
Showing posts from October, 2021

Thought Dump Part 28

Truth is ever-expanding The truth of the subjective experience of the universe is ever-expanding as we ever-expand. What might be “true” in one universe may be completely “false” in another one. Maybe in one universe, having a “higher state of consciousness” is more beneficial while having a “lower state of consciousness” is less beneficial but now a "lower state of consciousness" is seen as more beneficial in another universe. To slap our standards of morality that are relative to our experience to all potential life forms that exist is ignorance expressed. Who are we to say our truth is anything close to other aliens when we don't even know where they are or what they believe is true compared to us? Just like the universe is layered with multiple abstractions of reality, beliefs have multiple abstractions, and truth has multiple abstractions based on one's level of consciousness, or awareness. It is true that babies cannot feed themselves and therefore,

Thought Dump Part 27

 July 19th 2021 If our true selves are inherently perfect as in all-knowing, then in order to experience the contrast to perfection we needed to inhabit vessels that would manifest the supposedly imperfect in order to truly contrast the two. Even the words perfect and imperfect are meaningless until we assign them meanings, but even those meanings can never full encapsulate our gloriously expanding, eternal souls. -- The best way to explore the unknown, is to forget what was previously known. What fun is it to explore that which is already known? So therefore, I believe we decided to forget in order to remember along the way. -- Can you imagine the cells in your body saying, “Oh no, we’re not responsible at all for the ill health of your body… That’s all you…” You would probably refute them by saying they actually do play a part in your health. Constantly cells die in order to keep you alive. If one cell refuses to die, many consequences of that behavior can result in imb