
Entry 247 - The Reason Why I'm Not Religious

5/19/20 Many people may wonder about my allegiance to religion, and I would say I have none. I'm completely allegiant and devoted to God, but not religion. I do believe one can learn a lot from different religions, traditions, and cultures, but I am not defined by any. There are many reasons why but I'll try to go in depth about my personal experience. Growing up, I went to church with my family. I would say I always loved God (even if I didn't understand God) when I was told about God, but I didn't make Christianity my own religion until around 6th grade. I then believed in order to be close to God, I had to be close to Christianity or else my relationship with God wasn't right, and I couldn't "be close to God." As the years go by, I still fell in love with God, but I expected Christianity to be the mediator between me and God and solve my problems. I wasn't taught how to solve them myself with God, but was expected to continue to go every thr

Entry 232 - New Experiences

5/11/20 I think the biggest thing that is keeping people from new experiences that are different from what they already know is their inherent fear of the unknown. If someone is afraid of the unknown, they are more likely to cling to the habits of life, to the automatic pilot of life. Their body craves feeling, touching, hearing and experiencing the same things because within that they feel a protection around the known.  However also within that known there is little to no growth, staleness, predictability, and an automatic response to life. When your body gets used to doing certain things, it strengthens the neurons and the connections around that thing until you no longer consciously do it, but your habits literally become an unconscious byproduct of your waking life. Instead of you ruling your mind, your mind rules you with what it already knows.  The known is led by the known, and that safety feels reassuring. However, when one makes peace with the unknown, and they are constantly

Entry 219 - Creator vs Christianity

3/8/20 I think what's hard about Christianity is it can potentially feed into our weaknesses and insecurities by saying "oh you're not enough", or "you're broken", or "you're sinful" and then Christianity will try to fix you, the broken project.  I USED to believe that narrative, but now I don't because I believe the truth is, God is already within every single human being. He is everywhere and in all places, in all creation. There is no where He is not. You don't need a special connection from some priest to be one with God, you already are one with God. The very fact that your soul is immortal is proof that you are connected to the Source of immortality, God.  Christians try to sell it like "Oh I'm going to give you Jesus, and you'll be fixed" but in actuality they're selling their religion, their beliefs, their community, the whole entire package to you. They want you fully connected, fully invested, fully p

Poem in the Darkness of the Night

August 18th, 2023 When I stand outside in the darkness of the night I’m subtly reminded this home is not my own Its peaceful trees are someone else’s seed It’s land the expression of another man I know this is my last incarnation here And if feels bittersweet to behold it as a mirror But I can’t help feel like a foreigner in this body Still an amateur in my own unique hobbies I sit I stand, I get up and command I tell this body to do this, do that, don’t forget to crap. Then I retreat back into a deep state of Me. And it all folds into one thing. Relentlessly it becomes like the wave of a sea. How interesting it is ‘to be.’ I will miss this Earth and all its inhabitants. But I know that this is not the time to write death notes. But to write the future and what it holds. But as of now I can’t help but feel both dead and alive For meditation deconstructs linear time and replaces it with concentric rhymes of life It unveils the behind scenes of this mysterious cosmic dream. The earth the

Entry 175 - Quote of the Day from Adyashanti

"Absolute Truth is not a belief, not a religion, not a philosophy, not a momentary experience, and not a transient spiritual experience either. It is neither static nor in motion, neither good nor bad. It is other than all of that, more other than you can ever imagine. Truth cannot be touched by thought or imagined by the mind. It can only be found in the heart of universal being. To know thy self is the key. To bring forth your being is The Way."                              - Adyashanti

Entry 171 - Praying to the Dead

12/30/19 Let's use a court case as an example to better illustrate an example of using a chain of subjectivity to defend one's doctrine. Say Bob was accused of running a red light. Then witness A says in court he saw Bob run a red light. But then John, who wasn't even there, says he felt in his heart that Witness B who was there when Bob ran the red light, is a good person and therefore a good witness, and believes the testimony of Witness B that Bob would never do such a thing because he is a good person in his heart. Obviously you are going to believe witness A rather than John, who wasn't even there! I mean it would've helped to have Witness B there, but even then, if Witness B isn't going to relay the objective facts and only use his subjective perception of the character of Bob, then that also isn't a very good defense against Witness A!  That is what is happening with the doctrinal arguments of the Bible in regard to praying to the dead. I'm not s

Entry 125 - The Righteous Anger of God

10/28/19 In all my life, I have never felt the way I feel now. As I write this, my hands shake at the emotion I feel. Now I get why God continually called His people out of wicked lands such as Chaldea for Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah for Lot and his family, and Egypt for Moses and the Israelites. Remaining in a place where there's so much evil, it literally makes me want to throw up. Where the people around you are doing the worst things you've never witnessed and that make you physically sick. It must have been such a relief for Abraham, Moses, and Lot to leave that behind and start a new life serving God in an environment that isn't plagued with sin and wickedness. It's one thing when someone sins, it's a whole other thing when someone not only sins, but they deeply enjoy it, and they look forward to the next time they can do it again. Where they are so attached to evil that it's like it follows them wherever they go, leaving a long rancid stench in every ar