
Showing posts from November, 2022

Journal Discourse Part 61

August 13th 2022Christianity is in my opinion, the world’s most famous religious cult around a person, in this case Jesus of Nazareth. The religion called Christendom created around Jesus has influenced a substantial amount of our world history through it's mass colonization accomplished by some charity work, but mainly through war and bloodshed. Christianity has borrowed doctrines from Judaism, Paganism, and Zoroastrianism which has culminated into the religion Christendom. The Abrahamic religions are built on the backs of previous religions and traditions, even though they are extremely quick to deny their connection to other religions outside of their Abrahamic connection. A cult around any person is subject to a variety of strange beliefs, especially when those within the denominations give exclusive divinity to one person and require everyone else to believe and worship this person in order to “get into heaven.” The part that doesn’t make sense about this belief is that they

Journal Discourse Part 60

July 30th 2022 The night I watched Everything Everywhere All At Once, my whole entire life changed. That was most likely the biggest “download” of energy I have ever received in my life. They say that one way one can measure the level of awareness or one's evolutionary progression is how much energy the central nervous system can handle. Realistically the bigger the battery, the more energy it can hold and thus, the more charge it has. Similarly, I think that goes to say with human vessels but instead, their central nervous system is the channel in which the electrical current of life flows through. If someone has a weak, nimble and frail central nervous system, then realistically it won’t be able to hold the same charge as someone who has a strengthened, fortified, and more evolved central nervous system which can hold more life force energy within it. All throughout the movie, but more towards the end, I started to notice my body doing strange things. I would watch something and