
Showing posts from March, 2022

Thought Dump Part 41

  October 13th 2021  Paul apparently wrote that we all must die in his epistles when that is most definitely not the case for everyone. Generalizations rarely ever do everyone justice, but I also get sometimes they are used for a more specific argument down the line. However in regards to the generalization, there are many instances throughout the Old and New Testament and other ancient texts from other religions that describe those who did not die, but that were taken straight up to the heavens. Not only that, but I believe the physical body is only limited by our thoughts about it. Jesus even said, "With God, all things are possible."  So potentially, the body could be calibrated to a higher vibrational state and continue to exist beyond hundreds of years, or one can simply leave the earth with their body transmuted ethereally, as represented throughout the centuries by the sages and masters of the ages. If it weren't for the examples of those before us, I would simply

Thought Dump Part 40

December 17th 2021 It's never about the situation itself but rather your beliefs about it that make the grandest difference.  -- Snippet on Traveling September 30th 2021 Traveling is learning to balance the predictability with the unpredictability. It’s learning to balance stability with instability. It’s learning to be okay when things don’t go as planned and instead of reacting negatively to the unpredictable, learning to embrace it with love and appreciation for the growth it provides. Some days you might make your train. Other days you may miss it by a couple of seconds. There might be weeks where you meet amazing friends who become like family and change your life for the better. And at the same time, you could meet the most challenging people who have no desire to truly help you, but use you relentlessly for their own gain. Whether that’s trying to lie to the police about you to get out of them not paying because they ran out of money, or it could be a person on t