Entry 588 - Living with Gender Incongruence
7/5/21 - Gender Incongruence and the Journey to Authenticity Gender Incongruence is a medically recognized condition where someone doesn’t feel aligned with their body. There could be many reasons for this: whether someone is considered intersex at birth, having one of the other six potential sex chromosomal variations, or simply their own internal knowing that their body doesn’t align correctly with the gender they identify with in their brain. It’s very hard to express what it’s like to be transgender to someone who is not, but I’ll try my best. Outwardly, it may look like I’m “trying” to be a dude, but what you don’t see is that inwardly, I have always been that dude. Some people argue that there are masculine women and feminine men, but what they don’t understand is that for trans people, having Gender Incongruence is not about masculine or feminine energy. Ultimately, it is a diagnosable medical condition with genuine steps to alleviate chronic stress and restore alignment of gend