can God’s Son...