
Showing posts from November, 2019

Entry 135 - Quote of the Night by The Kybalion

11/27/19 "Rather follow the example of the wise, which the same authority states, 'use Law against Laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable  into that which is worthy, and thus triumph.' Following the authority, let us avoid the half-wisdom (which is folly) which ignores the truth that: "Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions, and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower— escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher."  Remember always, student, that  'Transmutation, not presumptuous denial,  is the weapon of the Master.'  The above quotations are from The Kybalion, and are worthy of being committed to memory by the student."                - The Kybalion 

Entry 134 - Quote of the Night by Anonymous

11/25/19 "The word, God or Brahman, invokes different images and impressions in different people according to their knowledge, desires and essential nature. Yet, everyone who does so know that the form or the idea of God which they entertain in their minds is a projection, not an absolute reality.  God is an infinite, indescribable, incomprehensible and transcendental reality. When you define him, or give him a distinct personality, you also limit that reality, unless you do so with the understanding that it is your creation and cannot be held as a universal truth."            - Anonymous

Entry 133 - My Reconstructive Jaw Surgery Experience

11/24/19 This is going to be really hard for me to write, because I know once I start writing, I'll need to write it all down in one sitting because the moment I begin writing is the moment I’m going to relive it. I don’t know why, but that’s what tends to happen whenever I think about these memories. I felt like one day I was going to sit down and write this out, and that one day somehow became tonight. I knew it was going to be hard. I knew while I was writing it that I was going to cry some ugly tears, but I knew I had to share my story. I know this only scratches the surface, but I hope this helps family and friends catch a glimpse of what actually happened during that time and that my story will give hope to others who are now going through various trials of their own. I know a lot of close family and friends were caught off guard because I did not open up about what I was going through, but hopefully you can see from my point of view that it’s kind of hard to go into detail o...

Entry 132 - Lesson on Benefitting All

11/24/19 When you start to look at not only the way you can benefit, but how you can also benefit all those around you, the universe starts to orchestrate things in a way that fulfills that higher way of thinking. 

Entry 131 - Lesson on Pain

11/24/19 I used to believe suffering alone sharpens one's character. However, I learned that after one suffers, the person either uses that suffering to grow intentionally and reach another level of maturity, transformation, and wisdom.  Or that person uses it as justification to engage in damaging actions that provide temporary pleasure but eventually creates a level of death in their lives in the form of addiction, pain, and feelings of incompleteness.

Entry 130 - Do What You Love

11/22/19 If you truly love what you do, you'll choose to spend hours each day doing what you love, regardless if others see the value in it or not. I talk to so many people who say they want to do this, or they want to do that, and I ask them why they don't start, and when we dive deep enough into it, it's because they're afraid of how people will perceive them. I feel like so many people are afraid to do what they love because they fear being judged for not doing a good job of it.  However, how can you let the judgment of others stop you from creating the type of life you wish to live today? Are their opinions more important than your happiness?  Then, if you go even deeper, they're afraid to start because they're afraid of failing, but the reality is failure is part of the process towards success. Each failure is like a stepping stone and the finish line is the success.  Even after a while, one starts to see success is as much of a stepping stone as failure is...

Entry 129 - God is Love

11/22/19 God's love is unconditional. What that means is that God does not have favorites. He does not have conditions in which you must meet a certain number of requirements to have God love you.  "Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right."            - Acts 10:34‭-‬35  It means that no matter who you are, where you're from, what you've done, God will always love you. He doesn't love you any less if you don't keep his commandments or have a cap on how much He can love you. “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’   “But the Father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.       - Luke 15:21‭-‬22  He will always love you. God's love is not...

Entry 128 - Poem: The Fire Within

11/19/10 The human mind I cannot understand Why lovers come and go like sand Why a heart beats for another while not for the other Why some lock eyes and others leave with a sigh Why the Earth is filled with numerous tears Yet the kingdom of heaven has drawn near Perhaps the answer is within Already in us for our journey to begin Maybe life as adventure was the desire That we learn what sets our hearts afire To know our God the Creator and Sustainer And to live our lives in gratitude for the journey Rather than lives lived in chaos and worry Perhaps the true secret of all life Is that unity with God ends all strife

Entry 127 - If You Truly Love What You Do

11/3/19 If you truly love what you do, you'll choose to fight to make time each day to do what you love, regardless of any circumstance that might be in the way. I talk to so many people who say they want to do this, or they want to do that, and I ask them why they don't start, and a lot of times they tell me it's because they're afraid of how people will perceive them.  I feel like so many people are afraid to do what they love because they fear being judged for not doing a good job of it. However, how can you let the judgment of others stop you from creating the type of life you wish to live today? Are their opinions more important than your happiness?  Then, if you go deeper, they're afraid to start because they're afraid of failing, but the reality is failure is part of the process towards success. Our failures are like the stepping stones and the finish line is like the success. We don't just go into an exam without learning, practicing, and failing.  T...