
Entry 2,396 - Quotes from A Course in Miracles

Entry 2,396 - January 1, 2025 Forget not, when you feel the need arise to be defensive about anything, you have identified yourself with an illusion. ²And therefore feel that you are weak because you are alone. (ACIM, T-22.V.6:1-2) ¹⁰Love rests in certainty. ¹¹Only uncertainty can be defensive. ¹²And all uncertainty is doubt about yourself. (ACIM, T-22.V.3:10-12) On your learning depends the welfare of the world. ²And it is only arrogance that would deny the power of your will. ³Think you the Will of God is powerless? ⁴Is this humility? ⁵You do not see what this belief has done. ⁶You see yourself as vulnerable, frail and easily destroyed, and at the mercy of countless attackers more powerful than you. ⁷Let us look straight at how this error came about, for here lies buried the heavy anchor that seems to keep the fear of God in place, immovable and solid as a rock. ⁸While this remains, so will it seem to be. 11. Who can attack the Son of God and not attack his Father? ²How can God’s Son...

Entry 2,389 - Entry 2,395

Entry 2,389 - December 24, 2024   I went within and destroyed every version of myself that could not sustain the powerhouse that is within me. Entry 2,390 - December 27, 2024     Pious morality that religion dramatizes is a scam. Everyone views everyone else based on their level of consciousness. Even very high-consciousness individuals are seen as evil by people with lower levels of consciousness. It doesn’t matter how nice you are—they will see you how they see themselves more often than not. They will even see God how they see themselves. Entry 2,391 - December 29, 2024   Jung said he didn’t want to strive to be good; he wanted to strive to be whole, and really, that is my goal. Every person's idea of piousness will differ based on their consciousness. Don't do it for others because you'll never satisfy them, and it'll be like a dog biting its own tail. Do it for you. Improve for you, because that is what matters the most. Entry 2,392 - December 29, 2024   Ch...

Entry 2,388 - Quotes from Transcending the Levels of Consciousness by David R. Hawkins

Entry 2,384 - December 22, 2024 Quotes from Transcending the Levels of Consciousness by David R. Hawkins The allegory of "Adam and Eve" calibrates at 70, and the idea that man was "born in sin" calibrates at a level of truth of only 30. Divinity was perceived as oppressive and frightening. An alternate view that stems from consciousness research is that humans emerged as basically innocent but ignorant, which calibrates at 200. In contrast, there is the view of man as expressed by Socrates that all men are intrinsically innocent because they can only choose to do what they perceive as the good, but they are unable to discern the true good from the false illusions of the world. (Socrates’ statement calibrates at 540.) To make allowance for human error is indicative of a more benign, realistic conscience. Grief The universality of the experience is due to the structure and nature of the ego, which misperceives the source of happiness as external or emotiona...

Entry 2,377 - Entry 2,387

Entry 2,377 - December 3, 2024 For most people, everything outside of us is unbeknownst to us, painted by a belief held within us. Entry 2,378 - December 3, 2024 I had a realization while listening to Breaking Free by High School Musical . Since I first heard this song when I was a kid, it's automatically linked to my inner child and my younger self from the past. While listening, I realized the reason why I take care of my body with love is because my younger self didn't know how to. The reason why I work out to get strong is because my younger self felt like they couldn't, or else it may have made it harder to mask. The reason why I am training so hard to be in the CHP is because my younger self loved cars and helping others out. The reason why I'm studying to be the valedictorian of my CHP class is because my younger self always wanted to be top of my class, but they didn't know how to or have the support to get there. Entry 2,379 - December 5, 2024 I fear (in t...

Entry 2,366 - Entry 2,376

Entry 2,366 - November 25, 2024 A real ascended master sees people as they really are—no beginning and no end, the eternal now, love expressed. The ego is an impersonal field that becomes more aligned with its blueprint (goals, dreams, passions, life purpose) the more one follows the impulse of awakening to their already enlightened Self. Entry 2,367 - November 26, 2024 “God is the fractal expression of who you are. In the now you hold the power of the entire structure of that frequency.” — Quote from anonymous Entry 2,368 - November 26, 2024 I encourage everyone to listen to the audiobook by David Goggins, where he talked about how he put what his haters said on a mixtape and would jam out to it in the morning. That was a powerful lesson for me. Being able to use the negativity people throw at us as fuel to be better, to improve ourselves, and to achieve our goals is huge. I call it dark grace because it shows us and gives us a power boost in the direction of our goals, and it gives u...

Entry 2,357 - Entry 2,365

Entry 2,357 - November 15, 2024 There are many things I agree with in relation to David R. Hawkins and his overall framework of reality and his many beliefs. One, however, that I cannot get behind and support is his limiting belief about how a majority of those who enter the enlightened states cease being able to take care of their body or function normally. Now, I have been really good at spotting limitations of any kind, and to limit the All Pervading Presence of Oneness by saying once one inhabits that Presence, they are unable to take care of their body or they need help for a period of time, is limiting that All Pervading Presence. If this were truly an issue, in my opinion, it would not be the Presence that is the issue, but rather the human ego. Some may be able to handle it, while other people might become too addicted to the heavenly bliss that they refuse to come out of it. This is similar to those addicted to form-based addictions such as drugs or alcohol. The substances all...