Entry 1,644.5 - Entry 1,656
Entry 1,644.5 - January 28th 2023 Christianity almost killed me. But I made it out to tell my story. At the beginning, there was a box, And I was expected to be inside of it. But how could I hide that I didn’t fit in it? The church judged and condemned those who were outside, So I tried my best to adapt and confide. I threw away my truth to express a lie, All so that they would treat me right. To be accepted by my family, to be accepted by my friends. Or else what would happen if I showed them my truth with no masks, with false gems? Would they leave me? Would they force me out? Could I handle being ostracized by the ones who supposedly loved me the most? When did it become normal to demonize identity? To tell someone who knows who they are that they’re wrong in identifying themselves this far? To take the reins in morality-checking by saying any other identity is a sin in vain? When did the church become God? To have the full ability to judge righteously a human identity? When did hum...